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Showing most liked content on 07/24/2024 in all areas

  1. 48 likes
    not to hype any of you because i don’t have any further information as of now BUT there is an item drop scheduled for 07/30 (“soft launch” most likely pre-order) and finally dropping on 09/08. not sure if it’s just another random merch drop, a drop dedicated to the successful “tough” to boost it’s sales, or for the new era… once I know more, I will let you know
  2. 23 likes
    We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore, except to make our lives into a work of Lasso
  3. 16 likes
    i wish i could tell you more but i don’t know shit other than that there’s a drop. the drop is a physical product though. product as in merchandise. maybe a vinyl, a shirt along to a new song, a new merchandise collection, i don’t know. all i know there’s something coming. don’t kill me if it’s not related to lasso haha
  4. 16 likes
    second wp incoming if nothing comes on tuesday
  5. 16 likes
  6. 16 likes
    my bad! i put the wrong date. supposed announcement next tuesday, july 30th and supposed drop the following week, august 9th.
  7. 15 likes
  8. 14 likes
    Also, someone pointed out the other day annadaleyyoung on IG posted "big announcement coming this month" with a photo of Lana in her post. She's used "on our way" in a caption recently, too. Could be absolutely nothing or could be something
  9. 14 likes
    The way Lana is coming maybe…like wow we really survived
  10. 14 likes
  11. 13 likes
    Early August - “Fly Away” gets surprised dropped & we all cheer Late August - Pre-Orders for Lasso Early September - Tough 7in Ships and few days later Lasso gets released Late September - Lana records a music video for a song in Lasso Oh we’re so ready
  12. 13 likes
    There's something in the wind, I can feel it blowin' in It's comin' in softly on the wings of a preorder instagram post
  13. 13 likes
  14. 13 likes
    I'm just happy to be feeling something again It's been too damn dry out here.
  15. 13 likes
  16. 13 likes
    omg @hotshot2am can you confirm? EDIT WAIT THIS IS THE PERSON THAT LEAKED TOUGH COVER WE WON
  17. 13 likes
    Announcement on my birthday, I used to pray for times like these...
  18. 13 likes
    me now me if preorder drops me if it doesn’t me if lana just wants to be done with lasso and drops the preorder just a week ahead of the release
  19. 12 likes
    Honestly a week notice for a the single, it dropping in August and then the album the following month is following the Honeymoon print, and I think that’s the best case scenario. With tunnel being delayed in January after getting an official release date, I’m more than happy with only a month or two (because I still the think the album is going to be released in October)between announcement and album! plus Tough isn’t even a month old yet and is still fresh in my mind, so I don’t need a new Lana song currently
  20. 12 likes
    I believe, but they also said they didn’t want to hype us up so I’m also not expecting anything major
  21. 12 likes
  22. 12 likes
    This thread is finally hot for a reason!!!!! This HAS to be for lasso it makes so much sense but I'm gonna continue thinking it's a new crappy t shirt with the Tough cover on it until it's officially revealed
  23. 12 likes
    Honestly, I'll take it and run if it means we get out of this annoying dry spell Even if nothing comes of it, it feels good to be delulu again
  24. 11 likes
    I love the way this site can go from 0-100 in under 6 seconds Visual album coming September 13th, 15 weeks at no. 1
  25. 11 likes
  26. 11 likes
    I'm so happy that there's something to look forward to now since it's been quite dry lately (as if we didn't get a new song like three weeks ago but still) ANYWAYS WHAT IF IT'S HENRY??????
  27. 11 likes
  28. 10 likes
    We'll give you grace, because you already left a disclaimer on your initial spill. We're just choosing to ride the delulu train.
  29. 10 likes
    I think we get a double single Fly Away/Mirror.
  30. 10 likes
    No not really. They do post some accurate info (and they usually own up when something they say is wrong/doesn’t happen) but a lot of times the info is mostly stuff that could have been easily guessed if you’re following the fandom at all Like one insider (not PInsider) tweeted “Lana - This summer” a couple of months ago, then tagged Tough’s release picture when it was announced, but literally anyone could have ‘known’ were getting something this summer so it’s mostly just lucky guesses. I don’t think many of them have actual inside knowledge
  31. 10 likes
    no matter what's going to happen and what will happen we'll be gagged
  32. 10 likes
    When hotshot is gagged from a literal gag order by Ben’s team to stop revealing insider info
  33. 10 likes
    Maybe we should trend #LASSOISCOMING and #LANAISCOMING on Twitter and force her out of hiding?
  34. 10 likes
    Say Yes to Heaven (Sped Up) With More Speed coming August 9
  35. 10 likes
    Oh yeah this definitely is not for Lasso maybe lead single tho
  36. 10 likes
    I still think Lasso is a member of the White Hot Forever and Rock Candy Sweet family
  37. 10 likes
  38. 10 likes
    didn't lana say music is going towards spoken word? the mirror/whatever song she performed is kinda spoken word
  39. 10 likes
  40. 9 likes
    I Hope she changed the album title to "Has Anyone Else Died For You?"
  41. 9 likes
    Please more quavo. There are so many indications that she goes in a new direction, more bops,fuller Sound. I think we get tough and fly away on lasso Also mirror and on our way Some songs will be inspired by american/ride. It will absolutely a milestone in her career.
  42. 9 likes
    No more Quavo please It’s henry’s time to shine
  43. 9 likes
    Wait wasn't Lana at a shooting range earlier this year as well. It was before Coachella and way before the Tough music video. I wonder if they shot a music video or sth back then. I remember seeing on TikTok that Ricardo apparently told someone that Lana told him that she is shooting a western themed project but I don't know if it's real or just fan fic so Also this year is really packed so a short rollout like Honeymoon would definitely make sense
  44. 9 likes
    What if henry is coming home baby? WHAT IF ITS JUST HENRY, but ill be happy anyways
  45. 9 likes
    And didn’t they get a warning point for trolling, I can’t our insider of the era who was shunned at first lol
  46. 9 likes
    The way Ocean Blvd would have been released on my bday if it didn't got delayed
  47. 9 likes
  48. 9 likes
    You are the true insider queen this era, thank you for your services
  49. 9 likes
    YALL . imagine if the past, present, future thing is a bridge transitioning into outro i need that song desperately it sounds so cunty and has DRUMS, and i hope it’s a zach song and that we’ll get it first if not then i hope it’s an album opener likee HAS TO BE
  50. 9 likes
    July 25th- Henry come on is released and lasso pre order is announced to be the 30th Meltdowns until the 30th July 30th- Cover and tracklist are revealed on the preorder meltdown once again Silence until albums release One music video Silence once again
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