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  1. 21 likes
    the damn tarot telling us more than fake insiders I can’t
  2. 19 likes
    Lana please release the album we're literally resorting to tarot cards
  3. 16 likes
    i second this, also how do we know that Ocean Blvd is better without Zodiac if don't have it in HQ. I fear the people need it for research purposes
  4. 16 likes
    If someone were to share “Love On The Golf Course”, I could tell you whether I think LFL is better with or without it
  5. 14 likes
  6. 12 likes
    The most useful information we've received so far thanks
  7. 11 likes
  8. 11 likes
    Happy Lasso day everybody! What's your ranking of the album?
  9. 11 likes
    this insinuates she was out with Sofia Coppola within the last few months right? possibly to collaborate on new movie as way to make amends for the alleged Priscilla snub? cause why tf would she be all dressed up to see her daughter who's like half her age ya know
  10. 10 likes
    Does it really gonna end up like Rock Candy Sweet
  11. 10 likes
  12. 9 likes
    To me, HM is the best album when it comes to the final cut/song selection. Out of all the songs made before and during the album sessions, she really picked not the best but the ones that both actually worked for the album's concept, were individually great and added something to the narrative/flow/worldbuilding. So every scrap was worth it. Also, replacing Zodiac with Candy Necklace was the right choice. I love Zodiac but Candy Necklace showed a new side of the album and even if she kept both, Zodiac would've ended up as a filler.
  13. 9 likes
    SOPHIE’s siblings Ben and Emily Long for The New York Times Think this is the first time I’ve ever seen an image of her sister… Kim Petras and BC Kingdom interviewed and photographed for The New York Times
  14. 9 likes
    One year ago today! (It's 20th where I live). I still remember that moment when I saw this thread, I was so happy for you @Elle!
  15. 9 likes
  16. 9 likes
    honeymouns spilled that Lana recorded and finished an original track but Sofia shafted her and wanted it only used in the trailers, Lana pulled because of the blatant disrespect
  17. 9 likes
    Aww they’re both so beautiful and I absolutely adore their outfits I wonder if Lana met up with Sofia as well
  18. 9 likes
    Here is my 2 cents about the cards regarding to "Lasso"
  19. 8 likes
    I haven't ever done a Lasso tarot reading and these other readings are making me want to do it so I guess I'll pull my cards out
  20. 8 likes
  21. 8 likes
    If Henry isn’t on the Lasso final track list, which would be a first for her (to tease a song with a snippet and not include it on the album), I wish she releases it as a standalone single. @disguttodeath said she had to rework the album because it was too « boring », so it could be the perfect way to have her song the way she likes it and not « compromise » the album (although I find that part a bit hard to believe tbh: her management said numerous times she was in full control of what she released… )
  22. 8 likes
    I would listen to it. I mean, nothing's happening and there might be several months until the album so I don't think it would ruin the album listening
  23. 7 likes
    I’m intrigued to see if the Fenway park song was just a portion of a new song that she chopped & looped & added some beats to or if it’s straight from the song. I think an insider said it was looped?
  24. 7 likes
    To be honest, if I am very very honest. I'm 100% satisfied with all the tracklist decisions on every one of Lana's album because since she's the mastermind of her works and she's must have released songs she loved the most and they curate a story of the album and the time period of her life. If anything, her outtakes and demos deserve a separate b-sides or a compilation album.
  25. 7 likes
    “Completing the album became a family project for Benny and his sister Emily Long. She studied music law to work with Sophie, and she passed the bar exam two weeks before her sibling’s death. Once Benny resolved to finish Sophie’s album, Emily joined him in making decisions. “Every single day we talk about Sophie and what she loved and the things that would make her happy,” Emily said via a video call from Los Angeles. “We all know why we’re here. We’re all here for her.”
  26. 7 likes
  27. 7 likes
    The full magazine is avaliable on ebay is anyone is interested @lizzyology https://www.ebay.com/itm/313790926766
  28. 7 likes
    Adirondack life Magazine-1987 December issue
  29. 7 likes
    I would definitely listen... we don't even have any confirmed snippet from the album yet
  30. 7 likes
  31. 7 likes
    love it your OB reading is pretty on point and this seems to match up what we know. the eevee plush holding AKA is so cute
  32. 7 likes
  33. 6 likes
  34. 6 likes
    DNC you were always my favorite title/project
  35. 6 likes
    She should drop the Fenway intro song just to create some buzz
  36. 6 likes
    I’m litro gonna throw hands if it’s under an hour! lana idc how long this album takes the number 1 thing I DONT want is a short album like Chemtrails again 💀💀💀
  37. 6 likes
    I jumped from the Instagram notification today thinking the September 20th rumors were true.. Well I guess we have a few hours left…
  38. 6 likes
    Lasso is not coming this year. We'll be lucky to even hear a peak of it before summer 2025. Time to go outside ladies
  39. 6 likes
    just to clarify I dm’d signe asking if the version sophie played was like a remix or something and she said this: ‘Fuck Reality is my song. It stemmed from some of my poetry, which I ad libbed over a SOPHIE beat during our live show— but it isn’t a song with her (although she loved the demos). My songs with her are Do U Wanna Be Alive & Give It To Me.’ I then asked for confirmation that fuck reality and give it to me are two different songs and she confirmed that’s the case - at least we know now!
  40. 6 likes
  41. 6 likes
  42. 6 likes
    I was having a thought yesterday, as I was driving back home Correct me if I’m wrong, but neither Ben nor Ed reposted the Henry snippet, did they? So, for future releases or announcements, if no one on her team is reposting, I will consider its a « Lana wishful thinking » kinda moment
  43. 6 likes
    She’s marketing herself how she did 15 years ago at her peak, the problem is…..as always, the music landscape has changed and i don’t think people care about her style of brand anymore. It hasn’t evolved. Even someone like Gaga who isn’t as popular as she was during her peak BTW days has evolved with the times, changed things up, broadened her scope, really made the effort to showcase a level of artistry even outside of music and keep a level of interest from the public. I don’t think Katy is interested in doing anything else.
  44. 6 likes
    I will ask the Clow cards to give us info/hints for 5 songs today.
  45. 6 likes
    what ritual has she performed to reverse the clock. She looks unbelievable. Also, obsessed with her outfit.
  46. 6 likes
    Cute mindless bops. Exactly like all of her 5 albums before this one. I don't care about all of the pop star dramas so I'll give it a spin or two.
  47. 5 likes
    Lana literally teased the impending axing of this album with the “tell him that his cowgirl is gone” cos she gone gone country cancelled
  48. 5 likes
  49. 5 likes
    Go enjoy your day, I’m sure nothing is coming today sweetie! Unless you count the Katy Perry disaster aka new album as an event
  50. 5 likes
    Mum had better be poppin like 8 vitamin C’s a day licking the floor every night
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