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  1. 10 likes
    After a few listens I do wish there was some alterations to the tracklist. Like maybe I’d move Rawwwwww after The Dome’s Protection and then include like Spliff In My Ear and Fly Bitch. Just so the sonic sections are a bit more fleshed out because I think they work really well in the later half of the record. But those are minor adjustments I can make on my own! Really happy we got so many “new” tracks instead of just all the already leaked stuff people were hoping for. Makes this release more special and exciting. I do hope there are more releases coming from other artists because I don’t want it to be over.
  2. 10 likes
    i love how she has a release planned 6 months in advance and then goes radio silent when the time comes very cute of her
  3. 9 likes
    I feel like the “on life support” comment was a classic eclipse troll. I’d take BOZ’s ‘lasso is alive’ comment more seriously
  4. 9 likes
    First song from the album out in October (with radio silence afterwards) and lead single (with a bit of promotion) out in November with the preorder for a March album Fits the timeline and it won't clash with Gaga's single and album(s) since she's the last relevant Interscope artist with an upcoming project and they probably sorted both rollouts already
  5. 9 likes
    i guess if we want to spin it in a positive way: Lasso isn’t scrapped, and BlackoutZone is finally talking (albeit he’s giving us crumbs)
  6. 8 likes
    I think her team organized that Vogue interview so the fans wouldn't have a major meltdown when September came and went. She probably just lied about the 2 singles to keep the fun going
  7. 8 likes
  8. 8 likes
    lust for life is the rare troll insider (think them and Arcadialovesong). 90% of what they say is complete BS, but they do have the 10% chance of having correct info. They definitely have some kind of source that other fake insiders (like Jinn) don’t have, but they take the inch of info they have and run miles with it
  9. 8 likes
    I just wish she would have kept “lasso” to herself at that event at the beginning of the year. Like why even bring it up diva?? What did it have to do with anything that was going on that night, especially if it wasn’t ready? Imagine the peace on Lanaboards if she never mentioned it. that being said, with everything else happening in the music sphere it doesn’t feel too bad waiting for this
  10. 8 likes
    five days left of september omg i can't believe we're getting lasso in the next five days!! that's so crazy guys!! and to think she's been so quiet about it!! truly a surprise drop!!
  11. 8 likes
    No, exactly. And also all of it is coming from people who are either pissed that NYBD, TMTD, Burn Rubber and etc. didn't make it or from those who are pissed at the fact that this isn't OOEPUI 2.0. It's honestly very f*cking ignorant and unfair. I also feel like some people expected the album to be a nonstop cunt-fest (for some reason?), when in reality it's very much in line with this quote from that The Face interview from 2020: “Whatever is put out into the world now needs to somehow be reactive to [the pandemic] and learn from this situation,” she says, birds chirping in the background. “I feel some kind of shift of consciousness is occurring, whether that’s me coming into this more reflective place or whatever else it is, and I’m curious to know how that might manifest itself musically.” That said, I don't even remember the last time that I wasn't annoyed at a RYM score so...
  12. 8 likes
    I want Lasso to be released when people aren’t talking about how Lana’s hopping on the country bandwagon that Beyoncé and Post Malone jumped on, whether that’s 2025 or otherwise because I know she’ll create her own version of country
  13. 7 likes
    @BlackoutZone ok parole king, we’re ready for you ❤️❤️
  14. 7 likes
  15. 7 likes
    I still adore this song! It's such an awesome song, such a shame that's it's so underrated! I love this song even more than Tough, so far it's my favorite Lana release this year! What I love the most about this song is how joyful it is, it's like a quick fever dream trip with its own little Lana's twists and quirks. It makes me wanna dance to it like it's the roaring 1920s!
  16. 7 likes
    When she releases Lana Del Rey AKA Lizzie Grant and it's an AKA re-release but she's added verses to each song where she parallels her past POV (Lizzie) with her present day POV (Lana)
  17. 7 likes
    How much do you guys trust what lustforlife said here? I know that they said some "stuff" 3 years ago that Beautiful is a surf rock song or something but as a lurker I do remember that they got the date for Arcadia release and Blue Banisters pre-orders right. I don't know, I kinda want to believe them because we've got nothing to hold onto
  18. 7 likes
    the album is getting cooked on the reviews on rate your music by disgusting and vile faggots (technical term not slur) who clearly listened to leak and didnt even wait for the actual release to start spewing hate. what's the point? like you are so mad that this album exists that you felt the need to write your incoherent badly fleshed out half assed thoughts soooo quickly?? weird
  19. 7 likes
    What I take from BOZs comments is that whatever Lasso was back in February is scrapped and it's been heavily reworked with only a couple of songs from the first tracklist (as usual for Lana) left (that's why it's on life support). It may not even be called Lasso anymore But I do think is still coming sometime early-mid next year
  20. 7 likes
    I honestly don’t care whether or not people or even if she herself considers it country. She said herself that her labeling of what her music isn’t as concrete. But I do hope we get some kind of fleetwood mac/ legend artist vibe to it. It’ll be original bc she just is, but that’s my little request if she was taking any
  21. 7 likes
    Like the album is crap but some of the reactions online lol, acting like it is the worst thing that has ever been created in the history of the human race since the dawn of time. It’s forgettable generic pop, nothing more nothing less, everyone needs to calm down
  22. 6 likes
  23. 6 likes
    So I ended up making my own version of the tracklist, including some songs that I think are vital to the album and I ended up with 28 tracks in total…
  24. 6 likes
    If no one can get to Lana to ask about, can we get comments form people who work with her like Antonoff (though he won’t say anything until it’s out), ask Lenny Kravitz and Quavo about the registered “Fly away” song, ask that country producer Luke Laird… literally anyone, I need news! Lana said in May that she had no idea where Lasso was going so one could hope she has a better hunch now?? Maybe? Probably not.
  25. 6 likes
    I’ve been a « single in September » truther. i became atheist
  26. 6 likes
    Lustforlife was reliable because he was talking to real insiders… but he was also making up things when asked about the BB songs… However, he was spot on about Watercolour Eyes (it was his redemption era) and he also was right about Ocean Blvd and what was going on behind the scenes. That was until he committed his LB suicide
  27. 6 likes
    they said BoZ was in jail bc Universal got them and BoZ is clearly not so I don't think they really know anything
  28. 6 likes
    I'm not sure how Disgust gets their info but I think 98% of it is wrong. At best, they know someone (french husband) who knows someone...who knows someone. The info is usually wrong / trolling / fanfiction. Pantene and the ATRL boys are the only insiders I am trusting this era.
  29. 6 likes
  30. 6 likes
    A win idk why would yall want songs that we had in full for 5 years already
  31. 6 likes
    so i guess it hasn't fully been scrapped but there are no concrete plans to move forward with it? or maybe it's being basically completely reworked with only a couple songs from the original tracklist (plus the title) being there? idk but i wouldn't count on it releasing any time soon
  32. 5 likes
    angels wake up - new SOPHIE album just dropped 💜🔮
  33. 5 likes
  34. 5 likes
    i was digging in lustforlife dupe's posts and found this, it was about "the mirror" i think. i mean it's most likely bs since they trolled a lot but why do i want to believe this
  35. 5 likes
    Now that schools have started all I need is Lana, new music from Lana will save me😇😇😇
  36. 5 likes
    oh, if the ‘collab’ is herself, Lana feat. Lizzy Grant would be so funny
  37. 5 likes
  38. 5 likes
    Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024
  39. 5 likes
    I don't think any of the early country songs we heard her perform in 2019 made it, so Stupid for Feeling So Happy. I'm going to take the insiders' words very lightly, because they hate everything most of the time.
  40. 5 likes
    I think I’m now way more excited for the secret project / collab than for Lasso
  41. 5 likes
    Pitchfork absolutely decimated her my goodness.
  42. 5 likes
    The silver lining is that nobody can take the success of her first 3 albums and the absolute cultural reset that was The Sims 3 Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats away from her
  43. 4 likes
    I'm choosing to believe this secret project/album is real only bc multiple people have all mentioned it. Here's just some fun ideas I came up. None of these are at all realistic but eh who cares. 1.Ocean blvd Deluxe/Outtake Ep like paradise and lfl deluxe 2. A Psuedo unreleased album/ep (Not really popular ones(i.e born to die) just lanas favorites, an actual cohesive album) 3.A.K.A Reissue 4.Country Covers Ep/Album (IMO The Most likely) 5.Quavo Collab Project 6.Born To Die / Tiktok Famous Unreleased Compilation
  44. 4 likes
    Why set up complicated interviews when a simple announcement or press release could solve the problem in a snap?
  45. 4 likes
    I cackled. When we find out the other hobbies and jobs she referenced in her "goodbye instagram" video was actually to play Art the clown
  46. 4 likes
    The one thing she's known for is that she ALWAYS keeps her promises.. queen behavior ❤️
  47. 4 likes
    Exactly, we know that she always keeps her word and if she says September then the album will be released in September.
  48. 4 likes
    for some reason this is not exciting Lana pls just drop it and let’s move onto synth album
  49. 4 likes
    lasso cancelled, confirmed by the random girl that works in the burger king drive thru near my house whose name was lizzy and she looked strikingly similar to lana (jk nobody come for me) when we find out lana's already dropped lasso under the stage name "lizard from NY" also not the picsart twitter asking where's lasso i-
  50. 4 likes
    terrible day for people with ears (⊙﹏⊙✿) i wanted hey blue baby so bad
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