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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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NFR! is a great album and actually every song is so good.

1.Venice Bitch

This song is a trip, an experience, a masterpiece!

2. California

Idk why but I love this song so much and I can really feel the longing in this song . Beautiful verses but bitch I could stuck in the pre chorus + chorus forever. It was my most played song of 2019

3. Fuck it I luuh you

Always loved this song but yeah it aged like fine wine and is in my top 3 now

Love the surfy feel to it. THE OUTRO! She did that !

4. Mariners Apartment Complex

An instant classic. Love love the lyrics

5. Cinnamon Girl

Idk why but I really love this song. It puts me in a specific mood, love her voice in it and yeah the outro is pretty good and give me BTD vibes which is nice. But still think that the version Lana teased had more bass in it or her car has a really good sound system

6. The greatest

The end of the world feeling...and love the lyrics ....this song hits different during the quarantine...

7. Love Song

Soft but BEAUTIFUL. Some of you call it the weakest of the album but it so beautiful


Aged like fine Wine oh wait we are not drinking wine but its a fine song like the cherry coke you serve...hahahaha

9.The Next Best American Record

The demo is still superior but it's interesting how her feelings for Barrie have changed. From "You did it all for fame" to " It was just that good". Sonically it is a good song though and yeah in the beginnig it was weird to listen to it bc of the demo

10. Doin' Time

A bop! Love that Lana gave us something to dance before she destroys us with the following tracks!

11. How to disappear

Well this song was my least fav for an amount of time but suddenly I started to like it and it's such a dreamy track. The instrumental part is beautiful and really enjoy the storytelling

12 . Happiness is a butterfly

Nice song. Glad that they put some instrumentals in it. Don't get me wrong I can enjoy Lana over a piano but the instrumentals added something to the atmosphere of the song and otherwise I think something would be missing.

13. Hope is a dangerous thing.....

Okay Hope is not a bad song. But I have to be in a specific mood to enjoy that song and it has not much replay value for me. Beside the album I only listen to it on a winter walk when it snows. It somehow fits the mood of the song. It's a good song and love her vocals at the end. If it would be Winter right now Hope would be on a higher place

14. Norman Fucking Rockwell

For me it is her weakest title track. The only part of the song that I really like is the outro and everytime she sings blue. Glad that they put the horns in it. They are amazing and somehow save the song for me. Can see why it's the title track and like the idea. Don't dislike the song and yeah over the last weeks/months the song has grown a little bit on me but still get bored especially by the chorus and during the 2nd verse. Sorry to say that but don't really get a connection to this song and it feels kinda 'lazy' and if this song would not be by Lana I wouldn't have tried to like it. But yeah the song is okay I guess. The funniest thing is that I liked the song for a short time after it's release but yeah it didn't aged that well.


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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I wonder if the Grammy « regret » not giving AOTY to NFR (probably not, but still), with the whole pandemic situation happening at the moment. Fuck It I love You and The Greatest kinda feel prophetic in a way: FIILY expresses how our modern way of living wanted more and that we were going to hit a wall, and TG expresses the loss of things passed, of the good things we used to have and that are now on hold.

Not that I dislike Billie’s album, but in these times, NFR sure seems more profound than her record.

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Not sure if this has been discussed here yet or not but cinnamon is a slang term for methamphetamine. I feel like maybe that’s what she’s referring to in cinnamon girl instead of actual cinnamon.

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All of Lanas records have an atmosphere except for Norman.

NFR’s atmosphere could barely be considered the atmosphere in a silent car

Lol whut? It has a very strong atmosphere, whether you like it or not is a different question. And what atmosphere is LFL supposed to have if you say NFR has none :toofunny:

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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All of Lanas records have an atmosphere except for Norman.

NFR’s atmosphere could barely be considered the atmosphere in a silent car


Why didn't I write this.

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if she wants to get rid of everything so desperately, she can give it all to me for free


you're welcome

It's the same person you can ask her actually

But I don't think she is selling because of what have happened

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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All of Lanas records have an atmosphere except for Norman.

NFR’s atmosphere could barely be considered the atmosphere in a silent car


100 percent disagree - IMHO it has such an atmosphere, up there with Honeymoon. 

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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With all Jeffrey Epstein stuff coming again to light, been wondering about what Lana said about Hope and how it related to terrible things she has seen in the industry yet has to stay quiet about...

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if she wants to get rid of everything so desperately, she can give it all to me for free


you're welcome

It's the same person you can ask her actually

But I don't think she is selling because of what have happened

okay this is my collection from like half a year ago but i posted it in the wrong thread as a joke bc of the posts lana made pls forgive me


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