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35 likesSuddenly I’m very excited for the FJM feature.
29 likesi mean i dont even care if he likes the album or not, because if it's Lana Del Rey then it's LANA DEL REY. A win for the culture a win for the little fuckers
29 likeswhen you log into lanaboards and see that this thread is labeled as "HOT!", has 120 members viewing, has received 300 replies, and is retitled as "Del Norte County - Pre-Pre-Release Thread"
LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
R29 and 28 others liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq
BOZ confirming he was talking abt Lana oh wow -
26 likesBOZ wouldn't just randomly talk about the album if it wasn't close. He's been very quiet regarding Lana and he doesn't talk about her until things are set in stone
25 likesokay but the fact that she has multiple albums which could be considered this, there's really nobody else like her
25 likesok but maybe this really will be honeymoon's twin sister. i'm expecting a jazzy, orchestral sound with heartbreaking lyrics. -W Mag interview: angry songs, Honeymoon referenced twice, Swan Song mentioned -Honeymoon acct name/bio still the same, "Honeymoon is alive and breathing" -Drew charting instrumentals in April -Rockefeller has HM vibes tbh -John Batiste is involved -FJM collab im also hoping for an album trailer this era. maybe kinda like the LFL one? after all, she did post a clip of that trailer back in June. iconic.
25 likes"The world is not ready for the masterpiece of an album that I just heard" "I can't wait to talk about this, it's so wild, can't believe I love it this much"
25 likesliterally everyone BUT Lana announcing her new music this queen never gets to say anything herself
24 likesRemember when there was a bunch of talk last year from an insider saying she is going in a different direction with this new album?? Something about NFR, COCC, BB being a trilogy and this new recording being the start of a NEW sound? I'm rambling but I hope that's true (even though I love COCC & BB's
22 likeswhen she starts scatting on rockefeller
22 likesHoping she’s gonna ride the SOTB hype and drop the lead single soon
22 likesDon't forget Jack posting a picture of Lana titled "Honeymoon from hell"
22 likesHe called the album a masterpiece so likely both
21 likesHoneymoon from hell hell, jazzy-ambient sounds, cold ice waves, black and white, half naked Lana on the beach, wordy lyrics
21 likesIs FJM a reliable insider?
20 likesParadise anniversary tomorrow! Let's all manifest something
20 likesSOTB being sent to triple A radio followed by SOTB remix with more Lana followed by SOTB music video followed by LDR9 album trailer followed by LDR9 lead single + music video followed by cover and tracklist reveal followed by second single followed by album release yuppp
20 likeswait if the FJM x Lana is true then it means that MY MANIFESTATION of the spacey-jazzy psYchedelic old Hollywood sound IS COMING FOR REAL? I'M DECEASED
20 likescan't wait to see the critics eating it all up and apologizing for everything bad they said about her and her music
19 likesinb4 the collab is FJM serving background vocals
19 likesAnd since he didn't liked COCC & BB there must be a different sound or at least something slighty different
19 likesit's really exciting to know that boz was actually referring to ldr9! everything has felt so mysterious, but now, it feels like we have some more concrete answers, i also feel like this album will be reminiscent of honeymoon, something cinematic, luscious, distant, and breezy! i really enjoyed buddy's rendezvous, so i'm happy to hear that she's working with father john misty again! whatever happened to the girl i knew? in the wasteland come up short, and end up on the news
18 likesIt's pretty silly to think that Lana's managers won't take advantage of Lana's popularity at the moment, the collaboration with Taylor and the amount of monthly listeners she has on Spotify to promote the new era. Maybe Lana doesn't care about the numbers, but I'm sure her label does.
18 likesBOZ has very questionable taste but this news must mean it's actually coming somewhat soon
18 likesinb4 y'all hate the album and come for BOZ's throat for saying it's a masterpiece
LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
aly and 17 others liked a post in a topic by NikoGo
So BOZ says he heard a masterpiece album that he has to wait a couple months to talk about, her label is releasing ad's promoting her playlist and newsletter, and FJM talked about their song together? Oh it's coming soon soon -
17 likesBOZ also said that he loves when Jack does things right, it happened the same day BOZ gave us that album description. I don know about you, but I'm hoping for a NFR level album.
17 likesa lana instagram livestream will solve all our problems
17 likesWell I imagined it coming september 1st 2022 so where’s it at
16 likesAll this talk about masterpiece and fantastic is scaring me. I literally feel intimidated by the arrival of this album like it's coming to kill me. Im really scared. It's gonna be like blowing a fuse just far too much power..
16 likesi don’t know why i think this especially considering i am not a fan of really anything on BB at all but i kinda feel like whatever is coming next is going to be lana’s magnum opus… like the body of work that defines her whole career 60 years down the line, the critical acclaim of Norman x10, the thing that really cements her legacy. i’m kind of scared i think that because i feel like i might be setting myself up for disappointment but i can’t shake the gut feeling
16 likesmind y'all her monthly listeners on Spotify is currently 45,7M - this is the PEAK of her career Lanita this is the time to make the move sis
16 likesWe won the evil has been defeated
16 likesBOZ replied to someone talking about the FJM collab with "and its fantastic" AHHHHH LETS MOVE GIRLIES
16 likesThis « era » reminds me A LOT of Chemtrails: - interview in the summer with photos that served, saying something was coming but wasn’t done yet; - beginning of fall: Lana posts about the album not being released yet. - a new single… that doesn’t satisfy us (Snow on the Beach / Let Me Love You Like a Woman); so… teasing in December and real single in January that will slay us?!
16 likesFresh news!!!! it's fake I don't want to give free promo to that lying twink but I found one of his songs and the "Lana" voice he uses there is the same as these snippets
16 likesEven FJM is in his delulu era
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