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  1. 16 likes
    Wait imagine Lasso Lizzy with a super glam western pin-up style album cover shot by Nadia Lee Cohen, Lasso Lizzy gives Debbie Does Dallas vibes I can’t explain it
  2. 15 likes
    I just listened to the Henry snippet for the first time in ages and wow I really do need this asap
  3. 14 likes
    That post didn’t read as flamebaiting at all tbh. I don’t think that new variant Taylor dropped is in any way related to Charli or Billie, but mentioning it also isn’t entirely off-topic considering Taylor dropping variants and blocking both Charli and Billie was a huge story a while ago with multiple articles written about it. (And if it was posted in the Taylor Swift thread you’d have people complaining about you coming into her thread to talk negatively about her.) Idk, not a fan of users getting warning points for giving a negative opinion on Taylor Swift. I think criticism should be allowed on this site. No hate to the mod that did it though, I get wanting to avoid any type of drama after all the tension on this site, but I think in that case the problem lies more with the people who turn someone else’s opinion into drama (which in this case also didn’t really happen yet, other than that one user deciding leaving the site again, which shouldn’t be anyone else’s problem)
  4. 14 likes
    I hesitated responding to this to avoid starting drama or getting another warning point, but since we're still talking about that.. it's honestly quite unfair. I got WP'd for quote unquote 'flamebaiting in an unrelated thread' due to the two Taylor-related posts I made on here, even though they were directly related to the topic at hand: Charli and her performance on the charts. Many people were pointing out the timing of Taylor's new release, which happened immediately after Charli and Billie's new single, is suspicious, especially given Taylor's previous acts of chart manipulation to block them both. A Taylor fan on here also announced they're 'leaving' the forum again because of Taylor hate, (I'm not sure if it was provoked by my post calling her 'chart obsessed' or by someone else), so that might've made the mods want to act quick... but really, I don't think things were out of hand on here at all. Tbh I listen to, and even support, several artists who are equally, if not more controversial than Taylor - and I've never felt the need to quit LanaBoards over people talking badly about them lol. I guess I'm glad I have thick skin..?
  5. 14 likes
    What if Lana scrapped the entire Lasso concept and revamped it into a southern gothic masterpiece simply titled "Southern Gothic"?!?!
  6. 12 likes
  7. 11 likes
  8. 11 likes
    I've been catching up on this thread, as far as producers for this album go. It's been years, and I'm done wishing for Rick (or hopefully Dan) to be back. Lana somehow believes she'll keep musically progressing forward by keeping Jack by her side so.. that's that. There's a higher chance of Lana reworking Every Man Gets His Wish () for this upcoming album, than her leaving Jack in the dust.
  9. 10 likes
    i want something with weird ass lyrics again, like gods & monsters. like give me weird heroin music again miss maam
  10. 10 likes
    Usually before album release announcements she chills for a while if I’m not mistaken otherwise she’s usually working on something or the other. I maybe wrong but I wanna believe in Sept/October supremacy for Lasso.
  11. 9 likes
    I'm from Florida, and to me, Southern Gothic is humid swampy nights spent in old wooden houses with gross carpeting and animal heads all over the walls with the only thing to cool you off being a half-broken fan, and if you wanna go to the bathroom, you have to use the one in the RV camper outside because it's the only one that works
  12. 9 likes
    I am praying for this to be a "southern gothic" album it would be perfect for autumn/fall
  13. 9 likes
  14. 9 likes
    There is nothing for them to work out on the song because it’s not that type of song
  15. 8 likes
  16. 8 likes
    She’ll be back on tour in two weeks, Istg if they don’t ask her about lasso….
  17. 8 likes
  18. 8 likes
    ok but legit how is she gonna go from fighting and dancing in the street lanita to lizzy lasso randomly like
  19. 7 likes
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  22. 7 likes
    Personally, I do think that Lasso is finished. I think it has been for « a while » (like at least three months): we did get In God’s Time and Tough at Fenway Park (if both are indeed part of the album). i agree with you that I think it’s coming this fall. i know many people don’t trust any of the Twitter « insider » accounts, but I think that the lead to Lasso coming in September like one account suggested is highly plausible, with a short pre-release period (October release, similar to what we got with Blue Banisters once the preorder happened : five weeks before).
  23. 7 likes
    Also were people really being warned for comments involving trailer? Charli will continue to enjoy her success I guess
  24. 7 likes
    The fact that she’s been « chilling » this summer makes me say either one of the two : - the album is done and Interscope wants the right moment to release it in this busy year (plans could very well be made already); - or (I really hope it’s not the case) she wants to change things to it, change the concept or Jack isn’t available at the moment and Lasso is on pause.
  25. 7 likes
    Would you rather have (the standard) Lasso album cover art photographed by Neil Krug or Nadia Lee? While I ADORE Neil and he's probably my favorite one of them all, I'd like to see a little change and let Nadia Lee take the photos for Lasso because her pictures of Lana (Interview Magazine 2023 and Skims 2024) were just simply amazing and complimented her aesthetic beautifully!
  26. 7 likes
    Wow, I’ve never looked at this way Here I was think lasso is a great name because it’s only two letters away from ass (l)ass(o)
  27. 7 likes
  28. 6 likes
    Henry come on sounds like such a ‘sitting by the campfire strumming guitar in late fall’ song, and Southern Gothic makes me think of winter in the south, where it’s still warm, but the days are short
  29. 6 likes
    This! we didn’t get Arcadia until September and the album came in October (which I think is a perfect rollout amount of time) and before Arcadia came out it was mostly crickets (I say mostly because we did get the album cover July 4th and “album later later single soonish” but we know from BOZ that that announcement wasn’t planned)
  30. 6 likes
    don’t worry guys! something is coming soon. trust me i can feel it
  31. 6 likes
    It is unfair and we are with you. It’s not off topic when TS deliberately blocked these artists from #1, then dropped variants the week they decided to collab. Maybe, TS shouldn’t do questionable chart manipulating acts so that she is not being discussed in this way. I don’t understand this “dOn’T bRiNg HeR uP” agenda when she is the reason. Considering TS made a career out of self-victimization, they might be influenced anyway
  32. 5 likes
    I really need an album full of stupid fun pop songs, like her early unreleased songs I know fans hate them because they aren’t as ‘DeEp’ as her new stuff, but even the stupid fun pop songs are VERY well written and have such a unique flow and Lana flair to them
  33. 5 likes
    a heavy rock album your girl, velvet crowbar, tired of singing the blues, etc.
  34. 5 likes
    Excuse me but what the fuck is this!?
  35. 5 likes
    I’m not really holding on to hope for Friday, but there’s still a long way to go before saying it’s not coming this year, hun
  36. 5 likes
    Yeah, I see what you mean. Cowboy Carter, BRAT, Hit Me Hard And Soft… female artists have been popping off lately. But if it is southern gothic, I realllyy want an October release - it would be so perfect. It’s also my birthday month, so it would be a great birthday gift from Lana
  37. 5 likes
    The Harris campaign has narrowed the VP slot down to Tim Walz and Josh Shapiro. The official announcement is tomorrow but we could know by tonight!
  38. 5 likes
    Heavy Metal Lana where she hits those angelic notes while the guitars and drums go wild
  39. 5 likes
    Istg I had a dream about lasso today, I was in a car ride with lana’s manager ( a hijabi woman ) who stopped in the middle of the road, dropped me, and rolled down her window saying lasso will be out on November
  40. 5 likes
    they should’ve sent this to the radios right when it was released, now the hype is kinda down but late is better than never i guess
  41. 5 likes
    Addison has announced diet pepsi - august 9th https://x.com/whoisaddison/status/1820505494630371455?s=46
  42. 5 likes
  43. 5 likes
    At this point I think if that moonlight solo shows up, the fabric of the universe will unravel.
  44. 5 likes
    i was just thinking the same thing last night tbh. i was looking at the difference in stream numbers between album tracks on brat and radical optimism and i was like oh wow… - i just don’t know what song dua would hop on? also yeah this is… a little crazy lol… like really? a warning point for that? like what are we doing here
  45. 5 likes
    The problem with Lana is she finishes things and then before they're out she wants to change or add/take away. She's been like this for YEARS so it's nothing new and we shouldn't expect much else
  46. 5 likes
    Yall can we not let the Taylor/chart numbers chat leak out of twitter & onto here, I’m bored of reading about that woman, while yall are yelling about Tay no one’s talking about how Rosalia was at Charli’s birthday, what remix is she on
  47. 5 likes
    I'm manifesting. Leaving the crystals out under the moon tonight.
  48. 5 likes
  49. 5 likes
    I hate Elon so much he manages to get worse and worse everyday
  50. 5 likes
    Idk this sentiment has probs already been shared but I feel like the fact that she is basically teasing fans by posting a blingeed sleeping beauty pic means something is actually brewing, like if she had nothin coming soon she wouldn’t poke fun at the fact we are all moaning about the silence
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