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  1. 38 likes
  2. 28 likes
    A 7-inch vinyl got added to Lana's shop. Could this be Tough?
  3. 27 likes
    It was a very bad time for the year of the dancer Her sun was in Venus, the moon was in cancer & all of the girls who dance late (?) were dying It was a very good year for the serial killer The prostitute pickup and pantyhose thriller & all of the girls who were found on the (?) of Long Island Purify me Purify me Purify me Purify me It was a very bad time for the year of the dancer Her sun was in Venus, the moon was in cancer & all of the girls who dance late (?) were dying It was a very good year for the serial killer The prostitute pickup and pantyhose thriller & all of the girls who were found on the (?) of Long Island Purify me Purify me Purify me Purify me Walk straight Keep your head up Walk straight Keep your head up Walk straight Keep your head up Walk straight Keep your head up Purify me, yeah Purify me, yeah Ohh Yeah, yeah Walk straight Keep your head up Shannon Gilbert I'm walking with you Megan Waterman We won't forget you Amber Costello Walk straight Keep your head up Definitely need some help with this one due to the quality! Leave any input below! Xx
  4. 21 likes
    This song seems to be about the Gilgo Four - four women who were sex workers that were killed by a serial killer on Gilgo Beach x
  5. 20 likes
    We need more controversial and thought-provoking "problematic" lyrics from Lana. This song should've made it to the album
  6. 19 likes
    holy shit this is some Behind The Iron Gates type of vibe v interesting that its about Gilgo girls she's so crazy
  7. 17 likes
    Lmfao imagine this came out in 2013 ”Lana Del Rey glorifies the murder of sex workers in chilling new song”
  8. 17 likes
    The killings were happening from when the time she was 8 to the entire time she was living in NYC at the beginning of her career. Where we might see it from the perspective of true crime documentaries, she probably sees herself in the women who were murdered. Just pointing out how the criticism would've been unwarranted at all, as it is just as ultrapersonal as many of the other songs from OB. This is a genius, haunting track.
  9. 16 likes
    He was first arrested last July in connection with three of the murders, but was charged with two additional murders last month... did this leak for the one year anniversary of his initial arrest?
  10. 15 likes
    girls who dance late and found death in long island Curb in Long Island
  11. 13 likes
    it's interesting she lists the victims of this case since the gilgo killer wasn't arrested until last summer (so after she would have made this song). it sounds like shes trying to say "don't forget these victims and their stories" since the case went unsolved for so long and seemed like it was going to end up as a cold case. maybe another reason she named this song zodiac is because both the zodiac killer and the gilgo serial killer are some of the most "famous" unsolved and unknown (at the time gilgo was but zodiac has never been officially found or solved) cases in the US. The zodiac killer was in california primarily targeting straight couples, and gilgo was in new york who killed prostitutes, which is also interesting since she has connections to both of those places.
  12. 13 likes
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    this better be the fucking cover…it looks professional and high quality instead of how the other tough pics look like they were taken with an iphone. i’m in love with her outfit too
  16. 12 likes
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  18. 11 likes
    How are people interpreting the Purify Me lyric? There's a lot to process but my first thought is that she's pleading on behalf of the women who were killed to at least be purified in death and granted safe passage to whatever comes next, rather than punishing them any further for their "sins" in this life.
  19. 11 likes
    I thought it was very nice of Lana to pay tribute to the girls who were victims of serial killers
  20. 11 likes
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    People thinking she’s ending the Brat era lol these twitter stans are not so smart
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    Wait... the guy was caught LAST MONTH...?
  26. 10 likes
    I can’t wait for this cuntry music era to begin in a couple days, even if it’s a feature. Obsessed with this pic
  27. 10 likes
    This is a pretty extensive rollout for a single lol I hope the music video is cute
  28. 10 likes
    there is a bridge! god I love these visuals so much! she’s also wearing the same shirt she was in the video he posted of her playing guitar in the field
  29. 9 likes
    It is interesting when you take the Candy Necklace video into account - though more metaphorical, it was still focused on a murdered hollywood starlet (even her own reference to Black Dahlia) and definitely did give some callback to her 2016/2017 love for Sharon Tate (with Heroin too) and now we have this entire song that was ALMOST in Candy Necklace's place speaking directly of other murders. It's interesting, she was/still is obviously feeling a certain way or empathy for these girls (Gilgo Victims, the Black Dahlia, and Sharon as well) enough to incorporate it into her own story and art.
  30. 9 likes
  31. 9 likes
    This is definitely one of her most interesting songs lyrically and I can see why it was initially included on Ocean but Candy Necklace does help with the narrative.
  32. 9 likes
    i can see why she didn't release this, only because of how people treat lana, they would think she's "romanticizing the killings" lmao. but it's very interesting that she wrote about this, and i think it deserved better than getting scrapped.
  33. 9 likes
  34. 9 likes
    Hopefully she’s been completely silent about this so the first time she posts about it we get the single, video, album trailer, and preorder
  35. 9 likes
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  37. 8 likes
    OUUUUUUU perched! the side-b could be fly away! if this vinyl is on lana’s shop, does that make it lana’s song?
  38. 8 likes
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  40. 8 likes
    I think what she sings in the end, that she's walking with them, is so beautiful, like that she won't forget them. It's actually making me emotional, those poor girls, it's so sad and I'm happy he's being brought to justice.
  41. 8 likes
    GUYS I TRIED TRANSCRIBING SOME LYRICS AND IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK.. LMK IF U HEAR THIS TOO it was a very bad time for the year of the cancer the sun was in venus, the moon was in cancer and all of the girls [?] summer darkness it was a very good year for the serial killer, the prostitue pickup and pantyhose thriller and all of the girls who have found [?] purify me, yeah purify me, yeah purify me, yeah purify me, yeah it was a very bad time for the year of the dancer the sun was in venus, [?] in cancer and all of the girls who [?] it was a very good year for the serial killer [?] and all of the girls who have found [?] purify me, yeah purify me, yeah purify me, yeah purify me, yeah [?] purify me, yeah purify me, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah [?] keep your head up shining [?] i’m walking with you [?] we want protection? [?] keep your head up
  42. 8 likes
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  44. 8 likes
    Well... Tough is definitely going to replace whatever song Nikki Lane is featured in on Lasso anyways
  45. 8 likes
    I still don't think this is for Lasso, but I hope it's meant to create buzz and then the actual Lasso rollout starts soon
  46. 8 likes
  47. 8 likes
    i kinda think lana influenced their music video a lot by her vision for Lasso, even her being a feature on Quavo's song. I expect same vibes from Lasso
  48. 8 likes
    get ready to stream this on 4 different devices like kpop stans do bb top 10 hit coming up!
  49. 8 likes
    Of the songs we’ve heard/know of (Henry, Tough, that Mirror snippet) I don’t get a very strong country vibe. Matched with the aesthetic we’re seeing. If anything I’m getting Lust for Life with a slightly more Midwestern/Southern gothic twist
  50. 7 likes
    i was just thinking about that "don't forget me... like the tunnel under ocean blvd" has a whole new meaning
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