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Showing most liked content on 09/16/2020 in Posts

  1. 9 likes
  2. 8 likes
    I like NFR but out of all Lana's work did it really have to be the most critically acclaimed? Having the general public not appreciating her other stuff that much (besides BTD) feels like such a let down imo.
  3. 8 likes
  4. 7 likes
    i feel like the general consensus is that stevie nicks ruined BPBP, but for me, she's the single reason i listen to that song. when her vocals kick in along with the drum beat it's like heaven, and hearing both her and lana sing together is gorgeous. also i love the lyric "my heart is soft, my past is rough"
  5. 7 likes
    Taste!!!! Sad Girl is also my favourite song from UV & still my favourite song she’s officially released so far. Religion is also in my top 3 from HM. Underrated masterpieces xx
  6. 7 likes
    Ugh, the hate sad girl gets is so unwarranted. it's #1 in my top 5 off the album purely for the chorus. I feel the repetitive nature of the song adds a ton of charm, and it's one of those songs that I can see myself listening to, top down, driving along the coast, or in my house putting christmas decorations up while it snows.
  7. 7 likes
    Hoping she pulls a 7G and drops a double album with side 1 being the album she’s creating currently and side 2 being the Janet album
  8. 6 likes
    It leaked! It's really good but that quality is a choice
  9. 6 likes
    I hate to break it to you but Where Do Babies Come From? is indeed a 2014 Melanie Martinez demo. Anyways leak more Melanie Martinez 2014 demos including WDBCF
  10. 6 likes
    i don't understand why people have an issue with sad girl specifically because of it's repetition when a lot of other songs on the album have that same element. ultraviolence, pretty when you cry, black beauty, and is this happiness all have repeating choruses yet i don't really see anyone complain about them. i love sad girl as well, there's something powerful about it, it's like she's finding her own power and strength by admitting that she is, and the playing the role as, the sad girl archetype.
  11. 6 likes
  12. 5 likes
  13. 5 likes
    okay keep em coming, mleanie mass leak let's gooo
  14. 5 likes
  15. 5 likes
    A snippet of the verse leaked! Sounds kinda like the Bittersweet Tragedy bridge?
  16. 5 likes
  17. 5 likes
    nfr is a boring flop. i never understood how yall say its some godly masterpiece. flop instrumental with flop lyrics to appeal to critics and bald old dudes
  18. 5 likes
    it always bored me to tears and then JUST hit for me this year– sometimes a song takes its time revealing its power to you and all you can do is wait. it may never happen and that's also fine!
  19. 5 likes
    This project really is a masterpiece to me, it is SO beautiful and unique and special. I can't believe how little attention it's gotten, it's one of the best artistic releases of the year. I really am surprised Jack never said a word about it, his music is gorgeous throughout.
  20. 5 likes
    Sad Girl was my favorite UV song when I first listened to UV and still is my favorite UV song now. Its just so sexy yet melancholy and the production is just so good. And the last part of the bridge when she sings "hes got the fire and he walks with it hes got the fire and he talks with it" for the last time is just so chilling how it goes quiet with just the guitar and her voice Religion is the same way for me aswell from Honeymoon. Another amazing song that people tend to dislike over other songs on the album. To me though they're the best songs from each album.
  21. 5 likes
    Why is 'Sad Girl' so slept on? It's legit one of the best songs on 'Ultraviolence'. I know some stans complain about its "repetitiveness", but I honestly don't care, it has so much bravado in its melodies, the whole thing has so much fire and intensity. I venture to say that had 'Pretty When You Cry' not existed (and that guitar solo) the bridge in 'Sad Girl' would've been the climax of that whole album. Sorry, I just get really passionate about 'Sad Girl'.
  22. 5 likes
    I agree with some of your points as well. From my personal experience as a mod here for years, people respond more to verbal warnings than just giving them a warning point. for me it was less about hoarding unleaked songs and more about the fact he’s continued to break a rule that Elle has reminded him of - users are not supposed to advertise / brag / attempt to trade unleaked material. I don’t care if people keep their leaks to themselves, but when they wave it in everyone’s face that they’ve got material with obvious intent to trade - that’s when I’m going to speak up. My intent is not to argue either, just to verbalize rules that have already been set in place by the admin of this website. Maybe I do so in an aggressive way, but most people don’t seem to respond or respect when Elle asks them nicely. & she does way too much for this forum for me to be okay seeing a member completely disregard her warning to them. I wish you well all the same! & sorry if it seemed my aggression was towards you - it’s entirely on the member ignoring Elle’s warning.
  23. 5 likes
    Roll With Me a career highlight imo
  24. 5 likes
  25. 4 likes
    i think she’s hinting at a taxi release bc in that studio picture some of the stickers on the filter are yellow and taxi’s are yellow......we won
  26. 4 likes
  27. 4 likes
    praying that this "sell-out/top 40" stuff is hinting towards her janet era? since janet was a major pop star maybe she's hinting that her new era will be the janet one since its gonna have the big top 40 sound (with a charli twist i'm sure!)
  28. 4 likes
    gonna give one unpopular opinion for each album BTD - Lucky Ones is terrible, borderline unlistenable Paradise - American is 10000% underrated Ultraviolence - Old Money doesn't do much for me Honeymoon - The Blackest Day is good but imo a little overhyped Lust For Life - Summer Bummer is one of my fav ever Lana songs Norman Fucking Rockwell! - I don't like California
  29. 4 likes
    Maybe she’ll be working with some iconic chart-topping producers.
  30. 4 likes
    what the heck is charli planning growing out her hair, back in the studio, selling out/top 40 tease WHAT
  31. 4 likes
  32. 4 likes
    This is what I'm hearing Also, longer Dressed in Mistakes snippet
  33. 4 likes
  34. 4 likes
    The more I listen to this visions remix the more I absolutely love it Imagine if we still got a hifn b sides ep with the ag cook remixes of this and claws
  35. 4 likes
    beautiful superstar out now wow i srsly cannot believe he made a whole new song out of both of them... WOW 2020/2021 is revolutionary for music
  36. 4 likes
    an album of salvatores, off to the races, honeymoons, lolitas, brite lites, mermaid motels, religions, sad girls, groupie loves yes ma'am im manifesting it
  37. 4 likes
  38. 4 likes
    So Interscope posted a Lana related post. No new info but could it be a sign that we are finally ready to start promoting and rolling the fucking album out. Probably not but one can dream lol!
  39. 4 likes
    omg finally a thread for blackpink!! ice cream was cute, but I think I still like 'how you like that' more
  40. 3 likes
    Exactly. We need these songs like Dressed in Mistakes, Night Mime final, Zzzz, Jump Rope, etc and the iconic WDBCF. Hopefully we get an HQ version of Psycho Lovers, it's a great song.
  41. 3 likes
  42. 3 likes
    We're getting new Cry Baby leaks I think we should be grateful for that alone instead of saying ''But where's WDBCF'' every time something happens There, I said it.
  43. 3 likes
    Will you follow me down here Down the rabbit hole, Mikey You're my needle, you're my drug Get me high up on your love I've gone mental, can't you tell -me Waiting for you love, drowning for your touch Do you love me too? Is this what Psycho Lovers do? -yeah
  44. 3 likes
    It sounds so good :O we need the full version
  45. 3 likes
    main pop girl charli is coming
  46. 3 likes
  47. 3 likes
    That's why I want Lana to write for them catchy cute songs. Lana is meant to be in this nurturing, elder sister, mentor type of roles. BLACKPINK - HIT & RUN, imagine that.
  48. 3 likes
    Yes!! Ugh legends only I guess objectively speaking West Coast, SoC, Brooklyn Baby are some of the best songs off UV but something about Sad Girl is just much more special than them in a way, to me anyway. Same with Religion but I have to say some of the other songs off HM are at the same level such as the TBD. As you said they really are underrated masterpieces. Sad Girl getting the recognition shes always deserved Honestly I like the second half a lil better than the first half of HM too. Honeymoon (the track), TLY, and Art Deco are some of my favorites off HM but I feel like the second half is better collectively and has amazing songs like Religion, Salvatore, TBD, etc.
  49. 3 likes
    I absolutely prefer the album version of How To Disappear, not only is obviously more polished but it has some lo-fi elements production-wise, matching well with Love song's instrumentation. Also if we had the piano version on the album y'all would be complaining about too many piano ballads
  50. 3 likes
    attention whores pestering yet another thread...please stop..
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