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  1. 18 likes
    If Lasso is a bad title Southern Gothic is 10x worse
  2. 16 likes
    lizzy grant DID NOT pour out her entire HEART and SOUL on pawn shop blues (and the rest of AKA) and then DIE just for people to say that AKA was her worst album! perhaps we don't deserve lasso!
  3. 14 likes
    and nfr and mac and vb and fiily and love song and how to disappear and california and the greatest and happiness is a butterfly and hope and white dress and cotcc and tulsa jesus freak and dark but just a game and dykttatuob and a&w and kintsugi and grandfather and margaret and fishtail and taco truck
  4. 13 likes
    Lasso is iconic there's no way to explain it
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    "southern gothic" would be a strange album title, it would be like naming your album "science fiction" or "psychological thriller" i like lasso as a title a lot, but it gives off more cowgirl, wild-west vibes, then it does southern gothic vibes
  8. 12 likes
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    In June, Lana Del Rey met some fans while dining out at Swingers Diner in Los Angeles, California. These pictures are old with an unconfirmed date, most likely from June, but they only recently surfaced! x
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    I feel like the point of it being called Lasso is because of how on the nose it is lol
  14. 9 likes
    same street also said we'll get Lasso's first single "In God's Time" this week or next.
  15. 9 likes
    hear me out what if lasso is actually not a true record/album but rather a theoretical and notional album that is presented to us as a conceptual form of art where the "lasso" is the album trying to enclose/encircle material, as artists like Lana are demanded to capture by fans, but just like the looped rope, there is nothing within the lasso, and therefore, there are no actual songs on lasso
  16. 9 likes
    im so happy she didn’t use troye for the guess remix like can you imagine he starts singing shit like “you wanna guess the color of my jock strap”
  17. 8 likes
    I mean...we can't exclude the possibility that she might release Lasso digitally She has at least said for years that she will release a digital album. Maybe it's Lasso's time. But I know that the label would want her to release the vinyls because her vinyls bring a lot of money. If it is digital then maybe it will be released in September?
  18. 8 likes
    With seemingly everyone on here wondering if Lasso is iconic or not... I fell down a rabbit hole researching the actual term/word Lasso. The thing itself actually has an interesting history dating back to ancient Egypt. The modern term comes way of the Spanish via their Mexican conquest. We all know that Lana's album titles come from song titles, and Lana does her fair share of linguistic research. She has repeatedly used words and phrasing to her advantage throughout her discography. I have no idea how Lana will use Lasso in a song, but I can almost guarantee it will be iconic! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasso
  19. 8 likes
  20. 8 likes
    Lasso is a tool she's going to use for her cover art in Picsart
  21. 8 likes
    I’ll never forgive Charlene for cutting in the middle of the speed drive music to tease her most underwhelming track “In the City” 😭😭
  22. 8 likes
  23. 8 likes
    You all slandered AKA in this thread...
  24. 8 likes
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    Thank God they were caught before they could act out their terrible plan. I can’t imagine how Taylor and everyone who was supposed to attend is feeling right now
  27. 7 likes
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    I think it's interesting as a one word title. We haven't had a one word title since Honeymoon and that probably plays in part of it. Some see one word titles as iconic and Lasso is an interesting choice - it tells you in one word it's western, country vibes
  29. 7 likes
  30. 7 likes
    The way I fully forgot about In the City… I only listened to it like once. Such a random unnecessary song
  31. 7 likes
  32. 7 likes
    Jack Antonoff could never give us Kill Kill, Oh Say Can You See, or Pawn Shop Blues.
  33. 7 likes
    The possibility of us getting Lasso-related tea within this month is more realistic
  34. 7 likes
    I’m still convinced the Bazaar photoshoot was a clue or indicative of the style for LDR10. Swamp glamourpuss in a small southern gothic townThe question is has she moved on since then and reworked everything
  35. 7 likes
  36. 6 likes
    her Latin inspired music album is coming. Revenge of the Lanita is new album title
  37. 6 likes
    Lasso is camp and iconic - The transition from Brat Summer into Lasso Autumn will be one for the history books 🤞🏻🤠🤞🏻
  38. 6 likes
    When the artwork is her best ever and the album is a 11-track masterpiece of 6 minute long dark country songs
  39. 6 likes
    Is Lasso really the first thing that comes to mind with the word "country"? I had no idea this word existed in English until she said it (I'm ESL but still). And it's such a simple word but with many possible meanings and not just something literal like idk... "Cowboy Hat"? That would be a bad name lmao
  40. 6 likes
    okay so we didn’t Quite crack top 10… BUT LETS GOOOOO!!! do we think it’ll free fall or do we think it’ll remain stable… do we think we’ll get a quick push to radio?! im so curious how atlantic is gonna deal with promoting 3 songs at once. 360s doing really good at radio and is only rising, Guess just had the biggest single debut of charli’s career, apple is gigantic on tiktok and is rising on the Hot100, All three are on TTH…
  41. 6 likes
    Quavo is releasing Fly this Friday (no Lana on it though). I really believe this is the « soft launch for an August 9th release » that was talked about : QUAVO’s
  42. 6 likes
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    … now where’s the 365 cunty remix?
  45. 5 likes
    “You wanna guess the color of my butt plug stretching me? I’m a top!”
  46. 5 likes
    This remains THE Lana hidden gem... Hypnotic. They were in their Into Dust bag here. What strikes me soooo much about this song is how identical her vocal delivery is present day. It really sounds like it could have been recorded yesterday and not many of her songs have that quality at all. I also believe the lyrics are "Hours fly like railroad ties" which makes so much more sense as it's saying the hours pass as quickly when they're together as the tracks beneath a train do.
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    Ntm on Lizzy... It actually does have some very interesting sonic choices and even the most minimalistic songs don't really sound as hollow as some of the content we've been receiving lately.
  50. 5 likes
    Nope. Boz said he heard a masterpiece album in like October but other than that it was a silent as it is now
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