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Showing most liked content on 09/29/2024 in all areas

  1. 21 likes
    Lana is fucking wild. Always has been The Lana we “know” or “think of” is not Lizzy Grant, she’s not even her either She is a woman who has lived however many years of life and we really don’t know her. She’s an artist and that’s not to say it’s all been nothing, I think art is literally interpretation and explanation without knowing what you’re doing. im rambling this is just so wild but im not surprised and don’t understand the whole situation and I guess i hope she’s just happy (and makes more music)
  2. 20 likes
    I know at least 3 people with this song... leaking is imminent. I don't want it to leak but the timeline where it's leaked and Ethel hears it seems kinda like an event idk......
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    Now that the implications of Lana being married to that man have been thoroughly discussed and hyperanalyzed, the next logical step looks a little something like this:
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    I’ve already decided I’m done defending her and have accepted her as my problematic queen so personally I would like to hear All About Ethel
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    Can we please not lock this thread? I don't like when people say that for every remotely controversial topic. And no h8, because I used to do it myself, but then I noticed it was kinda ridiculous This is a major event for Lana and it deserves a place to discuss, if this thread gets locked then the discussion will simply be carried over across other threads…
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  16. 12 likes
    Overexaggerated... It is an Ethel Cain diss track but honestly it's not even close to the level So Legit was Also so much discussion over a relationship that will last a year max
  17. 12 likes
    lana always showed her beliefs, always showed support, donated to several causes and now people are trying to reduce her to her man. she’s not jeremy
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    Maybe… just maybe… she and her husband want to enjoy a few days together and with friends, if they’re still there, before telling the rest of the world of their wedding. The most important people to them already they’re married, there’s no need to rush and tell the world too. Let them enjoy this time. Lana will share the news when she wants to.
  20. 11 likes
    Oh God everything is so confusing..so according to this "insider" they kept in contact in the last years, in may Lana bought the dress, but Jeremy was still dating another girl with whom he separated to be with Lana..she wore a "J" necklace at that Louis Vuitton thing after the Grammys, did it stand for Jeremy already? So he was dating Lana and the other girl at the same time? Wtf I'm just curious but how long have they been dating?
  21. 11 likes
    A diss track about Ethel Cain leaking while people are discussing her husband’s transphobic post would be the worst timing.
  22. 11 likes
    So anyway Someone leak All About Ethel in retaliation for her marrying grotty swamp man please She deserves
  23. 11 likes
    her ass had the nerve to drag sean in concerts, social media, billboards only for it to be revealed that she was texting an engaged man for 4 years to ultimately marry him in a swamp is like beyond ridiculous they deserve each other
  24. 10 likes
  25. 10 likes
    All about Ethel is actually about Ethel Cain? Why is this in her wedding thread? What is going on
  26. 10 likes
    Well she full out calls out her name in the song so AKDIGJDFS Astonishing she even made that considering everything she does is bound to leak... unless that was the point Yes
  27. 10 likes
    The anti-trans post makes me sick, but even if it had not existed it feels weird because Lana’s art is mostly about her ideas, she philosophizes through her music. She is vocal about what she thinks, and well known (at least by her fans) for being kind and intelligent. She did change a lot in music, and i think she helped many of us with her words. She has the fanbase she has because of this, she inspires us and it doesn’t stop with music, it’s also who she naturally is. So yeah, i get why people can, and should be mad. Marrying someone with ideas you had already accused people of having? Were so vocal about? Had whole songs and concept albums about? It feels hypocrite to the maximum. On top of that the violent part makes this serious. This is not normal at all. Nobody should rely those types of posts. These are dangerous ideas and i am disappointed in Lana as a person. Because seriously there is 99% chance she knows about those posts, she is ALWAYS commenting everything, she IS online all the time and everyone knows it.
  28. 10 likes
    And we don't want to know him personally. We know everything we need to by his political views because, in 2024, still voting for or supporting Trump is an active vote for HATRED and IGNORANCE. Fans being upset that their favorite singer is married to someone with those views and that type of person is 100% valid. Yes, we don't know them at all, this is parasocial but just like you are a huge fan of her and respect her, we do too. But this is really a sour taste given a lot of her fanbase are apart of the minorities that her husband's views actively smear.
  29. 9 likes
    I like you too girl, and yes i am. I am not denying the fact that it's disgusting, and of course i am disappointed in her for marrying someone like that. But thats as far as it goes for me. I'm a fan because i love her music and her personal life really isn't a part of that. He's not going to change his views and Lana isn't going to change her mind, it is what it is.
  30. 9 likes
    At the end of the day does it really matter? We're fans because of her music, not who she dates. Can we not be dramatic
  31. 9 likes
    I mean it’s a bit hard to take the word of someone who calls someone a “very kind very smart very caring” while they’re an avid trump supporter, antivaxxer, and repost memes of beating trans people seriously.
  32. 9 likes
    Lana is a notorious lurker. Of course she’s seen the Facebook post. If she was texting him for the past few years then she was definitely stalking his social media and feeling all the little butterflies we have when we’ve got a crush. Unfortunately.
  33. 9 likes
    LDR10 will be her southern gothic, stranger in a strange land, swamp goddess, true blood on the bayou, voodoo in the trailer, ethereal album and LDR11 will be her surf rock psychedelic NFR2.0 album where she returns home to California and has the great American homecoming she’s been longing for
  34. 9 likes
    Actively avoiding this topic and just coping with the memes because this is so traumatising as a decade old fan. Despite this being the least surprising thing she's ever done. 😭
  35. 9 likes
    besides his political views and that whole debate... i've seen many people online (reddit) claim that she's trying to act poor/white trash... which i find to be very stupid and really ignorant, she's cosplaying as someone poor/white trash because she's getting married in the south? or because she had an outdoorsy wedding? it really goes to show how they view the south! people are literally so shallow, dumb, and ignorant, i even saw people say that stuff because she thrifted her dress
  36. 9 likes
    Exactly. She's not Sparkle Jump Rope Queen or May Jailer either. None of us know her (except Elle, I think), and even if we did, it wouldn't be anything like complete knowledge. She's adopted all these personas for a reason, perhaps one related to what she sang about in WFWF. That's part of our fascination with her.
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    i'm off my tits on pain meds and all i can say is what da fuck is happening in this thread it feels like a fever dream
  41. 8 likes
    Bring back donaghue I miss his weird dirty bed and shirtless pics, they were better than what we have now
  42. 8 likes
    super parasocial and literally just me projecting feelings of trauma onto a celebrity 💀 but i am sure a lot of you can relate to watching your straight/cis friends in school fall for the homophobic/conservative male stereotype and feeling totally unseen/cast aside. it would take something a lot worse for her personal life to change the love i have had for her since i was like 13, but it still sucks. lana has been the soundtrack to so many things for all of us and i think we have all sought a sense of safety in the music. it makes sense that there is 90 pages of people being upset and going in circles when your security blanket all of a sudden becomes a reminder of ways that you actually are NOT safe.
  43. 8 likes
    The catch though is that she'll be singing ballads about him for the next few years after the divorce. I miss the simple days when it was just barrie and francesco
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    <3 we all (probably?) love her. If he does, however, continue to post shit like what he posted in the future... I don't think I'd continue my support of her. Not until she says something.
  46. 8 likes
    a man who revels in the idea of being violent towards trans people is not smart or kind or caring. fuck lana for her absolutely ignorant view of the world. i still love Lana (for now) but FUCK. have sense.
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