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Showing most liked content on 11/03/2024 in Posts

  1. 9 likes
    pls I beg you a vote for a 3rd party is a vote for trump, Im trans and Im scared of what will happen if trump wins
  2. 9 likes
    im pretty sure it's been locked for months now free my girl sparklejumpropequeen!
  3. 8 likes
    I did not just see one of y’all complain that a transgender minor member here is being “so dramatic” for worrying that they may potentially lose access to gender affirming healthcare (which is a very really “policy” Trump is running on)
  4. 8 likes
  5. 8 likes
    Just a reminder, you do not have to disclose who you voted for to anyone. You are also allowed to lie about it if it comes down to that. I know it's not pretty and any sane person wouldn't be happy about having to make that choice but you do have to make it. Also, remember that you're in a swing state
  6. 8 likes
    was this website ever really used? its so funny looking back how we were all registering for it and freaking out when it was launched
  7. 7 likes
    Even if we want to ignore her Kremlin ties, her policies are economically unsound--with no actual way to pay for them (other than "let's just cut the military budget!"). She was unable to answer the simple question "how many members of Congress are there?", showing a severe lack of knowledge in our Democracy. She, and her party, refuse to run grassroots campaigns in state elections, and slowly move their way up to federal politics--only appearing every 4/8 years to run for President. She happily takes money from GOP Pacs for her ad campaigns, showing that she cares very little about any of her supposed policies and her outrage is feigned. Then when the grift is over, and her payout from the GOP is confirmed, she happily slithers back to her Massachusetts mansion, where she probably uses her millions to buy another stupid fucking scarf.
  8. 7 likes
    Win or lose, it's heartbreaking to know half of everyone was ok with all this, could listen to the incessant incoherent rambling, all the racist talk, all the hate against women, hate against minorities, the constant threats of violence, could see the confederate and nazi flags at the rallies, could look at his poor record and his threats of what's to come and still say 'i want to be part of this, that's my guy'.
  9. 7 likes
    I’m legitimately terrified of this proud boy content I’m seeing on socials. TL;DR republicans know they’re losing so bad that the far right group won’t wait until January to attack our cities and our people. I’m actually quite scared for these next several days/weeks it’s basically civil war on steroids. And trump is to blame for absolutely all of it.
  10. 7 likes
    I can’t imagine how scary this election must be for you 🩶 I have faith, for what it’s worth.
  11. 7 likes
    I'm not American but I'm nervous as fuck for the results it's like witnessing a possible apocalypse.
  12. 7 likes
    https://youtu.be/NjP4NBj0hhQ?si=NNtV-l6Zwl0MruQt this henry concept is perfect
  13. 7 likes
    Can we stop talking about the obvious fucking grift that is the “Green” party. The only green thing about them is all the money they personally make off of being spoiler candidates, backed by Republican PACs (yes GOP Donors are literally paying for Stein’s advertisements).
  14. 7 likes
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  17. 6 likes
    I wish I could vote, unfortunately I'm Canadian :( Please vote American Lipsters!! I was reading an article about how a Trump win could affect the environment and it sent a chill down my spine Kamala may not be perfect, but a win for her is better than the hellscape America could look like if that cheetohead wins
  18. 6 likes
  19. 6 likes
    I mean this in the nicest way, but voting Kamala is the best thing you can do for your friends who are Muslim and Palestinian and voting third party at this stage is voting for Trump. Trump will handle the Gaza/Israel situation way worse than Biden and Harris has and Harris has come out saying there needs to be a ceasefire. And if you're in PA, it's dire we don't start a fight for a third party/5% of the vote thing right now when so much is at stake. I know you know this stuff but i can't stress it enough, we NEED your vote. it could be the matter of Trump winning again and it getting much worse internationally and domestically. make your decision based on what you feel you should do, but please please PLEASE keep her in mind when you vote. i get being upset about how it's been handled and I agree with you it should be handled better, but now isn't the time to make this election a single issue election, i don't think. it's about right and wrong and if he gets in there, it's going to be worse than it is now for us in the US and those in other countries. Kamala has called for a ceasefire on multiple occasions throughout the year but unfortunately, she isn't president so she can't really do much except advise Biden what she would do. whether he takes that into consideration is out of her control. i think she'd be much better for the middle east and international affairs in general but that's just my opinion
  20. 6 likes
  21. 5 likes
    It’s still tight. The Iowa poll is a shocker, but also not completely surprising. The sad thing is, there are still a lot of tossup states. But if Iowa is close or even Texas… Demographics are slowly shifting. I really doubt she makes Texas close, but she could eek out Iowa. I think in order of most likely outcomes, it’s 1. Slight Harris victory 2. Slight Trump victory 3. Harris landslide Multiple data points suggest Kamala wins in a landslide, but I’m really being cautiously pessimistic. Trump has been an anomaly in elections and polling over the past 8-9 years. It’s hard to gauge. But it is hard to deny that many high level republicans are throwing support behind the democrat. That should be a signal by itself.
  22. 5 likes
  23. 5 likes
    it's not even the day before election day and yet i'm already nervous just ready for this all to be over
  24. 5 likes
    Trumps odds on Polymarket are crashing. This is our first “we’re so back”, before an inevitable “it’s so over” (and repeat) of the next 3 days.
  25. 5 likes
    lana was right when she said the whole industry was going country omg
  26. 5 likes
    I’m happy to hear that about Iowa! I was just there a few weeks ago and there was a lot less Trump signs compared to 2016 & 2020. I know it’s purely anecdotal but I was still shocked
  27. 5 likes
    If you think about it, the only times Iowa has gone blue in the last 20 years is when a Black Democrat has been one of the nominees.
  28. 5 likes
    The Des Moines Register - an A-rated pollster - just dropped an 11th hour poll showing Harris leading Trump in Iowa 47% - 44% …….
  29. 5 likes
    i agree with you that two party systems arent good in the slightest, but an election like this is not the time to begin your fight for a multi party system. any vote against kamala this time is for trump
  30. 5 likes
    so self serving reasons and an implied 5% of extra votes for turnump 😍😍😍 I❤️POLITICS
  31. 5 likes
    Even if any site would be locked, I don't think there would be any reason to freak out since it'a probably nothing because the new album is still in the making
  32. 5 likes
    wait which one? i swear she has 17 million sites
  33. 5 likes
    sparkle jump rope queen is locked with a password 👀
  34. 5 likes
    I finally got it here are the inside pages (same text/pics that we’ve seen so far)
  35. 4 likes
  36. 4 likes
    This pretty highly rated Pollster just adjusted their Michigan poll from "Trump +1" to "Harris +2", admitting that they "under sampled women, African Americans, and the City of Detroit" https://x.com/MIRSnews/status/1853230990577258902
  37. 4 likes
    They've been predicting that Trump is the "slight favorite" since October. Almost every poll and real prediction (i.e., not Polymarket) has the race as "tossup". As of now, the race (according to 538 and Nate Silver's models), has moved from "slight Trump edge" to "50-50." There's a lot of discussion around this in the prior few pages, if you're interested!
  38. 4 likes
    It's so crazy to think that as someone who lives in a crucial swing state (PA), my vote has so much more power than someone who lives in California or Tennessee or Maryland or Idaho. It's like I'm not just casting my own vote, I'm voting for the people in all these other states who are counting on me and people like me. Like even if I didn't want to vote, I still need to do it for all the other people out there who are depending on me because of the idiotic electoral college.
  39. 4 likes
    @baddisease i know you've already decided you're going to vote for harris, but i wanted to say, that you can't let your friends' hypothetical opinions influence who you vote for and what you choose to do, it's obvious that harris is really the best logical option, if voting for her upsets your friends, well, so be it, since donald trump, the only other option, would be worse, and you're in a swing-state where your vote is most important
  40. 4 likes
    For what it counts, as someone of half Iranian heritage, I would not feel betrayed by any of my friends voting for Harris 🙃🙃🙃🙃 Erm? Yes—the odds of a Trump Presidency crashing are a good thing (for everyone that’s not white, and/or straight, and/or rich)
  41. 4 likes
    Now that I've given Punish a few more listens, I like it a lot more than I did on friday
  42. 4 likes
  43. 4 likes
    He diiiiiid! He started with So I remix, then during the set he played Love Me Off Earth/L.O.V.E and Action Moteur
  44. 4 likes
    todays episode when they mentioned her it was during weekly updates but she wasn't the punchline it was like "lana del rey dating an alligator guide and bella hadid dating a bla bla bla, so many unlikely couples lately, insert punchline here"
  45. 4 likes
  46. 4 likes
    yeah as much as i'm chomping at the bit for a new album i don't think this is anything worth freaking out over. i keep having to remind myself that despite how frustrating pretty much every rollout has been, we rly do get fed with an album every 2 years if not more often
  47. 4 likes
    Jill Stein would be very selfish if she ignored this call and did not support Kamala Harris.
  48. 3 likes
  49. 3 likes
    album so bad people had to pull out the top 5 tracks list oh it’s serious
  50. 3 likes
    This is so good. I pray to god Kamala wins. im not American but my whole page is stuff about the election and I know it’s very close, but I hope that Kamala can win Pennsylvania and hopefully win the election. Because if trump wins…. It’s not going to be good.
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