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  1. 11 likes
    666 (pages) ➡️ devil, evil, Satan ➡️ horror, eerie, creepy, scary ➡️ Halloween ➡️ new song out Oct 31
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    I wish people would understand that's okay to have complicated and mixed feelings about it. You're allowed to respect his victims while still mourning the tragic loss of someone whose early stardom propelled him into a dark space filled with addiction and abuse. You're allowed to grieve the teen boy you adored when you were young. You're allowed to grieve the lost potential, the hope of a reunion, and the wish of someone being able to turn their lives around again. You're also allowed to feel angry at his actions. I have no stake in this because I was never a fan of him or 1D. But, I feel like a lot of energy is being expended at cancelling someone who is already dead. Like, what's the goal? I also understand and find it weird how fans are deifying him to such a point that his former partners and bandmates are now being harassed online. At the end of the day, the most heartbreaking aspect is that there is a little boy who will grow up without his father. If not for anyone else, at least have some empathy for that little boy.
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    “We simply cannot wait. But good news for diehard fans: Before the record drops, Del Rey promises there will be more singles on the way. You can expect a follow-up to her latest, “Tough” with Quavo, very soon. In Del Rey’s own words: “We have two more coming out by the end of the year!”” very soon.
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    i asked ChatGPT about Lasso and even they don't know anything
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    I need sonically Johnny Cash cover of Hurt vibes on Lasso. I have always loved this song, it sounds dark, melancholic but also eerily "comforting" and nostalgic. I remember when Wild One leaked, the intro reminded me of this. His version is also considered as Southern Gothic, I think.
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    still in shock even though I was never a Stan of 1D. I know it probably sounds weird he died falling from the 3rd floor, but it's really not too far fetched. I know someone from when I was in college that died falling down about a flight of stairs while they were intoxicated. it's more about the way you fall that matters, and I'm sure the fact he probably wasn't sober doesn't help. I feel like people should wait until there's an investigation before making a bunch of accusations. incredibly sad situation. a lot of people are sending a bunch of hate to his ex who's been calling him out on social media the past few weeks and it's really unfair to her. rip, sending love to his family, friends, and ex.
  13. 5 likes
    Lasso is dead in the water…. we’re gonna be talking about it in ten years the same way we talk about the lost paradise album..
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    (page) 666, at a flop thread's peak, i'm nowhere, i'm so lasso- oh oh, ohhhh
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    Am I delulu when I think that we'll get at least one single this year?
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    I mean Tyler the Creator just announced his new album today and it's coming Monday October 28. I could see Lana doing a short turn around like that but not until next year. I don't think we're getting any singles this year, either. She was def talking about the Tough remixes which is so funny I can't even be mad at her.
  19. 5 likes
    I would love for her to work with a producer like Trent Reznor. She needs that heavy sound back.
  20. 5 likes
    I agree. It is such a busy and fun time of year. And Christmas music season is almost starting. I will definitely need something by Jan/Feb though, since they are the worst.
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    It would be crazy for someone to post pics of them before they did imo lol. I think we’re not getting them anytime soon. She’s punishing us all for the drone
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    My biggest fear, if I let myself spiral, is that Tunnel will be her last album for a decade while she vanishes to 100% focus on building a family. “Don’t forget me” would be the perfect farewell from her. Lasso will turn into this legendary, unfinished album we talk about for years, something promised but never delivered. I don’t ACTUALLY believe this is going to happen but I also wouldn’t be completely surprised
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    I asked a nun about Lasso and she said "Lana Del Rey, please stop"
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    I'm enjoying other people's music and projects. Finneas's new album is really cute. The Weekend's new singles are pretty cool. The Bettlejuice Bettlejuice soundtrack is perfect for the Halloween season. That Tough Graveregz remix works pretty well for autumn jogs. And then there are the movies, you can now stream The Substance, Beettlejuice Beettlejuice, and The good Robot. Anora's just hit the theatres and that's meant to be the year's hottest movie. The Oscar season is upon us. Like, we don't have to wait for Lana to enjoy ourselves.
  31. 4 likes
    Only yesterday I was thinking that soon this month it will be one year since Matthew Perry's death and I realised that the Friends cast will never reunite as the same full cast again and when I read the news that Liam has died, I was shocked and later I realised that One Direction will never reunite as the same band again All the members will meet again for his funeral I have never been a huge fan of the band but their songs were a huge part of my childhood and without them it wouldn't be the same. I was listening to random 2010s hits yesterday and one of these were the band's last single Drag Me Down...
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    Are Lana’s wedding photos the new Zodiac? Only time will tell I think she rly would sue for that tho
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    the "so i" remix is another entry in the party 4 u/visions/track 10 school of transcendant dance songs that make me cry. charli and a.g. really have something special.
  37. 3 likes
    Surprised she didn't have a thread on here yet. Galore's one of my favorite album of the 2020s. She just dropped 2 new songs they're really good go stream!
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    it's cute, the last chorus goes off, not every song needs to be experimental the alboom already has two masterpieces grammys feels good and homosexua i'm sure atlantic was like can we have something a bit safer twigs hen
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    Terrible, only 31. I pray for his family and loved ones dealing with this.
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    i want to believe this, but let's be real - its because much prob he wouldn't like it one way or the other as for the place but hey, on another note her friends are real g's
  47. 3 likes
    he was literally just posting on his Snapchat earlier today omfg..
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