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Showing most liked content on 08/09/2024 in Posts

  1. 15 likes
  2. 14 likes
    The only reason I believed her September claim was because she said Lasso was a project she worked on for four years. Therefore, I assumed the project was nearly complete and basically ready to roll. I'll never learn
  3. 14 likes
    it shows the drought we have experienced since then
  4. 13 likes
  5. 12 likes
  6. 9 likes
    Since when she cares what people think , oh lasso the victim u are
  7. 8 likes
    Normally when anyone does an obvious riff on the beat-to-death Lana Del Rey themes I actually feel a physical repulsion but this is quite endearing and the video is really good wtf
  8. 7 likes
    im sorry yall but theres no way anythings coming today
  9. 7 likes
    there’s this “Lasso Festival” going on in Montreal and it gets advertised on TV- I swear whenever the commercial comes on I get PTSD yknow I don’t live too far- maybe I should go and “look for evidence”- I will report back to the Lipsters
  10. 7 likes
    Charli and Billie at the Olympics Closing Ceremony
  11. 6 likes
    Guys... I am once again asking that if your Survivor game has more than ~10 options, please consider beginning with smaller point numbers, such as 5 points each instead of 10, or else the game will never end. In this instance, the winner will need 430 points to win With the abundance of new Survivor threads being created, I hope that they will at least actually be used rather than abandoned after a few days because the game seems impossible to complete. I recommend setting the game up so it can move at a quicker pace than what they have been x
  12. 6 likes
    Lana, please release something, I need something to cleanse my ears after listening to the new Katy single
  13. 6 likes
    I rlly hope it’s Lana related coz it looks so so similar to the ocean blvd pictures but desert version instead of the beach
  14. 6 likes
    this is so good.. Neil never disappoints with his vision and anything he comes up with and inconspicuously posts I hope it’s Lana related
  15. 6 likes
    Thing is if we do lock up this thread and things finally happen, it could take a couple of hours before the mods unlock it if no one is around. A thread gets locked when people argue too much or derail it off-topic, which didn’t happen that much in the last weeks. NFR’s pre-release was another story altogether True, its kinda slow and boring right now, we still argue about Jack being a good producer or not, but it’s kinda inevitable haha. However, even in dry periods, we do get cute reminders : yesterday, when someone posted about the Neil pictures of the desert, although I had seen them, I thought it was cute and would fit the aesthetics of a country album.
  16. 6 likes
    It came from the same person who leaked the Tough cover art. They said that there was a « soft launch » planned for July 30th for an August 9th release. But they also said that they didn’t know what it was for, probably merch. That person didn’t come back here to give us more explanations (and I must say that I totally get it: I don’t think they were trolling us, but the tone LB sometimes get when things don’t come through ) My theory is that it was for Quavo’s Fly: we did get the first snippet on July 29th and it was released today, August 9th.
  17. 6 likes
  18. 6 likes
    i have to say this album is SO addicting. it grows on me more and more each listen, and it’s what i instantly gravitate to when i want to listen to music now. i feel like i get to know and understand charli more and more every time i play the album even though im listening to the same songs agayne and agayne (lol). im sooo excited that i now have her entire catalog to go through and get to know. I am so tempted to dive into another album of her’s rn, but i really want to sit on this one and digest it more. i want to take my time and properly appreciate each project before moving on. anyways, i guess you could call me a charli stan now. do u guys accept me
  19. 5 likes
    How come this album's songs have such a replay value? What kinda crack have they added there?
  20. 5 likes
    Deluxe vinyl dropping having me like
  21. 5 likes
    Charli having three songs in the top 20 in the UK and one of them being #1 I used to pray for times like these wow
  22. 5 likes
    When her laptop was stolen she said the album isn't coming out soon but 5 months later she dropped Ocean Blvd album. She announced Lasso 6 months ago and now we've got nothing. Well, we got Tough but we don't know if it is for Lasso
  23. 5 likes
  24. 5 likes
  25. 5 likes
    looks like another day on lanaboards where the gays plan everything for lana, but get nothing, and wallow in sadness
  26. 5 likes
    Meh, both the same level of quality really. Listenable, generic, forgettable ect
  27. 5 likes
    when this thread title changes to "on hold indefinitely" then what
  28. 5 likes
  29. 5 likes
    This thread is definitely a strong contender for thread of the year so far imo
  30. 4 likes
    yall know the drill, take one point and give it to another person until there's one left wait for someone else to take their turn before going again spinmeround - 10 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 10 The Siren - 10 lanaismamom - 10 lustforlife - 10 the ocean - 10 lanaswildflowers - 10 wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 10 arcadialovesong2018- 10 reputation - 10 sparklejumpropenoose - 10 DeluluKing - 10 Acid - 10 Prettiest Boy In Country Music - 10 Eugene - 10
  31. 4 likes
    considering our forum's history, it's more like... DELUSION: 1,500 - LANABOARDS: 2.5
  32. 4 likes
  33. 4 likes
    It's not feat. Lana nor feat. Quavo. It is Quavo AND Lana.
  34. 4 likes
    Who knows, she’ll be in the country.. so it would be nice if she did
  35. 4 likes
  36. 4 likes
    And when the laptop has silverlake and loved you then and now on it
  37. 4 likes
    Lifetimes isn't bad (it's definitely better than Woman's World), but it is extremely generic. It sounds like any other dance song by a DJ featuring a random nameless Rita Ora-type singer that you'd hear during a transition scene of a Netflix reality show. I don't see myself listening to it again.
  38. 4 likes
  39. 4 likes
  40. 4 likes
    theory: brat summer (northern hemisphere) - main & deluxe album brat summer (southern hemisphere) - remix album that way the entire world gets a brat summer with an album release
  41. 4 likes
    We know she has a terrible track record on that regard… but maybe (just MAYBE) it could have had happened on time (unless there’s a surprise release, I don’t see a September release being realistic TBH, but the lead single in September, that I believe in ). I said 10000 times, but 2024 is a big year for releases and labels want the best week possible for a release to have big numbers and plans seem to change all the time (I also suspect TayTay to be a problem in this big picture: we know she has the TVs that she could announce anytime and drop within six weeks, and we all know it’ll go straight up to number 1, even if it’s not new material). So, maybe her label said a fall release was possible when she announced it if she was mostly done with it. But I can’t give her the benefit of the doubt for speaking way too soon about it though. (imagine if she surprise drops Lasso in September after all; she would have spoiled the damn thing )
  42. 4 likes
  43. 4 likes
    I had a dream that Lana and Ethel Cain released a photoshoot together for an upcoming project let’s take this as a sign that something will happen today
  44. 4 likes
    Petition to lock this thread until further notice if nothing happens today. Gracias 🙏🏼
  45. 4 likes
    are y'alll seriously comparing this to THEE "Walking On Air"???
  46. 4 likes
    I mean, I don’t loathe it but it doesn’t really go anywhere and the lyrics sound like they would have won 2nd place at the 10th grade song writing competition
  47. 4 likes
    Diet Pepsi so good I had to ride it
  48. 4 likes
    This is the first thing on this site in weeks that’s excited me a bit
  49. 4 likes
    just added, mb a permanent place in herstory
  50. 4 likes
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