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  1. 18 likes
    seeing people on here say “it’s finally happening”…. meanwhile nothing happens
  2. 11 likes
    I mean that’s not really surprising. I’m sure anyone of her level of fame that attends is separated from the main crowd. Not because they’re considered “special,” but for their own safety.
  3. 11 likes
    The LQ leak of Zodiac was a psyop by Lana to test the waters on an official release. The overwhelming support convinced her to drop snoozefest Henry and make a dark, southern gothic album full of Zodiacs, Fishtails, Candy Necklaces, The Blackest Days, God Knows I Tried and I Talk to Jesus
  4. 10 likes
  5. 9 likes
    This is exactly what I hate the most about conservative men is that they seem to think that abortion is a such a quick and easy thing to do for women without any concequences/effects physically and mentally. Like...no uterus no opinion
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    I'd do terrible things to have Zodiac... This song could easily be my top 5 Lana's song.. PLEASE let it be true
  9. 8 likes
    Agreed; pro-lifers always make it sound like women go around fucking and getting abortions as part of their regular routine That is far, FAR from reality
  10. 8 likes
    allegedly she was sat away from everyone else and Judah Smith only talked to the celebrities after and refused to talk to the main crowd 😭 I see what your saying but it’s just ironic that in a church they seat people based on wealth and Judah only talks to the VIP section after - basically suggesting the poor people at the back don’t deserve his time.
  11. 8 likes
    “Some insider” sis it was Mr. S, that’s like THE insider
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    Perhaps you didn’t mean it, but this sort of language makes it sound like abortion is a fun thing that, if given the choice, women would make on a whim during the third trimester. My grandmother had to have an abortion back in the 70s due to a high risk pregnancy that could’ve killed her (she was older), and it was the hardest decision she made. I am so glad she’s not around right now to see how people nonchalantly talk about abortion as if women would take the choice like it were a trip to Disneyland. No one wants to have an abortion - much less a late term one - and everyone should have the right to make that difficult decision in the care of a safe medical clinic.
  15. 7 likes
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    McDonald’s actually has a E. coli outbreak from their quarter pounders rn I’d be even more pissed
  18. 7 likes
    I start to believe jinn about the elections now
  19. 7 likes
    I think it was a few weeks before the wedding, and I also think the wedding was already planned at that point. We'll probably have to wait for the US elections, until then the distraction is just too great. She has released singles in the last two Decembers, maybe she will simply continue this series.
  20. 7 likes
    either the last weekend of june or first of july...
  21. 7 likes
    I honestly think she was just trying to appease us with that random Vogue write-up. Fans and reporters have been asking her about Lasso for months, and almost every music site was buzzing about her going country. With the release date looming, she had to say something. Maybe there are some random singles tied to a TV show or movie, but I don’t believe any actual singles from the next album are dropping until next year. In my headcanon, she panicked and threw out a mention of two singles—likely just the Tough remixes—to calm everyone down The Vogue article said the singles were coming "very soon" and that was exactly 62 days ago today.
  22. 7 likes
    EXACTLY i knew all along it wasn't. he literally attended one of her shows. they are actually good friends
  23. 7 likes
    A new jacket apparently. Zodiac could be officially released before Lasso according to Pop Insider on X. edit: the tweets got deleted 😭
  24. 7 likes
    Some insider said that it sounds like Government Hooker + Scheiße. Please be true, I'm so tired of basic light Gaga.
  25. 6 likes
    This thread is gonna be a mess on Nov. 5th I remember Lana went live during the night of the 2020 election, right after Biden lost Florida (polls suggested it would be closer than it ultimately was), and announced the American Standards album and we were all like “WTF”?
  26. 6 likes
    saw someone on tiktok say that trump probably loves mcdonald's so much because it has his name in it and i can't stop thinking about it
  27. 6 likes
    Didn’t know jesus created taxes i wasn’t aware it was in the Bible but i looked it up and apparently it is.
  28. 6 likes
    according to tmz it was not judah, but the seattle faction of churchome so the marriage time was 3:33 p.m. and Jeremy's age of 49 seems to be confirmed https://www.registercitizen.com/entertainment/article/lana-del-rey-did-marry-alligator-swamp-tour-guide-19857837.php
  29. 6 likes
    Judah was sued last year by Churchome staff because he was allegedly forcing them to donate to the church. He just seems like a very sketchy person.
  30. 6 likes
  31. 6 likes
    Idk enough about Judah‘s church to really speak to that, but if that’s the case that’s really messed up. I don’t like to use blanket statements so I don’t want to say all, but most Mega churches become corrupt in one way or another which is really unfortunate for many of the people attending who may be clueless to that and end up getting taken advantage of. I’m getting off topic for this thread though so I’ll shush lol
  32. 6 likes
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    Lana at Anfield Stadium? Yes please I want to believe so badly
  35. 6 likes
    Mm, Zodiac is the only song we've heard that would fit into that description. I want her to release it, mostly just to read people's and media's rections lol. That song is a bit too dark for me... I don't know how much I'd listen to it if it were to be released. It leaves me feeling icky and it's just disgusting to think of what happened to the victims. But I do think it's beautiful of Lana to honor their memories, although a bit strange because I doubt she was close to any of them. I'd like to hear her talk about the song, what made her write it, if there's something more than just a strange fascination of it all. I'd like to think she must've been worried herself, since she's surely been around that area where they were murdered too. Thanks for taking time to reply!
  36. 6 likes
    The genre is featured across many mediums like movies, theatre and music. Basically, from from I read about, it’s all about living in the south of the USA, including all that is weird, bizarre, dark and forbidden. Criminality, witchcraft, malformed beings, the world of the spirits, satanic cults, religious themes could all be on said songs (and the most « extreme » themes). It can also be about forbidden sexuality, family lines, tight-knit communities, small-town vibes, going to church, etc. I don’t know any other artist who is Southern Gothic except Ethel Cain like you mentioned (I really like her but can’t bring myself to listen to all of her songs, some are way too dark for me But Preacher’s Daughter has some amazing tracks that aren’t too dark) If the rumour is true, Zodiac being very dark in tone could be a great transition between OB and Lasso (if it’s coming at some point haha).
  37. 6 likes
  38. 6 likes
    This election being anything close to close is actually insane to me given the options
  39. 6 likes
    idk i can totally see Zodiac giving southern gothic with the right production. And Zodiac has similar vibes to In God’s Time too imo . Manifesting the aura of those two songs for the entirety of Lasso
  40. 6 likes
    movie flopping, star is born royalties drying up, hollywood agent blocked her... she knows she has one chance...
  41. 5 likes
    California, land that I love I'm not turning back.. California, now that I'm home I'm not going back
  42. 5 likes
  43. 5 likes
    an unsolved case that doesn’t sit right with me
  44. 5 likes
  45. 5 likes
    With the bad quality red lightning video combined, it's giving dark web
  46. 5 likes
    I just wanna know, when she said two more singles are coming, was this before she decided to get married, or after, cuz if it’s before, then I don’t think we’re gonna have the singles this year
  47. 5 likes
    it sounds like she's already given us an introduction with Ocean Blvd It's also interesting to see what she has to say on this topic in her instagram story (which includes The Grants) https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTIyNjU5ODgyOTQyMzI2?story_media_id=3192748893376505848_1707509864&igsh=aW0wb3JlbmFqemF6
  48. 5 likes
    Southern Gothic (also known as Gothic Americana, or Dark Country) is a genre of country music rooted in early jazz, gospel, Americana, gothic rock and post-punk. Its lyrics often focus on dark subject matter. - from the Wikipedia page Sorry it's too early in the morning lol, I can't think of any artists I liked bcs this is a new term, but even so it makes me crave an older folk/country sound. I'd say maybe Gambling Bar Room Blues by Jimmie Rodgers and House of the Rising Sun, the early recordings of it by Clarence Ashley and The Animals version (my fave) as well!
  49. 5 likes
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