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  1. 13 likes
  2. 11 likes
    I've been a hard-core fan since the home-made Blue Jeans video. Tough aside, this is by far the most boring time to be a Lana stan. By far. Maybe it's not the longest period without music or news, but it feels like the longest.
  3. 11 likes
    been re-reading her old interviews from 2023 and found this: so, when she was living in nashville in late 2023, she was writing an album of standards (i don't really know what that could mean but the journalist brought these country roads and unchained melody covers as examples). and what we also know is that she was in nashville with luke laird whom she wrote henry come on with. so those "classic, simple songs" could basically means songs like henry come on. which i wouldn't mind but i have a strange feeling that the song might be...scrapped. honestly, it has been "difficult" (it's not really the right word to describe but you'll understand) last months in terms on music and news. like i know we've been fed these last five years with a lot of albums and songs and content but for the first time as a fan i just...do not have a great feeling about this album's fate. something doesn't add up, especially jack's latest interview where his "tone" was more pessimistic than in previous months where he was talking about lasso. i know that she just recently married, is on her honeymoon and wants her privacy - and i respect that. the era hasn't really started properly as well, we did have snippets and jack-being-hyped-interviews in nfr and cotcc eras but everything about lasso era feels so dead and lifeless. i need news so bad, i'm desperate for that. i want this forum to be alive and full of energy like it was earlier this year when lana announced lasso. the only thing we're holding onto is the southern gothic themes and two-more-singles-by-the-end-of-2024 thing. i don't think these were tough remixes, she never cared for remixes. so this last week of october, november and december are our last hopes for singles and news - and i really want to me optimistic and this might be my another case of delusion - but i really really hope that at least one single is released in those months. that "country yeehaw" photoshoot which her stylist molly teased is quite vague as well since she works with a lot of celebrities. but i do hope it's for lana. if it's not for an album maybe it is for a magazine or a brand. there's this stagecoach show and rumoured liverpool show too but i don't know if shows can indicate anything, we got nothing new this year besides that "past present" intro song - which i hope which will be released some day. we can still hold onto that "cool non-lasso" thing which pantene teased as well...
  4. 9 likes
    πŸ•ŠοΈ Pacific Blue πŸ•ŠοΈ American Standards & Classics πŸ•ŠοΈ Nikki Lane collaboration album πŸ•ŠοΈ Lasso πŸ•ŠοΈ fly high sisters amen
  5. 9 likes
    I'm keeping optimistic. She's getting to know the alligators better so she can have them feat background vocals in the songs. in true fishtail swamp style form
  6. 9 likes
    A new snippet posted to IG could take us from 0 to 100 in seconds, Lana
  7. 8 likes
    Something is definitely off but I don't think country music is to blame. I think she really was following her gut with Lasso and then something shifted in the last few months
  8. 7 likes
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    I'm glad we can all agree things seem off. It's so strange because she was peaking Q1 and Q2 of this year. I would love to know what is going on BTS.
  11. 7 likes
    well.... it went #1 in my heart
  12. 6 likes
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    you’ll never walk alone live performance is coming
  15. 6 likes
    yeah i don’t think those two singles are coming this year. she’s too busy with that old man.
  16. 5 likes
    well i'd be unhappy too if i found out the person i married has posted, shared, said, and supported some of the things jeremy has
  17. 5 likes
    So does she like Charli or not PLS. Just last week she was lashing at Lone for him liking Charli dancing to Liquorice (by Azealia). Her mind is too powerful for me.
  18. 5 likes
    hii guys i've been bored lately so i made my rework of the song, here's the link if someone wants to listen to it! i would love to know what do you think even though it's not finished yet. https://on.soundcloud.com/dTM4NiSJhP3tBcGWA
  19. 5 likes
    My whole family are Liverpool supporters and I will DEFINITELY be going to see Lana if she performs at Anfield!!!!
  20. 5 likes
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    if it’s not for the album cover/some mv i can see it being for a magazine cover
  22. 4 likes
    she married and she wants to enjoy it after achieving her peak, that’s what happened
  23. 4 likes
    celtic and liverpool girlies pulling up to anfield for you’ll never walk alone live performance by our queen
  24. 4 likes
    Also I’d kill for a Lana football top lol, so I’m fully believing this random person through pure hope and delusion
  25. 4 likes
    If anfield is being announced can she hurry up whilst I’ve just been paid
  26. 4 likes
    I love when the single release date is announced days before its release. That month shit rollout pisses me off.
  27. 4 likes
  28. 4 likes
    Addison has just announced her up-coming single titled "Aquamarine" PRE-SAVE LINK: https://forms.sonymusicfans.com/campaign/ARAquamarine/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZyTNVblPf34HT1v3MPoO22ceqObJtmmYYE6y5Wh-mxSzBorIKUtVdqkTA_aem_Qak6CD2RyzRLJLNKn1dtFQ
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  30. 4 likes
    I still hope so. Remember Ben's IG story? I think it was after Fenway, photo with Lana and Chuck and it said "Anfield next" Edit: found it
  31. 4 likes
    oh she's so fucking back im so excited its crazy that chromatica was over 4 years ago im happy that this era seems to be more in line with the chromatica ball and Born This Way style in sound and vibe and she seems to be super happy and excited about this music so I hope she really does her big one with this
  32. 4 likes
    https://gagadisease.com/ 10/25 DISEASE
  33. 3 likes
  34. 3 likes
  35. 3 likes
    We love a Germanic philology moment on Lanaboards Lasso discourse is THAT dry
  36. 3 likes
    It's the first time I don't care about a Lana release. I care for her music since 2011 but something's really off with Lasso. And something's off in general but I can't really say what. I really like when she creates with her own guts and collaborators and not based on a musical tendency like country music (if Tough is a sample of what Lasso can be I'm pessimistic).
  37. 3 likes
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  39. 3 likes
    How captivating is Jimmy Gnecco's voice ?!? No wonder Lana was such a hardcore Stan of Jimmy. I really wish they collab. Just imagine if Lana sang on the track I've posted above with Jimmy...How heavenly it would sound
  40. 3 likes
  41. 3 likes
    An insider from someone who gets v good Glastonbury Festival info - announcement this week apparently for June 2025…
  42. 3 likes
    Been told LDR is playing Anfield Stadium, Liverpool next summer
  43. 3 likes
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  45. 3 likes
    Plenty of people have teased a photoshoot before we got it throughout the years
  46. 3 likes
    this is definitely for Lana I feel it - if she’s just doing the cover now it’s safe to say it will come out next year
  47. 3 likes
    She crazy. Everything she's said is rubbish. Particularly tired of that nepotism bullishit. Lana's dad was a copywriter at Grey Group. Maybe she should focus on releasing a new album since the last one (Broke with Expensive Taste, was it?) came out a decade ago. Idiot. As for Lasso, clearly there are delays and let's not move for nothing. But I'm going to think that this big gap is a good thing, because it means Lana is not winging it. It took ages for NFR to come together, maybe it's the same story with Lasso.
  48. 3 likes
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  50. 2 likes
    She also opened with a Neil young song last year. I think Coachella Night 2 πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I don't remember ik it was my my hey hey hopefully she covers it I love that song
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