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Showing most liked content on 09/28/2024 in all areas

  1. 32 likes
    lana's stalker unfollowing her bc she's married is fucking sending me 😭😭 did he think he had a chance like??
  2. 28 likes
    Reminder that being unpolitical is a privilege. Supporting Trump is about - anti LGBTQ rights - anti womens rights - anti Immigrants - anti POC - anti social security - pro gun violence ... This is not about whether he prefers coffee or tea. It's still Lanas life and her decision alone, but the lengths people go in this forum to defend people they don't know is ridiculous.
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    i honestly see both sides of the argument, and i feel like it's somewhat nuanced, i feel happy for her, and i genuinely wish her the best, and i don't think we should automatically assume it's going to end badly, make silly, snide jokes about her upcoming divorce album, or completely denounce her as a person, but... i do believe we have every right to be disappointed in and concerned about the man she's choosing to marry i don't think some of you really understand how alarming it is that she's choosing to be with somebody who actively and fervently supports donald trump, someone who wants to strip away the rights of many, perhaps you don't think it will make any difference to you, but many people, LGBT, POC, women, ETC will be negatively impacted by him becoming president once again, if he wins, it could affect the rights and the general life happiness and satisfaction of LGBT people, women may no longer be able to acesss abortions, or perhaps even birth control, and some republicans have even stated that interracial marriage should be left to the states, it genuinely could impact you and your life, and if not you, it could impact somebody you care about and love, her husband literally shared graphic violence towards transgender women on facebook, and, no matter how you feel about certain sociopolitical matters, violence, discrimination and hatred isn't okay, and it isn't normal or something we should just look past, and we have every right to be disappointed that she married somebody who holds those kinds of views, and we shouldn't just brush it off as us being parasocial, or needing to touch grass ultimately, we're all very invested in her, and we're all parasocial to an extent, we're literally registered on a website entirely dedicated to her, some of us have thousands of posts, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that we naturally want to discuss what's happening in her life, she is a public figure after all, and it was inevitable people were going to find out about her husband's political views, she made the choice to marry someone like that, and although we ultimately should respect her autonomy and her ability to make decisions, it's silly to expect people who are very invested in her as an artist, and even as a person, to not have thoughts on it i think we just need to keep it as civil as possible, despite the fact that we are discussing pretty heavy topics that people often feel strongly about
  5. 24 likes
    idk I’m sorry but this is downright delusion. Transphobia is not a fcking political view, excuse my French, y’all need to get that idea well drilled into your brains. It’s called human rights. The values Trump stands for are not just economical, they are human rights he openly stands against, and you can twist and turn it anyway you like it, whoever supports that is divisive, spiteful and problematic at some level, or willingly and naively ignorant at the very least . Associating with someone who hunts for sport, posts transphobic shi is NOT political, it’s inhumane. THAT is the difference. I hope this helps
  6. 20 likes
    Some people need to log off LB for a bit and chill out and other people need to head to The Kink Thread brought to you by @DeadSeaOfMercury
  7. 20 likes
    On a more positive note: she got married and Video Games got to the incredible 1 billion streams landmark on Spotify
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  9. 18 likes
    Look I don't wish them any ill will or any shit but she has terrible taste in men, they never seem to last very long, and there is ample evidence that her boyfriends .... overlap So with that in mind I am super skeptical considering these two have only dated for four months It really isn't long enough to know someone well enough to marry them; idgaf what anyone says Maybe she feels rushed cos she's almost 40 idk We will see what happens but I do think this has the potential to get very messy
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    him having deftones playing in the background while he screen recorded him unfollowing her (and chuck) then scrolling through her posts with the “I WATCHED YOU CHANGE” part blasting took me out and then posting this on his story too I don’t think just unfollowing her is gonna better this mans mental health… he needs a mental institution that has available straight jackets, padded cells, and a psychiatrist that’s an expert in dealing with extreme delusion
  13. 16 likes
    You all are to pressed if you are wishing that Lana divorces jeremy. maybe you need to touch grass or hell stop being a lana fan...
  14. 16 likes
    I'm going to log out, light a cigarette and touch grass and if the thread is still in shambles after three hours then it is not going to end well...
  15. 15 likes
    once again y’all confusing politics with human rights. in an ideal world, that wouldn’t even be up for discussion. Unfortunately in the real world, right wing parties have always been associated with integralist propaganda, xenophobia, transphobia, homophobia and an overall disinterest - when not downright hatred - towards minorities. Therefore no, they did not clock shi. The only narrow-minded way of thinking is that of someone who thinks that posting a trans person that was suggested to have been beat-up for using public women toilets can be brushed off as “wild thought: people are more than their political views”. Here’s a wild thought for you (if you’re part of the community): read the room, until she doesn’t clear this up, your fave would rather turn a blind eye to her husband suggesting he would beat the shit out of a trans person (and let me tell you we don’t even know what his views are on immigrants, gun control, abortion) than have her little house in the prairie white family life fantasy ruined.
  16. 15 likes
    ……. we. do. not. know. this. we do not know them or their relationship. how does one even come to this conclusion? we’ve never even seen this man speak
  17. 15 likes
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    Does she contradict herself?Very well, then she contradicts herself; she is large. She contains multitudes.
  19. 15 likes
    Still thinking about the theory here that Jeremy calls her Lizzy because it sounds like lizard which reminds him of alligators.
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    This ain’t even about Lana anymore- I genuinely find it crazy that some of you can choose to associate with people who would strip your friends rights away because they’re “nice” to you.
  23. 14 likes
    Trump becoming our president was a loss for the country but your support of him is a loss for the culture. I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level. Delusions of grandeur, extreme issues with narcissism,” Del Rey wrote. “If you think it’s alright to support someone who believes it’s OK to grab a woman by the pussy just because he’s famous-then you need an intervention as much as he does.” Wonder what kind of intervention she has in mind for her maga spouse.
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  25. 13 likes
    jeremy is one of the most vile people i‘ve seen lana associate herself with - some of the takes on here are incredibly worrisome if you honestly think u can just look away and talk it down to him being “traditional” or just a family man or whatever - none of this justifies the political views he’s broadcasting to the world and believes in (and these aren’t just a few incidents of him liking something questionable, he is putting out this disgusting content himself). i do not understand how you would willingly want to spend time let alone commit to a person who stands behind so much hatred and feeds into it. lana never came off a hardcore leftist to me but jumping from your average tone death gwyneth paltrow level of out of touch view on politics to marrying someone who’s actively involved in promoting utterly disgusting hate on his social media is a lot to take in and i just do not understand why one would willingly put themselves through this. “People have siblings or parents that vote for trump!” or “i saw a trump supporter at a cafe today” are odd takes - these are people who u either do not have a choice that you are related to them or people u do not actually willingly engage with other than you accidentally being at the same place at the same time. However you absolutely do choose who you spend your time with and i do not understand how anyone can see themselves marrying and wanting to spend their rest of their lives with someone who has polar-opposite views on basic issues like human!!(!!) rights (!!) to you.
  26. 13 likes
    Lana Del Rey Thrifted Wedding Dress Months Before Marrying Jeremy Dufrene Lana Del Rey jumped right into wedded bliss with her alligator tour guide love, Jeremy Dufrene, in Louisiana -- and we've learned she scored her wedding dress at a local boutique months before the big day. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Lana shunned big-name designers ... instead, thrifting her dress at Vintage Market by Trashy Diva in New Orleans back in May. Lana Del Rey Thrifted Wedding Dress Months Before Marrying Jeremy Dufrene (tmz.com) wtf
  27. 13 likes
    I’m sorry but can this woman do anything? She got married and all I’m seeing is people here talking about abuse and how they hate her husband, and the only things I’ve seen online are invasive pap drone pics of her wedding and pregnancy speculations. Some people need to grow the fuck up Edit - forgot to mention how many people wishing divorce on her too. Great!
  28. 13 likes
    Reading some of the precedent pages and - some of you seriously need to go out and breath some fresh air. I don't wanna sound rude, but all this talking about him, some wishing them the divorce or saying it's "destined to end" bringing up examples of other couples is simply SICK. It's her own fucking life, she knows what she's doing. Not everything is black and white, remember that we know very few of him AND of them as a couple. Then, she married this man thinking about HER happiness, not her fans'. There was a reason if she wanted to keep this private...she's surely aware that her actions have an impact on those who follows her but maybe she suppose that most of us use our brain cells. Also, for those worrying that listening to her will make him rich...she most likely made a pre-marriage contract, she's not stupid. Her family and managers 100% adviced her to keep her money safe, in case anything might go wrong. Assumptions like this are so childish and stupid. I'm sorry because I don't wanna sound rude but some things that I read here made me really angry. Just remembered to separate the ART from the ARTIST. Just listen to the music if you don't agree with her decisions or opinions, but let her live her happiness now.
  29. 13 likes
  30. 13 likes
    Yeah.. saying that others have a right to express their opinion or even dictate that a group of people can’t have human rights ( in this case trans people ) is the exact thing as saying that women or other minorities should’t have human rights. Let’s not forget that women in some countries have the right to vote for less that 100 years , which is actually insane to think about because a similar debate was happening not so long ago about whether women are stable enough or not to even make those decisions. We are not talking about the right to have a different stance on something like where our government should invest more money , we are talking about the right to exist or not in a society as an equal to other groups of people. sorry for the rant but reading some of the takes here really made me want to write that..
  31. 13 likes
    I love how Chappell Roan uses the term "parasocial" one time and suddenly it's being used in a negative context by certain users to stifle any discussion they disagree with If you're going to use the term, at least apply critical thinking I maintain that there is nothing harmful about forming an opinion on this relationship, and voicing said opinion People can think whatever they want and you can't stop them It's literally not hurting anyone. We are just sayin' stuph Go listen to Eminem's Stan. Now there's an example of a harmful parasocial relationship
  32. 13 likes
  33. 12 likes
    Bingo. I really, truly hope Lana alters how this man thinks but knowing how Lana is, it's more likely she will think how he does. This man is violently anti-trans and I am a trans person. I love Lana but if she starts supporting violence against me and mine? I don't have a problem with stopping my support.
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    as much as i love lana, and speaking on her life is weird, i really cant help but feel she is bound to get hurt in the end. but the fact she is with this type of guy, its kinda like… well you brought this on urself
  38. 12 likes
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    Personally, Lana doesn't have to care about Trump or politics because she's rich. She can escape the impact that Trump has on people. But most people impacted by his actions (abolishing queer rights, making abortion illegal, etc.) are not rich. IMO, if Lana wants to marry this man, fine. But I never, EVER want her to talk about politics again since she loves a man whose politics contradict everything she has ever said.
  40. 11 likes
    got off my butt to sign in & comment after years for this. pretty dress, i like the bayou swamp queen vibe. but… now this is a choice considering his vile abhorrent views i feel so sorry for trans lipsters i’ll come back when the inevitable divorce album drops when she wakes up from… whatever this mess she’s gotten herself into here
  41. 11 likes
    Well, he is a redneck. I don't mean that as an insult; he just literally is. So it would be more surprising if he weren't a Trump supporter, as that's the norm in the rural South. I bet his family and friends are shocked he's marrying a Los Angeles celebrity, pretty much the most liberal people in the US. They are from polar opposite worlds, so they must feel it's worth it. Maybe they don't talk about politics. Maybe they agree to disagree. Maybe they talk about it a lot, and they have found common ground. She's been so private about him that she clearly doesn't want to share anything publicly, perhaps bc of exactly the kind of criticism we're seeing here.
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    it would be one thing if he was JUST a trump supporter who follows him or smthn, but he repeatedly REPOSTS and likes awful posts that are pro-trump and pro-violence, which just means he's a disgusting human being, and if she can marry someone who is that far right and vocal about, I don't think we should support her this has nothing to do with pleasing her fans, it has to do with basic morals, i don't know how she can literally marry and dedicate her life to someone who is actively spreading hate and supporting one of the worst presidents we've ever had that plans to TAKE AWAY human rights
  45. 11 likes
    Donald trump views aren’t political- they represent stripping of basic human rights violations and a lack of advancement for the country- you have to be genuinely stupid to think it’s simply political and I’ll stand by that She’s done very stupid things in the past so I doubt there’s any prenup. that being said- yep she can marry whatever pos she wants.
  46. 11 likes
    She was also under the impression they were only dating for a month... so unless he was cheating on her It's safe to assume they were dating for around 4 months. It's red flag after red flag... Just hope she doesn't end up getting Kevin Federline'd
  47. 11 likes
    These millions of people sharing those thoughts aren't celebrities with a huge platform and millions of followers. What Lana says, does, and who she marries does have an impact, way more than what an individual person who does not have any of that would have. In addition to that, now that they are married, he likely shares all of her wealth and any money she makes as "Lana Del Rey" will be his as well, meaning he can have even more influence and power when it comes to making his political beliefs a reality. Not everyone can just ignore that when our basic human rights are at risk of being taken away.
  48. 11 likes
    Ummm, Ricardo and Ricky are not nearly on the same level. Ricky is racist, homophobic, sexist, creepy (lana stuff aside, he’s also suggestively messaged underage girls), etc. Ricky acts like he owns Lana, and has made some pretty nasty comments about her and her family, friends, and coworkers over the years. Ricardo on the other hand, is much more respectful. He’s liked by Lana + her family and friends. Additionally, when Ricardo meets Lana it’s usually at a concert whereas Ricky quite literally stalks her, and shows up at inappropriate places (an example being that church where he harassed her). I don’t think the two of them should be put on the same level, lol
  49. 11 likes
  50. 10 likes
    Ok I’m like over the initial shock (finally) and I can say I hope she’s happy even though I don’t support that man in particular I support her and her happiness so I hope she found it <3 and she looked absolutely beautiful! That’s all I have to say at this point because I made my stance clear in previous posts but I do want people to know I support her for sure, just not Jeremy’s views. I agree we should lock this thread cause it’s just the same argument being had over and over. It’s not worth it to keep it open imo!
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