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Showing most liked content on 08/08/2024 in Posts

  1. 16 likes
    August comes, September goes Album date, I skip, god knows…
  2. 15 likes
    yall know the drill, take one point and give it to another person until there's one left wait for someone else to take their turn before going again spinmeround - 10 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 10 The Siren - 10 lanaismamom - 10 lustforlife - 10 the ocean - 10 lanaswildflowers - 10 wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 10 arcadialovesong2018- 10 reputation - 10 sparklejumpropenoose - 10 DeluluKing - 10 Acid - 10 Prettiest Boy In Country Music - 10 Eugene - 10
  3. 15 likes
  4. 15 likes
    Me streaming entire songs by artists I don't like just to hear Lana hum and say "uh" for 2 seconds
  5. 13 likes
  6. 12 likes
    In June, Lana Del Rey met some fans while dining out at Swingers Diner in Los Angeles, California. These pictures are old with an unconfirmed date, most likely from June, but they only recently surfaced! x
  7. 11 likes
    It's hard out there being a September truther
  8. 11 likes
    Shazam recognized it in January, I guess the app is becoming lowkey unreliable since it recognizes Youtube uploaded songs and also her unreleased songs We need that app which recognized Candy Necklace
  9. 11 likes
    It seems that their source was from Quavo's team, the dates matched with the "soft launch" on Instagram and release on streaming.
  10. 11 likes
    The only thing she said we have evidence for since the announcement half a year ago was oh jeez what can I say now and that the lyrics are american songbook style
  11. 10 likes
    tell me why this is how i find out the siren was banned omfg…
  12. 10 likes
    It’s been shazamable since January because it’s uploaded to YouTube
  13. 10 likes
    0 the song is now available in New Zealand.
  14. 10 likes
    last pic brings me so much joy for them, you can feel their excitement
  15. 9 likes
    Fenway stadium show intro lowkey being one of my all-time favorite Lana songs. Such an amazing song, so beautiful. Feels like a totally new song, like it doesn't fit solely on any of her albums but gives the feeling like it could belong on any of her albums. Do you understand what I mean? It sounds so magical, it's so short yet so monumental. Super powerful, it gives a true stadium feeling, like a chant. Or even like those big build-up songs in car commercials. It's very quintessentially Lana, especially the lyrics - it's like a great combination of Lizzy Grant era, earlier breakthrough years Lana and current Lana. Really reminded me of Violet era poems as well, lowkey with witchy vibes. I love those references to Back To The Basics as well. The instrumental reminds me of Florence + The Machine and Portishead, little bit different from Lana's usual material but still so Lana. Like a perfect combination of those bands I mentioned, like a 90s alt song but also such modern sounding. If it actually is that short, like 2 minutes or shorter then it could go super viral (I mean...TikTokers with short-attention span love these kind of songs) and perform well in charts and streamings. It could also have a mini cute visual! I was so surprised (in a good way) when I heard it in the soundcheck video. I have always loved her snippets of her newer songs but the last time I was like in that awe with a new snippet was when she teased Cinnamon Girl, and it's a gorgeous song as well! But this time I don't want to play the live video all over again because I don't want to overplay it and ruin the first time official audio experience for me. But still it's "tattooed" in my head because it's just so stunning, possibly my favorite intro of her tours of all time! Sorry for writing such a long "essay" about this short song but I hope you understand me, why I did that!
  16. 9 likes
    it’s been 4 months since Neil posted these pictures ( without context & without tagging anyone ), and I still think it’s lana related
  17. 9 likes
  18. 8 likes
    This thread is definitely a strong contender for thread of the year so far imo
  19. 8 likes
    This is the first thing on this site in weeks that’s excited me a bit
  20. 8 likes
    I guess we know now "DNC" stands for Do Not Come... Cause Henry is also not coming
  21. 8 likes
  22. 7 likes
  23. 7 likes
    that's also how lustforlife got banned, they accidentally posted a link to watercolor eyes... which i find to be especially anticlimatic for them
  24. 7 likes
    nevermind this is kind of messed up lol
  25. 7 likes
    Not this happening one day before the August 9th date lmao, trying not to get too delulu
  26. 7 likes
    To fuel the delulu train… https://x.com/ldrcrave/status/1821587552249496055?s=46&t=9DAe1og0lBbLa_v4qZjMpA (I really don’t think it’s coming this soon, Shazam recognizes YouTube videos, which is probably what happened with Henry)
  27. 7 likes
    FLY · Quavo · Lenny Kravitz Released on: 2024-08-09 Producer, Associated Performer, Bass, Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesizer: Andrew Watt Producer, Associated Performer, Drum Programming, Keyboards, Synthesizer, Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Cirkut Studio Personnel, Mixer: Manny Marroquin Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Anthony Vilchis Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Trey Station Studio Personnel, Assistant Mixer: Zach Pereyra Associated Performer, Vocalist: Lenny Kravitz Associated Performer, Rap Vocalist: Quavo A& R Admin: Liz Isik Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Paul LaMalfa Studio Personnel, Additional Engineer: Marco Sonzini Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Mike Bozzi Composer Lyricist: Andrew Watt Composer Lyricist: Billy Walsh Composer Lyricist: Lana Del Rey Composer Lyricist: Lenny Kravitz Composer Lyricist: Quavious Marshall
  28. 6 likes
    I’m not hopeful but I’m also not not hopeful because everyone has had relatively short announcement to release windows this year. If something isn’t announced by August 20th, I think a September album release definitely isn’t happening
  29. 6 likes
    Hmmm...interesting. It's probably not coming soon but I hope that she didn't scrap it. But what about Fenway intro song?
  30. 6 likes
    This was from Monday when I asked about Shazam ⬆️ And this one is from January, I found recently while digging old posts from Lasso era earlier this year I forgot ⬇️
  31. 6 likes
  32. 6 likes
    they probably don’t live chronically online and log onto LB every single day. and we can’t even say they were wrong yet. i get the frustration, but they probably gave us the best information with what they had.
  33. 6 likes
    who thinks sparklertrailerheaven deserves the harshest punishment here on lanaboards
  34. 6 likes
    At this point, I'd be happy with the song she debuted at Fenway Park and then she can disappear for the year if she wants because clearly this album is not coming in September and if it is, then she must have very minimal promo planned which doesn't really gel with her exposure this year. She's at (another) career peak No way Ben and Ed are going to let her roll an album out in an entirely new genre for her in less than 40 days it just doesn't make sense And for the argument: "lAnA dOeS wHaT sHe WaNtS" I don't think that's entirely true If it was she would be releasing 3 albums and EP's galore with MS Paint album covers every year she records and moves onto the next album constantly the team is probably strategically planning a big rollout
  35. 5 likes
    get the lost media hyperfixators on this STAT idc "oh it's lost media..." WE SHOULD BE SENDING OUR MINIONS TO WORK WHAT IS THIS FANDOM MADE OF
  36. 5 likes
  37. 5 likes
    This actually makes me wonder how many banned members this site has
  38. 5 likes
    I think it was on shazam before idk why everyone is freaking out about this today anyways we are tired still nothing and it's supposed to be out next month-
  39. 5 likes
  40. 5 likes
    Sorry for the false alarm yall whoever has that discord app (I think that’s what it is?) should try
  41. 5 likes
  42. 5 likes
  43. 5 likes
    It’s actually so southern gothic as well omg…
  44. 5 likes
    So based on Lana having a writing credit I’m guessing this is our August 9th surprise. Soft launch (snippet) a day early and now this tomorrow. Shame it’s not anything Lasso related, but still cool that something Lana helped write is being released!
  45. 5 likes
    Tbh let's not really blame sparklertrailerwhatevertheirnamewas because they themselves didn't know what was it and they kinda warned us that it might be nothing
  46. 5 likes
  47. 5 likes
  48. 5 likes
    Bel Air - Lana Del Rey 1. Idol Of Roses 2. Soft Resurrection 3. Come to me, baby 4. Mon Amour 5. Iconic Soul 6. The Violentest Kind Of Love 7. Bad Baby 8. Can you break this heart of mine? 9. Grenadine 10. It’s Okay To Shine 11. Heaven’s Door
  49. 5 likes
    I mean...we can't exclude the possibility that she might release Lasso digitally She has at least said for years that she will release a digital album. Maybe it's Lasso's time. But I know that the label would want her to release the vinyls because her vinyls bring a lot of money. If it is digital then maybe it will be released in September?
  50. 5 likes
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