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Showing most liked content on 10/22/2024 in Posts

  1. 15 likes
    ridiculous. lana doesn't need to be saved (she's perfectly capable of saving herself if need be) and a pic taken by a stranger tells anyone next to nothing about her life.
  2. 13 likes
    the attention seeking on twitter is absurd I refuse to believe rumors like that without receipts. not trying to defend his character, but you can't judge someone's happiness based off a single picture
  3. 12 likes
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    saw a tiktok that said non-us citizens should not speak on us politics because it doesn't affect them but in the same breath say that america is the most influential country in the world... i fear for your country the world unless miss cvntmala wins PLEASE GO AND VOTE
  6. 11 likes
    Seems they are possibly preparing to drop clothing merch but so far nothing music related
  7. 10 likes
    Zodiac has been my favorite Lana moment of 2024 so an official release would be phenomenal. I wouldn't even give Lasso another thought, TBH. Not really sure how that rollout looks, though. "Here's a song about the Long Island serial killer victims just cuz"
  8. 10 likes
    Chosing to believe Pop Insider this time for the first and only time bc this drought needs to end I'm considering this the special project until proven wrong
  9. 10 likes
    "The alligators ate my laptop which had Lasso in it" is her "the dog ate my homework"
  10. 9 likes
  11. 9 likes
    Gaga releasing the lead single to her new album this Friday makes me believe we won’t get anything before mid November
  12. 8 likes
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    I hate hate hate when people think that a celebrity (or any other people) is unhappy and depressed when they don't smile or do a happy face, like bitch, does a celebrity has to be this 24/7? I bet that person's ex-boyfriend or that person themselves don't have a grinning face every day all the damn time. Like those photos where Lana and Jeremy left a dining place, like they weren't smiling there either, they had a neutral face but does that mean she's unhappy? Jeez. If anything, she's probably annoyed and upset because of the paparazzi because she has spoken out about them lately a lot.
  14. 7 likes
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    A jacket or something similar as far as I understand it.
  16. 7 likes
    Ok but imagine a zodiac and A&W 7 inch with this cover.....
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    my current prediction on how the race will turn out.. this could change before election day but idk Turnout - one of the biggest factors that will decide the election - will probably be lower than 2020, but a variety of other factors point to benefiting Harris. Access to abortion is on the ballot in Arizona and Nevada, two states with heavily-contested Senate races with the Dems in each highly favored to win. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin also have the privilege of a Democratic incumbency in their three respective Senate races, which again only helps Harris/Walz. The big flip I have here is Georgia for North Carolina. Georgia does not have huge Senate races like it did in 2020, which increased turnout and dragged Biden over the edge. I can't see that happening again this time, idk. North Carolina could very well stay Republican but it's continuously trended blue since 2016 and the gubernatorial race with the Trump-supported "Black Nazi" could line up for a Harris flip. We'll see what happens in 2 weeks
  19. 7 likes
    well i'd be unhappy too if i found out the person i married has posted, shared, said, and supported some of the things jeremy has
  20. 6 likes
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  22. 6 likes
    I think there will be a polling error in Harris’s favor this time around. We won’t know until after the election—and this may just be radical optimism—but 🤞🤞
  23. 6 likes
    that was just a jazz album, calm down.
  24. 6 likes
    They are going to fuck everything up for everyone. In a year they've killed 1 out of every 45 people in Gaza, thats crazy numbers pretty much everyone just an average person living there and they've completely destroyed half the homes, schools, hospitals and all the other buldings in the area. Must be by far the most damage ever done to people and an area in history in such a short time and nobodies doing anything to stop it. Makes sense how the USA were always invading and destabalising big countries there like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan and others as they don't want those places progressing and reaching a level to where they could challenge Israel, they've always got to be held back and put down unless the USA can turn them into other Morocco, Egypt and Saudi Arabias.
  25. 6 likes
    Things seem so off it's as if, out in the ether, there is no Lasso. Maybe there was, but it feels as if there isn't anymore. It's interesting that so many of us are intuiting this at the same time. I said here a few weeks ago that I had lost all interest in Lasso. That's about when it started for me.
  26. 6 likes
    I'm glad we can all agree things seem off. It's so strange because she was peaking Q1 and Q2 of this year. I would love to know what is going on BTS.
  27. 5 likes
    Just revisited the Zodiac leak and boy this song would've been so good on Ocean Blvd. I don't think it would release at all, especially to be put on Lasso, but it would be nice to hear it. About that music video in fall, that would be more realistic and could be true. If it's set to film this fall, it could come out during the wintertime. If we're lucky, it could come out in fall still (November). Either way, I have a feeling we are still getting something this year. Whether a lead single, supposed Zodiac single, perfume line, etc. YASS YALL SOMETHING IS FINALLY HAPPENING IN THIS THREAD
  28. 5 likes
    as much as I like zodiac it would be such a random release especially as a standalone single, idk how she would explain that especially after the general public are also expecting country music from her next. but I can totally believe the music video rumour. we do need it in hq though
  29. 5 likes
    No way Lana will leak release og mastered file...Yay!! #leakeroftheyear
  30. 5 likes
    Me rushing to this thread when I see its hot again with potential news:
  31. 5 likes
    After the wedding, I just can’t see this or any music being released for a long time
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  33. 5 likes
    Told my husband about the new LDR clothing merch and he said it’s probably hunting gear
  34. 5 likes
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    I personally don't think anything is off, she's just trying to enjoy her marriage and time with her family, hence some things were postponed. I still think we will be getting Lasso at some point in 2025 and even more tour dates. Also someone said that she's maybe distancing herself from music, I guess it might feel that way but she said countless times that writing and singing is a major part of her life. She maybe has different things she wants to concentrate on now, but I don't think she will totally step aside from her music career, maybe we won't be getting as much of music from her like we used to do, but she will always be there. It might be my wishful thinking by I really do think she is just taking her time with her marriage, love life and family, and that more excellent projects are to come.
  36. 5 likes
    There's no way she didn't know She's about as chronically online as you could realistically be for someone in her position, it seems My mum was asking about all this and she's like "well she's beautiful, he isn't, but maybe he's a really nice person" and I was like
  37. 5 likes
    🕊️ Pacific Blue 🕊️ American Standards & Classics 🕊️ Nikki Lane collaboration album 🕊️ Lasso 🕊️ fly high sisters amen
  38. 4 likes
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    I still wonder if these were meant for Lasso or Fishtail music video because she used Fishtail audio on Instagram with the caption "You wanted me sadder" with crocodile emoji, there were also swamp photos.
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    I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since BB dropped but I have to say the nostalgia is so strong today. I still remember when it dropped, I was freshly 23 and found myself in the middle of a skilled nursing turned Covid unit in the wee hours of the night, again. I was in such a weird, not so great place in my life. I was finally free from a bad relationship but stuck trying to find freedom within myself which felt impossible being trapped in all the plastic and under the respirators for 12 hours and forced to watch so many people get sick and pass away so astonishingly quick. I couldn’t love the way I wanted to, speak the way I wanted to, live the way I wanted to. It was awful for all of us but more so the patients. The themes and tones of this album saved a part of me I didn’t know at the time needed it and created a part of me I didn’t see coming. Especially being that the people around me refused to let me be me. Do the things I wanted, say the things I wanted… Everyone in my life built me up 300 feet tall just to tear me down.. I watched the leaves fall while my tears did too as I finally was able to get outside and breathe the fresh air and not the n95. I felt so much peace and love from this album and somehow I served as a vessel to spread the love and comfort to the people who needed it the most in these times. The memories I made to this album, the great things I did. The way it made me stand tall in the light of such intense criticism and transformation. How all those fall days passed and the chords still played. I remember the people from my past still trying to put what I had going on together in my head and all the ways I was topic of conversation after all those years, black bathing suit hit home for me. My soul was tired yes but I was more tired of the false criticisms and accusations of people who used to know me or not even at all. It made sense for me in that moment. Their interest really made stacks out of it for me, and it all helped me deliver the biggest fuck you to the people who were going up against me. I remember years later (May 2023 I believe) the pandemic was finally over for the healthcare workers (mostly). We had watched the world run free while we still suffered. But finally we were finally told by the government and corporations that we could take our masks off. It felt so free and wholesome to see everyone’s smiles and for our patients to see ours. Violets for Roses came on my AirPods and it all made sense in that moment. There truly was something in the air while we all ran free with our masks off and it made me so happy. It’s just funny how god puts us exactly where we need to be in the right moments. Thoughts of the day ☁️📝
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    im trying to get info out of this person but i have a feeling this is fake. keep yall posted
  50. 4 likes
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