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Showing most liked content on 05/18/2024 in all areas

  1. 27 likes
    Just popping in before I go to sleep for the night to say the show was incredible from an attendee perspective. This was my 19th show of hers, so I really enjoyed all of the surprise guest performances as a nice switch up. You could tell how much fun Lana was having with everyone and was really enjoying herself on stage! Her vocals were absolutely incredible, perhaps some of the best I’ve seen in person from her shows I’ve attended. Looked beautiful. Talked to the crowd more than normal which was so cute. She was so happy to be back in Alabama and it showed. Also, this performance appealed to the non-stans in the crowd as well. I didn’t try for barricade (I knew I wouldn’t survive it in this Alabama heat & humidity) and got to Lana’s set about 3 hours before she got onstage, so I was quite a few rows back but still had a pretty decent view since I was right by the middle barricade. I was surrounded by some people who weren’t super stans and they really enjoyed the set. I also brought my friend to the show who is just a casual listener (she really only listens to Born to Die & NFR occasionally, mostly bc of my influence lol) and she loved it. It was her first Lana show and right after it ended she said “I didn’t really understand the obsession with Lana until now. Something about seeing her live really makes her music hit different. Watching her was mesmerising. I see it now - Lana is America’s princess.” As soon as we got back to the hotel, she immediately ordered a LDR flag from Amazon and started reading up on her Wikipedia lol. So, it was a great set especially for a festival crowd even if a few songs had to be cut. However, this has made me realise I am getting way too old for festivals loool it seemed like my friend and I were among the oldest there (apparently this is a festival popular among college kids which we are not) and whew my old knees are not what they used to be looool. Currently feeling so much ache from the knees down and my head is throbbing lmaooo but I’m excited for Chappell Roan tomorrow & Reneé Rapp on Sunday!! Goodnight LanaBoards xx
  2. 24 likes
    I just listened to American Jesus, I counted like 30 references to BTD/PE songs. Instead of making some shitty post about being copied and imitated, Lana recognised her impact, saw a bit of herself in that girl, and bought her out on stage. She showed us a kind, humble woman. The way BTD is still impacting all these artists after all these years and it was so heavily panned at the time is so inspiring. The way BTD’s working title was “The Revenge of LDR” feels so apt as an OG in this heyday we’ve found ourselves in. Life imitates art indeed.I think this truly might be the peak for us. The last couple of years have been crazy, and through it all she’s still helping the others up. She’s a one of a kind. And I’m glad she seems to be enjoying her revenge.
  3. 19 likes
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    This would have been so much more enjoyable had we actually had a professional live stream😭 Lana singing American Jesus and Sweet Home Alabama is lowkey cunty and the fact we will never have a high quality version pains me
  7. 14 likes
    I didn't know where exactly to post this, but I went to the mall today to get skincare products and I saw this clothing shop which had a very interesting name!!!!!!! I decided to go full delulu mode and take it as a sign that Lasso will be coming out soon *manifesting*
  8. 13 likes
    I feel like maybe her band charges her an exorbitant amount of money (like 6 figures) each time they need to learn a new song, and that’s why she refuses to change the setlist or at least - that’s my only explanation
  9. 13 likes
    this has been on repeat for the past 48 hours and still going strong... it keeps getting better in fact
  10. 13 likes
    the same basically Intro - ? simple man by lynyrd skynyrd MAYBE plus she sang line of fishtail apparently without you “west coast” peppers with tommy summertime sadness cherry pwyc ride beautiful things with benson boone btd bartender chemtrails american jesus with nessa barrett the grants video games sweet home alabama with jelly roll
  11. 12 likes
    Just wanted y’all to know I have officially submitted the list of proposed questions to Lana’s team for Primavera Sound when we get to interview her and I personally crafted the questions myself and included two about Lasso: You have announced a new country project coming up, called Lasso. What can you tell us about this record and why did you decide to go country? Looking back at your discography, you have always created albums that blended genres and sonorities, in your own unique fashion. Should we expect a similar path for Lasso? Sorry for the boring, corporate questions but this is the best I could come up with without ruffling any feathers in my office lol. If it was entirely up to me, I’d go full LanaBoards and straight up ask her if Zodiac will ever see the light of day, whether or not Lizzy Grant will ever go to streaming, what is her favorite MissDaytona tweet, etc. Not Portugal coming through for this forum when our Alabama sisters have failed us.
  12. 12 likes
    They’re the best additions imo they add so much and she has plenty of songs that require them regardless of what some people on twitter say. I love that she brings them down to the front of the stage and highlights them because background singers don’t often get to do that. Their choreography (which I’m assuming is from the same choreographer) feels more cohesive with Lana’s songs and presence and they look like they’re having fun there too- like almost as if it wasn’t rehearsed and they’re just feeling the song. Like I feel bad always knocking the dancers cause they seem lovely and I like their additions to some songs, however, it’s a lot of times feels like that meme where people edited Megan thee stallion dancing with Adele
  13. 12 likes
    American Standards And Classics: Live From The Road 1. Ocean Eyes (With Billie Eilish) 2. I Luv It (With Camila Cabello) 3. Beautiful Things (With Benson Boone) 4. American Jesus (With Nessa Barret) 5. Sweet Home Alabama (With Jelly Roll)
  14. 11 likes
    She was probably out of time and knew she needed to finish with Video Games and Sweet Home Alabama
  15. 11 likes
    the way the whole crowd loved sweet home alabama and people are praising the perfomance online too
  16. 11 likes
    we were robbed. why she didnt do HBTB when the crowd was chanting for it is beyond me.
  17. 11 likes
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    This is another, longer clip of Sweet Home Alabama, which is not only a song about the place she's in, but an answer/diss track to Neil Young's Southern Man.
  19. 11 likes
  20. 11 likes
    She has 9 studio albums and you’d think she has 3 based off her setlists 😭
  21. 11 likes
    Honestly only Lana could bring on stage someone who literally copies her songs like a 16 year old … the girl made born to die her entire personality in 2024. Lana is truly too kind
  22. 11 likes
    I’m both done complaining about and hoping the set list will change honestly there’s no reason to still be singing some of these songs especially when the band can rehearse and learn random flop covers that she discovers on her FYP on a moments notice
  23. 10 likes
    I think she said “fucking benson, I don’t have insurance for that bullshit. Jesus”
  24. 10 likes
  25. 10 likes
    No A&W, NFR, Arcadia, or Young and Beautiful. Interesting choices!
  26. 9 likes
    She is never going to not play Bartender again What IS IT ABOUT THAT SONG GIR!L
  27. 9 likes
    She could and should have cut PWYC, Bartender and The Grants...
  28. 9 likes
    love a show that lets her play juuuust past curfew, we will remember this Hangout Fest
  29. 9 likes
    Courtney Love has been found dead Suddenly it is a 14 year break
  30. 9 likes
    ok now i'm worried he's gonna break up with ME bc wtf is this i'm embarrassed for us
  31. 8 likes
    She looked sooooo good. These warm tones on her are so beautiful - I feel like I say this all the time but 2011 is so back
  32. 8 likes
    https://www.instagram.com/stories/masonramsey/3370393384907282103?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== https://www.instagram.com/stories/masonramsey/3370394233507293434?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== idk if anyone has posted these yet, but mason Ramsey posted stories he was backstage at Lana’s set. I think it’s cute how she supports and shows off younger artists it was cute that nessa was on stage with lana, im sure that felt like a dream come true <3
  33. 8 likes
  34. 8 likes
    Some kind of in-between would be nice. I quite miss A&W and — controversial opinion — the slower, new songs like Candy Necklace (a standout at Coachella), and DYKTTATUOB. Live, I prefer these to The Grants. But Peppers and Fishtail add so much energy I hope they stay.
  35. 8 likes
    top 3... just wow, i could not believe. i would like to thank my fans, my supporters & my fellow girls for helping me through. good luck to the other girls tomorrow
  36. 8 likes
    Lana was DEFINITELY inspired by that beach boys barbara ann stage she was on for the sweet home alabama set up. the energy was there. also i’m blown away by how RIGHT the dancers the got the mood and how cohesive they seemed for that song
  37. 8 likes
  38. 8 likes
    real. girl could sell 'noise curfew' merch to fund for the late nights and I wouldn't even care lmfao
  39. 8 likes
    aThey crushed thatttt and the dancers were so good for this
  40. 7 likes
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  42. 7 likes
    What's even more impressive is that the ending is the beginning of 'born to die' “I don’t have fucking insurance on that bush” 😭😭 CR: @allykaylin
  43. 7 likes
    of coz she would debut a new song live when there's no livestream. PEPPERS did THAT.
  44. 7 likes
    someone post a video of fishtail because it is no where on the internet and i am starting to doubt it exists
  45. 7 likes
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    she will probably pay the fine but it’s always worth it
  47. 7 likes
    yall hear how loud that crowd was? sweet home alabama is a CLASSSICCC
  48. 7 likes
    happy for the country girlies in the crowd who just ascended - this is cute
  49. 7 likes
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