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Showing most liked content on 11/15/2024 in Posts

  1. 13 likes
    Lana commented on the (obviously) fake Lizzo TikTok feud rumour -
  2. 9 likes
    How would she not know if she had a TikTok Unless she's now letting other people manage her socials (which I thought she said she'd never do) Anyway she's definitely seen all the discourse about Jeremy if she's looking at shit like this
  3. 8 likes
    Not this True Romance slander- get out of here
  4. 7 likes
    I don’t think it’s a bad thing she’s taking time and re-tooling. It’s kind of a different project than her previous records due to the fact that she’s been working on the music for the last four years… all while still dropping other albums. Plus, she just got married. Maybe she wants to work towards something that reflects her current headspace. I’m considering this next album a bit of a refresher on her persona after going deep and revealing so much personal info in the last 3 albums. Praying for a fresh new vision and something fun to bop to
  5. 7 likes
    a swiftie AND a True Romance hater? pick a vice
  6. 6 likes
    Charli doesn't have any worse albums but if anything: SUCKER is a least favorite as it's not much of an authentic record tho I can still enjoy it. Like she hates Break The Rules and Boom Clap (even tho it kinda fits) wasn't meant for the album originally. SUCKER was intended to be more commercial. True Romance is one of her best but no one is ready for that conversation. Crash is also cute but its underwhelming imo, Idk how to explain it. But anyway I dont rank stuff personally bc i dont like the idea of having this best to worst list (cba to explain it i just woke up) but my top 3 is BRAT (and the remix album), True Romance and Pop 2.
  7. 6 likes
    She’s scared to hit 20 million so avoiding posting for months last time she hit 20m she deactivated lol
  8. 5 likes
    Was it widely known during the Ultraviolence era that Lana was having creative differences with producers, or did that come out later? The original concept was supposedly more stripped-back and acoustic until Dan Auerbach stepped in at the last minute. Feels like something similar is happening now—Lasso isn’t necessarily scrapped but seems to be undergoing a complete sonic overhaul.
  9. 5 likes
    Seeing her live tonight Waited a year and a half for this, I can’t believe it’s gonna be over in like, 12 hours I’m gonna try to enjoy it as much as I can and try not to record too much I can’t wait to scream the lyrics of ATW with 50000 people
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    She doesn't use that account, her label made it and they use it. Like Taylor Swift has @taylornation
  13. 5 likes
    Eveytime somebody posts a Nikki Lane hate post on this forum, Lasso is delayed one more month. This is our curse.
  14. 4 likes
    No because that would be a gag fr WE NEED THIS TO HAPPEN
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    Desperate times call for desperate measures we will eat stale leftover crumbs until further notice
  17. 4 likes
    It really isn’t but someone always has to be quirky and different ig
  18. 3 likes
    The majority of the popular isn’t interested in the gender stuff. They’re more interested in the economy, cost of living, groceries, salaries etc. they’re not worried about lgbt issues or wars in other countries. Unfortunately the dems catered to a percentage of the population who is on Twitter. They talked about issues that don’t matter to the majority of Americans. Dems are going to have to focus on the people who aren’t the loudest if they want to get back in office
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    the fact that this lizzo thing got like 280k likes on twitter… i hate the internet
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  25. 3 likes
    Whyyyyy are people liking this song, it sounds so trash to me. it is AI but it’s so cheesy lol
  26. 3 likes
    i feel like many people were too overwhelmed in 2017 to get into this song. i really love this song. i find it unique apparently. never heard a song like this. i love the production in particular because it sounds so bittersweet. there are trap beats in it but they don't sound cheap to me, i have never heard any trap beats like these in other songs, they feel old-school to me somehow. but there's this music in the background which sounds so sad somehow, like the world is about to end or is near to a catastrophe. or like a score from a movie which ended sadly. the song is meant to be sad but ends hopefully. i find the lyrics genuine because i don't find this song to be that overly political but more like about legacy. she seems to contemplate if her career is really worth all the pain and terror that the war might cause. was it the america she wanted. would she be remembered better if she would at least contribute for the peace and building the world, would that be all worth more than her career. i'm not american, so i don't know really how tense the political climate it was there - i assume it was alarming because as an european i still remember reading the news about the situation which happened between north korea and the usa. it really seemed threatening to almost all of us, and all the questions around the possible new world war and nuclear attacks. just my thoughts, i have always loved that song. i remember listening to the song for the first time when it had like around 400 thousand views on youtube.
  27. 2 likes
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    your going to love me vs your band is all the rage
  33. 2 likes
    My ranking of her albums 1. BRAT 2. Hifn 3. Charli 4. Crash 5. True Romance 6. Sucker Tbh, the only one I don’t care for is Sucker, for the same reason @lakeemmahottie mentioned in their post (although Sucker the song is in my top 20 best Charli tracks ) actually really like Crash tbh, the 80s and disco sounds are really fun, even though they lack the “edge” of her grittier hyperpop sound.
  34. 2 likes
    not really surprising news ; but more israeli's causing trouble at another football match it's almost like it's a pattern
  35. 2 likes
    Fine China vs say flop to Heaven
  36. 2 likes
    How is this a mystery though? It's just a music video she didn't release lol
  37. 2 likes
    Hearing Vroom Vroom in an actual live setting was bonkers. I didn’t expect how crazy that song would sound through a huge sound system. Like, you haven’t LIVEDDDD…… until you’ve seen Vroom Vroom live, in the flesh
  38. 2 likes
    the way she does have an official tiktok 😭she obviously doesn’t have the login to that or her facebook anymore
  39. 2 likes
    So this means she has a lurker account on tiktok
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  42. 2 likes
    Ya’ll are arguing about AI and the AI’s probably laughing at both of ya’s like Tiffany Pollard would I’d imagine. But you know what, Henry’s a real cowboy. He’s just hibernating
  43. 2 likes
    lana's past her deadline, we're now listening to 106.9 AI radio
  44. 2 likes
    holy shit Ys is EIGHTEEN years old <3 <3 <3 shoutout to one of my all time fav JN songs:
  45. 2 likes
    There is no but, it is AI There is no because, it is AI THERE IS NO TASTE. IT IS NOT LANA DEL REY
  46. 2 likes
    Based off the snippet i think childlike things will end up being one of my favorites
  47. 2 likes
    WHERE are those damn lizzy g keds and were they even ever actually produced...like have never seen one single pair show on in anyone's collection
  48. 2 likes
  49. 2 likes
    azealia banks just tweeted an essay thinking lana is a trump supporter because of a fake screenshot
  50. 2 likes
    another year went by, nothing new, nothing changed, nothing came, same old shit, same old fucking shit
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