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  1. 15 likes
    365 country girl When she's going to pull a brat for the album cover. My edit though!
  2. 11 likes
  3. 11 likes
    notice how no one’s complaining about any ultraviolence songs
  4. 10 likes
    Some of you be saying anything I'll just post a quote from Dean Reid (one of her collaborators) about how Lana hears music, and many of the things you mentioned are intentional. Dean Reid: “We do a lot of low-pass filtering and lo-fying to take the edge off the high end. We use plug-ins all the time to darken stuff. With vocals and acoustic instruments I’m always notching out harsh frequencies. Any high squeal or ring will be sucked out. Lana likes to listen to things on her iPod on the beach, and she wants them to sound murky and mysterious. We’re very conscious of that. If we do something that doesn’t fit and that sticks out, we immediately get reactions from Lana or Rick. There is this thing about Lana that if we know she’ll be showing up in half an hour, we have an instinct about what she’s going to like and what not, and so it’s like: ‘Hurry up and make it sound good, so when she walks in the door she’ll be smiling.’ And if she’s not smiling we know how to pull it together really quickly. But she’s in the room for much of the process, and incredibly meticulous about vocal levels, for example. A lot of the vocal rides are dictated by her. She hears 0.2dB differences in volume, and when we got the first mastered songs back, she was really dismayed by how they sounded, and it turned out to be the dithering down from 24- to 16-bit that was bothering her! She has great ears and an impeccable sense of aesthetic.” https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/inside-track-lana-del-rey-lust-life
  5. 10 likes
  6. 9 likes
    People are confusing mixing/mastering with production. Blue Banisters album has the worst mastering. It’s so atrocious that it’s embarrassing for an artist like her. When it was first released it was unlistenable in streaming platforms especially on Spotify and YouTube because the difference between highs and lows were so out of standard that it broke their uploading algorithm and caused audio clipping issues across all songs. We had to email those streaming services for them to manually fix it.
  7. 9 likes
    Thank you for supporting my work! I’m uploading another one that will be like the official photoshoot for the album! i love make edit about Lana! Follow me on IG ACC
  8. 8 likes
  9. 8 likes
  10. 7 likes
    The scarf emoji is probably in reference to a lyric. I just noticed her caption said “a few songs before Stagecoach” which means more than 2 singles before April . I think the only thing we’ll be getting this month is a Christmas post. Something’s coming early January, though, I can feel it
  11. 7 likes
    many songs off of blue banisters thunder having remnants of the demo still audible is just criminal
  12. 6 likes
    im glad i dont notice these details tbh the only issue i have is with kintsugi… like why is that song so quiet
  13. 6 likes
    I think, just think but not entirely sure (almost though), that these three were just YouTube rips she put in the album for some reason. The Spek for each shows lossy af files even from FLAC or WAV CD/Qobuz/Tidal rips. Now, it's true we got lossless leaks for Cherry Blossom and Nectar of the Gods + 320 kbps for Living Legend, so that's why the leaks sound better. But I could swear the released versions are just some YouTube/SoundCloud rips. Essentially, rips from the leaks so that would be the same mix than the leaks, just in worse quality
  14. 6 likes
    LFL is pretty well mixed imo, blue banisters is MUCH worse
  15. 6 likes
    Arcadia... it always bothers me when she sings the highest notes and her voice starts distorting
  16. 6 likes
    Fully regarding the mastering / engineering and not the production style itself, these are what I have issues with: American - Like @Dark Angel said, the high pass filter they used on her vocals drives me INSANEEEE it's ear-wrenching... I still like the song I just can't listen to it Every single Dan track on Ultraviolence is filled with glitches, clicks, mic leak, bad take injection, distortion, quality distortion, etc. I adore the album but it could have sounded 100x better if they had someone else engineering those tracks... there's an endless amount of errors on every track. The Next Best American Record - Strange overly processed vocal mixing, same issue with American California - Bad vocal mixing Tulsa Jesus Freak - This song has always sounded off to me, bad mixing from every angle, bad vocal mixing, guitar too loud it becomes distorted, very messy altogether Dark But Just A Game - If Jack were to come out and say this was a demo they didn't touch after the first mix I'd believe it Arcadia - HORRIBLE VOCAL MIXING, distorted vocals when it gets too loud, cracks through the song Black Bathing Suit - A Mess. Her worst produced song ever. The obvious cuts from studio to voice memo are so awful it makes the song unlistenable to me, terrible drums, bad vocal mixing, disharmonious chorus, cracks, clicks, distortion, why was this released seriously... If you Lie Down With Me - Horrible vocal mixing, distortion, I do like this song though Beautiful - Bad vocal mixing / distortion Violets For Roses - Worst vocal mixing ever, piano distortion, there's a lot that makes this song a production nightmare Thunder - Some of the worst engineering of her career, instrumental leak from the demo, vocal and production distortion, bad vocal mixing, bad drums, bad instrumental, it's just not well done at all Living Legend - Bad mixing and mastering, the leaked version sounds better Cherry Blossom & Nectar - Bad mastering, leaked versions sound better. Sweet Carolina - Terrible mastering work here, vocal distortion, bad vocal mixing. Kintsugi - Vocal muffled to death Fingertips - Vocal distortion, bad instrumental engineering Margaret - Terrible vocal mixing, messy work on engineering throughout, muffled to death Fishtail - MUFFLED TO DEATH Peppers - MUFFLED TO DEATH and terrible mixing on chorus, bad vocal mixing, clicks, cracks, this is what you would expect an amateur soundcloud beat maker to create Taco Truck - Vocals are so muffled its unlistenable, horrible vocal mixing, bad mastering almost ear piercing like American, sounds cheap honestly Looking For America - Muffled, filled with clicks, bad mastering, obvious pitch correction in spots I Can Fly - Messy engineering in the chorus, vocals slightly over processed
  17. 6 likes
    BLACK BATHING SUIT .. i love the roughness of it but it would eat harder if it was professionally mixed n stuff
  18. 6 likes
    I took this time to make my own version of what I imagine the album could be
  19. 5 likes
    My prediction/guess is first single January-February and second early-mid April so it’s in time for stagecoach I know she’s typically late, but I feel like we’ll get at least one of the singles before stagecoach so she’ll be able to promote her new singles and album.
  20. 5 likes
    well, in that case, her intention production and recording choices are bad
  21. 5 likes
  22. 5 likes
    yEs tHeRe WaS oRiGiNalLy 30 tRaCkS bUt LaNa BeLiEvEs HeR lAsT sEvErAl ReCoRdS wErE tOo LoNg So ShE cUt Em ShE hAs mAnY fIlMeD mUsIc ViDeOs FrOm PaSt eRaS jUsT sItTiNg tHeRe ShE iNteNdEd tO rElEaSe BuT nEvEr dId Bc "ThEy"rE sO SpOiLeD n ThEy LeAk EvEryThInG AnYwAy LaNa Is An InFoRmAnT fOr ThE FbI eXpOsInG tHe InDuStRy......2025 wIlL bE iNtErEsTiNg........rEaD qFtC aGaIn ItS rEvElAtOrY sHe Is ReLeAsInG hEr UnReLeAsEd AlBuM tO CeLebrAtE tHe JuBiLeE yEaR (aLl pRoCeEdS wIlL gO tO tHe CaThoLiC ReLiEf ChArItIeS 2 hElP tHe GlObAl PoOr ShE wAnTs To tOuR aFrIcA aNd AsIa AnD tHe CaRrIbBeAn On HeR wOrLd ToUr bUt TeAm iS uNsUrE aBoUt ThE lOgIsTiCs ShE iS iNtReStEd iN hEaVy MeTaL aNd BoTaNy fOr ThE nExT rEcOrD SeE yOu L8eR aLlIgAtOr HaS bEeN sCrApPeD iT wAs PsYcHeDeLiC n ToTalLy RaD
  23. 5 likes
    95% of this thread: is confusing mixing with mastering confusing her intentional production and recording choices with "bad mixing"
  24. 5 likes
  25. 5 likes
    Honeymoon is her best mastered album. I love Born To Die but I feel like some songs are overmastered, like too polished. Paradise had less overpolished mastering in my opinion except some songs like some pointed out.
  26. 5 likes
  27. 5 likes
    i love chemtrails as an album but so many of the instruments sound “muted” to me, like they compressed the fuck out of each individual track and turned them all down (sorry if idk what i’m talking about) like the songs would be SO much better if they were allowed to “flow” more freely, like they feel like they’re being choked to me idk how to explain it.
  28. 5 likes
    i still want the version of HTD that we heard in that live
  29. 5 likes
    Not really a mastering issue but TNBAR still having the “fame, fame, fame, fame…” echoes in the pre-chorus not sure if it’s an overlook or an Easter egg but it sends me either way
  30. 4 likes
    Yeehaw, 360 When you're in the barn, do you like what do you see? When you're riding your truck, you're just looking at me I'm everywhere, I'm so cowgirl, ah ah ah When you're at the barn, l-l-lassoing those horses 666 with a cowboy kink He's everywhere, he's the right person who'll stay Ah ah ah Lassoin' em Lassoin' em Lassoin' em
  31. 4 likes
  32. 4 likes
    The entirety of NFR sounds weak if you don’t have a high quality sound system/headset. It just sounds flat. California is most noticeable (to me), it has everything to make it a top 5 Lana song for me but the way it just sounds off bothers me. Like, you can hear the layers rather than one fluid track. When the NFR credits were posted I remember everyone talking about how they couldn’t hear half the instruments credited.
  33. 4 likes
    i really want stems to leak for this song so i can mix it myself. that beginning chorus would be so much better if it was really quiet and turned up slowly a bit as it got closer to the first verse and then her vocals come in full volume at "skipping rope in the bayou, bayou" alongside a tiny piano
  34. 4 likes
    I notice no one has mentioned any song from Honeymoon so far. Interesting.
  35. 4 likes
    she should cover the dolly’s version of “i will always love you” cause i know that would be beautiful and so iconic
  36. 4 likes
    what bothers me about wildflower wildfire is that the piano is obviously synthesized/from a program, not a real piano, and it honestly sounds like it came from garageband still one of my favorites off of blue banisters though
  37. 4 likes
    Has it been long enough for me to admit that the drums on Wildflower Wildfire actually drive me nuts
  38. 4 likes
    @Lindsay Lohan has actually pointed it out before that they used some sort of high-pass filter on her voice, which makes it sound "crispy" i can honestly hear it, but it doesn't take away my enjoyment of the song, personally
  39. 3 likes
  40. 3 likes
  41. 3 likes
    I didn't want to read this so I didn't but this is like the brain damage of fonts I just had to say it.
  42. 3 likes
  43. 3 likes
    Notice how most of this is Jacks handmark... and yet he gets glazed he is not the best producer neither a mixer
  44. 3 likes
  45. 3 likes
    I completely agree. Fishtail is honestly such a fun, classic Lana song and deserves a whole makeover.
  46. 3 likes
    i've always noticed that the take after the bridge was different, but i like it, and it makes sense to me that after the explosive, amazing bridge, they would use a slightly different take, if that makes any sense at all? but i don't think UV has bad mixing/production at all, it really is her best album in that department, it's just simply wonderful, so atmospheric, so layered, so dark...
  47. 3 likes
    In Chemtrails, where she switches from "go to the market, the kids' swimming pools" to "baby, what's your sign?", it's very noticeable it's a different vocal take, or at least the EQ sounds different, deeper if you will? With more lows.
  48. 3 likes
    I really love this, beautifully done! I also love how realistic Lana looks on the cover, was the photo of her made with AI or is it a body/face manip?
  49. 3 likes
    People still defending America’s healthcare system in 2024 (almost 2025)
  50. 3 likes
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