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Showing most liked content on 08/02/2024 in all areas

  1. 16 likes
    I don't think Katy is competition to anyone these days
  2. 15 likes
    Talking about her albums with Jack Antonoff, every one of them had this kind of a semi-experimental, long and totally unique/different track which was also a huge fan favorite, like Venice Bitch, White Dress and A&W. I'm pretty sure that Lasso will have one of those tracks as well, since it's produced by Jack!
  3. 14 likes
  4. 12 likes
  5. 12 likes
    "charli likes boys but she knows i'd hit it" the serve
  6. 11 likes
    GAS gas GAS gas GAS gas gas GAS
  7. 10 likes
    Well chemtrails is one of her most cohesive albums, even though many of the songs weren’t intended for it, but it’s just so cohesive!!
  8. 9 likes
    February - Von Dutch March - Von Dutch Remix April - Club Classics/B2B May - 360 June - 360 Remix & Brat July - Girl So Confusing Remix August - Guess Remix
  9. 8 likes
  10. 8 likes
  11. 8 likes
    babe it's for my work safety technician degree
  12. 8 likes
    Her "chilling" is actually a great sign of the album being done She always takes time off right before her albums (and she still has some shows this summer)
  13. 7 likes
    I understand why jack got so popular as a producer, but he's honestly burnt out and run out of ideas his production used to be genuinely interesting but now it's boring and dull and repetitive
  14. 7 likes
    if she's delaying bc of Katy she's doing it out of the kindness of her heart not bc the label thinks Katy will overshadow
  15. 7 likes
    i assume this means u got bullied for being 🏳️‍🌈
  16. 7 likes
    just sent 365 remix as my graduation entrance song
  17. 7 likes
    I totally understand what you’re saying and agree that 2-3 years between albums isn’t that long. But it did get me thinking about artists and album cycles. Lana has consistently put out albums every couple of years (sometimes sooner) basically since the beginning of her career in 2012. She is always writing, making magic and allowing us to go alongside her. Making music is a huge part of her life and we’re extremely lucky to experience it. I really can’t think of any other artist who is putting out material consistently like her. This kind of makes me think of the resurgence of Frank Ocean on socials recently. He was once regarded as basically a music prodigy yet he’s put out two albums 10 plus years into his career. Imagine Lana only putting out Ultraviolence as a second album in 2022. I think the idea of length between albums = quality artistry is something of the past. I can respect artists taking their time between albums and perfecting their craft but there’s something amazing about watching Lana evolve in real time between each album.
  18. 6 likes
    Why is everyone hating on Jack so much?. To an extent I get it but you guys have to remember that this is Lana's choice to continuously work with him and not say Rick Nowels.
  19. 6 likes
    can't wait to shake my ass to whatever she puts out
  20. 6 likes
    i truly think Charli’s British accent is really what made Guess awesome to some people and they get some kind of error in the head when they hear Billie’s American accent lol
  21. 6 likes
    Billie’s verse is a nice addition Hope it’s gonna chart well cause she deserves it
  22. 6 likes
  23. 5 likes
    Hey NYC Lana fans! I hope this is the right place to post this. As you see, I've been on LanaBoards since it's inception, and I'm popping in here to say that I'm going to be DJing a night of all Lana Del Rey next week! I would absolutely love any of you who are in the area to stop by! When I say this night is going to be for the SUPER FANS, I mean it! Get ready for all the eras, all the mixes, all the leaks, and more! My current playlist ranges from Brite Lights to Kinda Outta Luck, and hope is a dangerous thing to Cult Leader! I want the people that know the deepest of deep cuts to be able to enjoy a night dedicated to our one and only, Queen Lana. More info on this Instagram post! And be sure to reach out with any questions (If you happen to come and you tell me you're from LanaBoards, I'll hook you up with a free drink ticket!)
  24. 5 likes
    once again no one is moving release dates because of Katy, maybe ten years ago but not today the only people that could cause a delay would be like Taylor, Billie, Olivia, or Ariana but even then i really don't think the label would delay a single release since Lana is not really "competing" with anyone, and they have also let her drop on a random weekday. she's in her own lane. an album is a different story, Ocean Blvd got delayed bc of someone (don't remember rn)
  25. 5 likes
    I definitely think this could be her no1 single if she’s going to get one- depends on how hard they push but it wouldn’t make sense putting Billie on it if she didn’t want it to chart really
  26. 5 likes
  27. 5 likes
    He's in the video....in quite a few scenes
  28. 5 likes
    Pedophile sell outs don’t count that’s mainstream trash, Charli is literally underground and works with DJs no one knows in the general public. Totally different. havent heard that song since 2010, imagine making a song called super bass with almost no bass in it.
  29. 5 likes
    it’s official! https://x.com/popbase/status/1819424643943457055?s=46
  30. 5 likes
    the video being at 1.9M views in only 14 hours…. omfg…. this is unheard of for charles also her voice does sound mixed better on streaming
  31. 5 likes
    Nah I’m just kidding. I’ll be alrite w what she puts out. I just know country’s not really my thing and that’s ok I think tunnel was a real great representation of more of the cerebral stuff that she’s held onto and felt like she needed to release and let go of to move on and past from. All of it’s incredibly enchanting as an underlying theme when you wanna grasp it in it’s entirety imo
  32. 5 likes
    This 100%. Adele has dropped 4 albums since 2008. There was a six-year gap between her last two. Lana's dropped four albums + poetry book + audio book + bunch of solo singles & collabs + bunch of unreleased songs during the same six-year period. I know we all want Lasso, but we have no ground to stand on when we complain.
  33. 5 likes
    the charli likes boys verse ijbol charlotte ALWAYS beating the bi allegations
  34. 5 likes
  35. 4 likes
    OB got delayed bc of Miley, I can see them moving for Katy tbh even if she’s not really competition
  36. 4 likes
    It's Summer 2024, I wanted to check these manifestations and the way how some of these predictions (marked with bold) came true! We got a snippet of Henry Come On, collaboration with Quavo, SKIMS photoshoot with Nadia Lee, new music video for Tough, big Priscilla hair on tour (Summer festival shows), she was with Taylor at the Grammys and she confirmed that her next album is called Lasso and is going gone country!
  37. 4 likes
    I've been busy and I forgot to send u it well anyway, here it is. I think it's up to date tho I'm not sure. feel free to lmk if I'm missing anything! all files have been organised by me. all of these files were from the link posted in the twigs thread where all the files weren't organised at all. Enjoy!
  38. 4 likes
    I think a lot of their songs are underrated, idk if I’d call the band necessarily underrated since they’re pretty popular even to this day. But they’re one of my fav bands nirvana will always be that bitch
  39. 4 likes
    yeah hold up let me just put the most beautiful heartwrenching song ever in the best Grunge album ever Also this is GAS Hot take, but in many ways i feel Nirvana is UNDERRATED. I tend to dislike many popular bands and artists, most of which being woefully overrated. But Nirvana always lived up to the hype and then some for me.
  40. 4 likes
    pls leak the instrumentals im bored of bad filters
  41. 4 likes
    when she release her next album and there's a song about cheating george with billie>>>>>
  42. 4 likes
    Billie’s cadence is just off. She sounds like she’s just reciting shit during the “try it bite it” part with no effort or style. She should’ve put on a fake British accent lol
  43. 4 likes
    Most of her albums have a 2-year gap. Only Honeymoon and BB have arrived the year following her previous record. Six months ago, she obviously thought Lasso would happen sooner ala HM and BB. But it's clear now that it's likely to be a 2025 release as per the usual gap in between records. In the meantime, we've likely got one or two more Quavo tracks, maybe some unreleased content, collabs, concerts, and the first Lasso single, if we're lucky, so this is a very standard release wait time for the fans. The only mistake she made was to speak prematurely and announce the record for September, but she has since rectified that statement. So, we're all on track for Lasso 2025. There is no reason to complain at all.
  44. 4 likes
    Why do I get a premonition this album is going to be akin to Honeymoon?
  45. 4 likes
  46. 4 likes
    Omg it’s august 1st! One month until Lasso! Exactly!!!
  47. 4 likes
    Billie gave nothing on the remix but the video’s sooo good so it’s still a win for me
  48. 4 likes
    Idk why people are losing their minds it's still not even remotely as bad as the NFR era There was smthn like 18 months between her dropping VB/MAC and the actual album release That pre-release thread is Lanaboards lore
  49. 4 likes
    Friendly reminder that while ya’ll been making Lasso thread hot for NO reason sis has been CHILLIN writing to her Idaho Inmate Penpal
  50. 4 likes
    See I feel like it’s okay to be a *little* annoying over here because most of the time I think it’s understood we’re all just being delusional and silly together. But yeah it can get… out of hand.
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