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Showing most liked content on 09/27/2020 in Posts

  1. 24 likes
    Elle coming back and having to delete the scat for the 100th time
  2. 20 likes
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  6. 18 likes
    FINALLY i was never online for the scat. such iconic lb pre-release moments
  7. 18 likes
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    I have a feeling it won't be like l4l and it's going to be a more fully realized version of NFR with a more experimental sound akin to AKA. Thematically I think it will explore the shallow tragedy of opulence. TJF reminds me of FIILY and I'm excited to get more of that.
  9. 16 likes
  10. 16 likes
    Very funny Ben, we know it's you posting the scat
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    don't worry guys, it's only visual representation of how lana's discography shits on halsey's
  17. 15 likes
    Omg J*red and the halsey version of J*red are fighting anyways cocc will not sound like halsey. periodic table.
  18. 14 likes
    Do you think Lana delayed the album cause we hadn’t reached the prerelease porn quota yet?
  19. 14 likes
  20. 14 likes
    Take the Halsey comparisons to another thread please! This is a Lana COCC thread and this Halsey thing has been going on for too long. (We know you're trolling btw. Not even gonna quote you).
  21. 13 likes
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  23. 13 likes
    Halsey we know its you, you aint fooling anyone sis
  24. 12 likes
    i sometimes forget that Norman gave us some of her best work in her entire career. Mariners, Venice, The Greatest... like wow. i hope Chemtrails does the same.
  25. 12 likes
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    i mean it’s a perfect representation of all of us in any lana era
  27. 12 likes
    i thought something happened because there were like 100+ new posts but it's just shit and piss i cant edit: i've never been part of a scat spam roll before but finally here i am
  28. 12 likes
    Porn? On LB? Is COCC cumming closer than we thought?
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    @Elle @PARADIXO @YUNGATA @evilentity assistance plz
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    Wow one can truly appreciate how far and deep Lana's influence on music goes when a troll stan of another, less relevant, artist takes the time out of their day to create an account on a Lana fandom page just to vent their frustration trying to look relevant. I mean, it is not only incredibly pathetic, but the action itself shows nothing more than how secondary that artist is. They think they're promoting their fave but what they are really doing is showing that their fave exists in opposition to Lana, not on their own. Pathetic.
  35. 12 likes
  36. 11 likes
    Currently, Lana Del Rey is at a nail salon with her supposed boyfriend Clayton Johnson. The two are getting manicures & pedicures, seen by the following video Clayton posted to his Instagram story.
  37. 11 likes
    please tell me you're being sarcastic bc it's really hard to tell
  38. 10 likes
  39. 10 likes
    the way i am so unbothered by these pics cuz after 1 year working in a senior residence for ppl with dementia and having to clean up sh*t on a daily basis i've become so desensitized, i won! hennyways soo whos gonna think were gonna get some COCC crumbs by the end of the week after all the Violet stuff is out of the way?
  40. 10 likes
    Moments like these are when I’m grateful that @IanadeIrey has i’s instead of L’s
  41. 10 likes
    you were the one they could change the L to an i @Elle had her @ElIe
  42. 10 likes
    the fact that it's been an hour and no mods are on site SLFKSDKFFBVDFBG
  43. 10 likes
    Does anyone think not slandering Lana on her own site is a good thing? I love Lana Del Rey, I think she’s a really interesting artist.
  44. 10 likes
  45. 10 likes
    I hope Lana does the exact opposite of Halsey. Just because.
  46. 10 likes
    hbhg trigger 100 (2015) up n down (charli version) believe cover the party’s never over 1000 times manifesting ✨
  47. 9 likes
  48. 9 likes
    7 years on this site and i finally get to experience a horrific scat spam in real time
  49. 9 likes
  50. 9 likes
    hun you already exposed yourself when you called lana "del reycist", nobody falls for your cringey baits anymore
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