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oh wow your reactions is so... divided. Yall trashing and praising it at the same time??? WE ARE SO BACK TO ARTPOP ERA. This is the literal Mayhem lol

should i listen to it right now or wait for the bonus tracks? can we listen to the bonus tracks yet? I kinda want to see how they flow along within the album

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1 hour ago, Anonymcomenter said:


Okay sure, but at least Swine, Marry the Night and so had a more poetic approach in her lyrics. Not just "poor me" if that makes sense... Idk theres something off with her lyrics since Joanne for me... its like a toddler wrote them. Reminds me of Melanie Martinez i nthe sense that she used to be so artsy and creative with her lyrics and seems we wont see that from her anymore. At least vocals and production are on point (she always delivers vocally) this time.


Also u could argue that in Marry the Night shes clearly accepting those sad situations

Ok but she had severe ptsd episodes and her mental health was atrocious during the ARTPOP era. She changed a lot after this era.

Ppl like Tony Bennett helped her to feel better but also to become a better person.


To each their own, I prefered her lyrics during BTW era too but her current style is pretty good and striking "Like a poem said by a Lady in Red" is already a classic.


Also her Mayhem album is theatrical and some lyrics fit to her Lady Mayhem persona, while some other to Stefani, etc... It's the lore of the album. 


The best exemple of that is "Disease", Gaga use sensual and tempting lyrics but it's from Lady Mayhem pov to her vulnerable personas. 

While "Abracadabra" is from Lady Gaga pov to Lady Mayhem. :legend:

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Oooooo it’s a complete divide, even down to songs, some people saying a specific song is trash and others saying it’s the best ever???


im so excited to listen tomorrow and see what side I land in haha 

like a dream, you glide on the water 


and like a star, I shine from the shore 

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1 hour ago, Anonymcomenter said:

dont wanna sound stupid but whats Happy Mistake? 

The only original song she wrote/recorded for Harlequinn, theres also an incredible performance of it on Jimmy Kimmel

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I dont think its hate, for me at least! I know im gonna replay the shit out of it! Its just an observation about her lyricism… which in my opinion has gone downhill since Joanne. Her songs used to be more artistic and full of metaphors while now shes more in the face (and theres nothing wrong with that, but coming from her feels a little generic). shes no Katy Perry and we all know what shes capable of, so thats why its dissapointing in that aspect…


that said, I dont think its a BAD album perse, it has great production, catchy choruses and its enjoyable overall. Its just no TFM or BTW… but at this point i think we all know that wont repeat itself. Shes grown up, maybe less ambitious and thats OK! REheating the nachos just feels desengenuine and a way to capitalize of her old success 

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It’s a good record, top 3 I think. A bit more funky and disco than I expected. Shadow of a Man was totally different than I thought, I was expecting more a Born This Way industrial euro electronic sound.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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