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Showing most liked content on 10/19/2024 in all areas

  1. 13 likes
    Lana’s stylist posted a country themed display of clothes and cowboy hats for a shoot she’s on, with Neil young song on the video LASSO WE WON
  2. 8 likes
    I have a feeling we’re about to get her best album…
  3. 8 likes
    I wonder what her vision of Southern Gothic is because I remember when in the Interview Magazine 2020 issue she said that COTCC is Midwestern Grunge and I wouldn't really say it was that, or was it?
  4. 8 likes
    Theres zero chance those two tough remixes were what she was referring to. That would be pure insanity behavior….
  5. 7 likes
    Her stylist Molly stories kinda showed how she's like in a swampy place or something or is it just me?
  6. 7 likes
    When in a couple of years we're still waiting for Lasso
  7. 6 likes
    Imagine if she deletes lasso and drops those lust for life outtakes
  8. 6 likes
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    if lasso is inspired by neil young then i'm sure it will be a masterpiece
  10. 6 likes
    there are too many conflicting opinions, I will ask the truth about Lasso to Tessa Dipietro as soon as she answers my voice will be clearer and I will be able to tell you if this hypothetical new album will be good
  11. 6 likes
    White Dress was a little bit of a midwestern emo vibe But I have a feeling it will not be southern gothic
  12. 6 likes
  13. 5 likes
    Bitch… Oil of Every Pearls Un-Insides Nonstop Remix Album is getting a vinyl pressing https://www.roughtrade.com/en-gb/product/sophie-3/oil-of-every-pearls-un-insides-non-stop-remix-album?cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&utm_source=CJ&cjevent=ac17eeba8e2611ef80646ab70a1eba24 They put it up early and took it down … will be a translucent 3LP limited to 1500 copies
  14. 5 likes
    What insider teased something coming end of October? They said it was non-Lasso related. Pantene?
  15. 5 likes
    Well if what molly posted is for lasso/lana, we did have that one twitter insider who said she would shoot a MV for a single during fall either way I won’t be moving till something actually drops
  16. 5 likes
    trust the Clow cards y'all The Mist was drawn out from my reading session while asking when is the lead single - which means winter time - keep your eyes open from November - january 2025
  17. 5 likes
    The way my mom and I would die. He’s her fave artist and the chella entrance made me bawl edit: one of the covers that I actually want
  18. 5 likes
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  20. 5 likes
    I just saw Molly’s stories… I have a good feeling about it (yet i know better than to have a good feeling about it). I grabbed screenshots but don’t have time to upload them to insert from url and not sure if there’s an easier way to do it. I HATE that I keep kidding myself that lasso is coming, molly Dickson could be on a shoot with Hadid or really anyone now that western aesthetic is in style. It could be any stupid non lasso related shoot BUT not only was it full of VERY Lana accessories, she captioned it “yeehaw”, but most of all, the fact that she put a Neil young song deviates too much from a generic “country” song you’d pick for a story like that. I really don’t think Molly would torture us, I think she’s throwing us a bone. But a photo shoot does not an album make.
  21. 5 likes
    Guys I think we’re most probs closer than we think to news on Lasso If we lower our expectations a bit then it will be much more enjoyable when she does release something I think!
  22. 5 likes
    i don't even think she knew about those remixes early on. she might not even know about them now lol
  23. 4 likes
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  26. 4 likes
    I feel like those stories scream lana. The jewelry, cowboy hats, outfits, the Neil young song, yeehaw, whatever creek/swamp/place they’re at.. It’s possible it could be someone else and I know country is more popular this year, but I can’t imagine this being for anyone else. The outfits/accessories look remind me of that one photoshoot she did with the horses and Nikki lane last year too
  27. 4 likes
    This! Sorry guys, but I also think it could be for anyone. You know...the music business is going country... but it would be great if it was for Lana 🤠
  28. 4 likes
    Maybe she's covering that Neil Young song hehe
  29. 4 likes
  30. 4 likes
    I do think when we get the album that it could be her best work so far (to me), but I think it’ll be polarising and a LOT of people are gonna hate it what’s new there though
  31. 4 likes
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  34. 4 likes
    I love Lasso as an album title but I don't mind not getting a country inspired record
  35. 4 likes
  36. 4 likes
    I think the most unlikely thing is not Taylor's invitation but rather Lana agreeing to go.
  37. 4 likes
    actually she never said 'singles' in the vogue interview , only 'two more' ...
  38. 3 likes
    share the craziest TikToks you have seen about Lana or using Lana songs this is just a bit of fun no being horrible to any original posters please
  39. 3 likes
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  41. 3 likes
    venice bitch is built like some of the loner's greatest tracks (like a hurricane, cortez down by the river, southern man) so maybe other venice bitch with more guitar
  42. 3 likes
    Nah def looks like she’s doing a location shoot. I think the shoot is in the mud, she had clamps and other styling assist things on her
  43. 3 likes
    This is like that Sheridan situation during the COCC era which if I remember right turned out to be nothing. It’s so so dry and bleak rn.
  44. 3 likes
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  46. 3 likes
    i love zach and kacey, if lana followed this direction it would be perfect
  47. 3 likes
    all the techno tracks should've been 10 minutes long if we wanna be real
  48. 3 likes
    not another rock candy sweet situation im still waiting for a cover album so if she just wants to upload that on apple music while we wait, that'd be cute. or an album of some unreleased for fun. idk im just bored
  49. 3 likes
    i think there's an album on the way but i don't think it's anything like what she had in mind back in february and it's definitely not called lasso anymore
  50. 3 likes
    The way this thread’s been a bit awkward’s kinda sending me
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