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Showing most liked content on 05/21/2024 in Posts

  1. 15 likes
    Quavo collab May 31st Lasso lead single live debut June 20th Lasso Official Announcement + Single Release + Cover Reveal June 21st 2nd Single August 9th Lasso Full Album Release September 20th she's crowning...
  2. 11 likes
    Pitchfork gave HMHAS 6.8 It’s getting harder and harder to take this media seriously, they pretty much rank female albums very low and Apple Music named WWAFAWDWG? the 30th best album of all times?!? I mean, it’s good, an incredible debut but in the top 30 of the best albums of all times?
  3. 10 likes
  4. 9 likes
    Now that Billie released her album Tough could come out at anytime Since it's probably Lana's song and she loves a random Wednesday release I'll start shazaming the snippet everyday. Nothing shows up yet tho I give it around two tweeks... if it's still coming out in September we're so close to preoder territory And even if it's not in September she said she still plans on releasing this year so either way it's coming out soon
  5. 8 likes
    oh we're slandering NFR now? THEE NORMAN FUCKING ROCKWELL??? yikes, lana needs to release that lead single FAST. in about 5 days it'll be "i listened to honeymoon recently, i'm starting to think it's not actually good?"
  6. 8 likes
  7. 8 likes
    happy 4th anniversary to the one of the most controversial letters of 21st century's pop culture - Question For The Culture. gonna write many thoughts about that, read it if you want to and if you don't then don't. i know that it's an unpopular opinion but i think that everything she said in the letter was true and she had every right to defend herself because the criticism she received in her breakthrough years was very harsh and undeserved. what i do think is that she shared the letter with the wrong audience - because no one sadly takes things seriously in social media. people, mostly teenagers and younger adults, misunderstood most of the letter and exaggerated it, especially the first paragraph, taking it as a declaration of war on seven fandoms. but in fact she never shaded or "mocked" those artists she mentioned. like she said, she mentioned those artists as an example because they're her friends and inspirations - and it definitely hadn't to do with racism either, those "racist" and "karen" comments were in my opinion fucking disgusting. people were also very misogynistic towards her, exactly the way like they were during the born to die years, which again proved the point of the letter. i think it's still sad that many people thought that she's inauthentic and a "fabricated" industry plant or that she glamourized sadness and abuse. she had every right to be mad at them. it was definitely very difficult for fans to "defend" her that time because i noticed that many of her fans turned against her, i literally saw a video then of "fan" taking a hammer and breaking her CDs to pieces. i also think that the reaction from her fans was even worse than outside the fandom, which is sad. almost half a decade later, i hope that people have finally understood what she wanted to say with the letter and if they still haven't got the message, then i don't know...it's their problem then. the letter itself was as a shock since it was posted out of blue hence i've got many questions (not in a negative way) surrounding that letter - what was her thinking process while writing this, was it rewritten many times over, where did she get the idea to write that letter - maybe she wanted to post that years before, did she show that to anyone before posting it, did she have second thoughts before posting it, did she ever regret posting that, how did the backlash affect her life and does she ever want to write a letter like that again. definitely the reason she posted it that time was because the critics started finally praising her work, impact and artistry after NFR album was released, when before they liked to nitpick on the themes she wrote about born to die and ultraviolence. if she ever writes a memoir of her life or releases a biographical movie of herself, I'd definitely like to see her dive more into that period of her life - to see how did the idea of writing that started and how did it affect her life after it was posted with all the backlash that she received then. but now we can all proudly say that we survived the culture that was questioned.
  8. 8 likes
    catholic psychidelic synth folk is so 2020...........megachurch anphetemine accoustic jazz is our inevitable future and probably what lasso will sound like
  9. 7 likes
  10. 7 likes
    It would have been so cute if she said “you gon BOUNCE if AG made it” as a call back to that classic song
  11. 7 likes
    oh my god this is my favourite sentence u are so right
  12. 7 likes
    I just hope we get some full production. I don't even need "bops" or fast paced tracks... I just want some nice layers. Something like Yosemite, on the simple side but with nice little elements here and there. I don't mind a couple of acoustic guitar Sirens-like songs tho
  13. 7 likes
    rob filming them in the back is sooo !,@:!:?€:@;!:&:?:! we love a supportive dad tho
  14. 6 likes
    in 2021, we got the first three singles on May 20 and the album in October well, today is May 21...
  15. 6 likes
    people call the 1m+ Swifties a “cult” but the 30 accounts on Twitter getting 10k likes for Taylor hate tweets the “general public”
  16. 6 likes
    Anyone think WILDFLOWER is really good? I love it
  17. 6 likes
    her style is so suited to country, and there's so much range in country genre. what i am nervous to see is her doing weird trap songs on a country album. i'd love to see a really cohesive project, with variety between slow songs, upbeat, lush production, sparse production, but all maintaining the genre
  18. 6 likes
    I have full faith she’s going to serve excellence some light acoustic guitar tracks like Henry come on, some upbeat songs like Tough, and some full on country songs.
  19. 6 likes
  20. 5 likes
    i love fortnight but she needs to accept that it's flopping and make down bad the next single
  21. 5 likes
    NFR is being placed on best albums of all time lists as we speak despite only being like 5 years old. There is a reason for that and we will be lucky if Lasso comes anywhere near that level.
  22. 5 likes
    We're already in that pre-release moment where everyone starts hating previous albums for no reason.
  23. 5 likes
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  25. 5 likes
    I don't even care if Taylor actually gets number one it's just funny to see billie lowkey scrambling after the whole "idc about charts" nonsense
  26. 5 likes
    so intrigued abt the studio version of So I. Her performing a slowed down version and singing the "make it faster" line... her mind
  27. 5 likes
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  29. 5 likes
    Wow, I've been out of the house so long that I aged 40 years... you best believe I'm still selling out shows and slaying the Commonwealth, though! I'll admit, I found my elimination quite shocking. I never felt that the quality of my submissions decreased, and was actually more confident in my beauty shot than in some of my other looks! Even Lindsay admitted I didn't have the worst submission that week, so it was hard to swallow after a strong track record. It was probably great for ratings, though, and sometimes you've got to chase that coin! Why do you think I sold wristwatches in Japan?! I'm proud of my sister Kate Moss for carrying on after me, and extremely pleased that RuPaul won. I'll always champion someone who's pushing limits and breaking barriers - plus it's good to see us old bitches holding our own! Now, has anyone seen where I put my bag of bonemeal and lace sachet of weed...
  30. 5 likes
    From now until June 7, we still have- Releases: 360 remix (releasing either this week or next) talk talk (possible pre album release based on the upload error) Performances (if anyone knows if either of these are being streamed online pls post): Radio 1’s Big Weekend this Saturday Primavera Sound on June 1 We’re almost to the finish line
  31. 5 likes
  32. 5 likes
    Been reading those reunion pages and I'm cackling this whole time it's so chaotic lmfaooo, never change LanaBoards
  33. 5 likes
    Reviews are just opinions folks, it’s not that serious. The reviews overall have been great across the board. Not everyone’s gonna love it (even if they’re wrong )
  34. 4 likes
    eliminating plastics... and what was ms billie signing at walmart (idc about this beef and i enjoy both artists but this is DRAMA)
  35. 4 likes
  36. 4 likes
    the fortnight remixes are starting...
  37. 4 likes
    Am I the only one not listening to BTD that often anymore? I just can't relate to it anymore I still cry listening to The Grants and Ocean Blvd
  38. 4 likes
    was listening to NFR today and lowkey some of it sounds soooo aged. Anyway I hope Lasso serves TIMELESS REALNESS
  39. 4 likes
    it’s so funny bc she was like “im environmentalist” and Taylor said “ok here’s some voice memos” and the “environmentalist” ran and dropped EIGHTEEN variants in a single week + started signing a bunch of plastic shrink wrap at Walmart.
  40. 4 likes
    one month since the album and i'm still discovering lyrics i misheard in loml i always thought it was "your arsons match your somber eyes", as in his bad actions match his emotional state, but it's actually "your arson's match, your somber eyes" the importance of punctuation! this literally changes the entire meaning of the lyric
  41. 4 likes
  42. 4 likes
    Gave up on pitchfork after they gave Preachers Daughter a 6.4 HMHAS is really strong
  43. 4 likes
    It’s the best on the album for me.
  44. 4 likes
    Well it’s a 8 for me atm! It may grow with time. My complaints are the album being too short I love a longer album, and I do feel 3 songs are just average to ok. My faves are Blue, Birds of a Feather, Bittersuite. I think this album will be seen as a hidden gem in her discography.
  45. 4 likes
    I reckon Lasson will sound like if Lust for Life and Chemtrails had a baby. Some hip hop / bops, and a lot of acoustic guitar + a good few collabs.
  46. 4 likes
    Pitchfork review is out https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/billie-eilish-hit-me-hard-and-soft/ for once, i dont agree with them. This writer, Hannah, whoever she is, strikes me as cynical af She said the greatest pales in comparison to happier then ever. 🙄 as if billie tried to recapture that magic or sth. Also, the greatest >>>> happier than ever bullshit review
  47. 4 likes
    Wait I’m gagged did you guys know May 20th was the 21st anni since Top Model premiered https://x.com/notgwendalupe/status/1792691669403672919?s=46&t=_LDeL0_-n0NoQwuw4hi_9Q The fake elimination stunt SENT ME SKDNDJFB the way I forgot that happened
  48. 4 likes
    It feels so great to be back and to see the girls again. It has been such a blessing to be here. Congratulations to the winner even although I hate such person with a burning desire. Just a reminder that I don't write anti-drag poems and I certainly don't leave them under pillows. Anyways, about earlier, I decided not to submit a photo and voluntarily lose because the "Retro Revival" theme was personally too challenging and I would rather give no performance than give a lackluster performance. Period. I was also a bit tired that day by the way and didn't feel like participating. Back to the subject, it's so great to be back and I can't wait to see what's in store for the future.
  49. 4 likes
    My crossword divination strikes again - I read this as news coming soon
  50. 4 likes
    Well, BITTERSUITE is my top 1 It's going like... deeper and deeper harder and... softer gettin darker and darker
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