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Showing most liked content on 10/31/2024 in Posts

  1. 11 likes
    That was a great little taste of her tour life. Very low key and charming. I actually love that Lana does sth like that with her dad, sister and friends, as opposed to making big Netflix documentaries. I remember when GUTS doc came out, I thought "Really, Olivia? You just appeared out of nowhere and we're already supposed to watch a full Netflix doc about you? Puh-lease." Also, 13 minutes is the perfect length, although I wouldn't mind a few more introspective words from Lana about the fans, what it feels like to be on stage, what songs are her favorite to perform, etc. But for a short doc, it's fantastic.
  2. 10 likes
    Really loved the length of it. I keep in mind it’s for Vogue and not a full-length doc. For real, if she ever did one, 40-ish minutes of its for a tour AND a new single release would be a dream But I really love what we got yesterday
  3. 7 likes
  4. 7 likes
    tough being right behind A&W should be a crime. if tough passes it... A&W is one of, if not, her best songs lyrically. Tough is way more radio friendly (unless you cut out the first half of A&W) so the amount of streaming makes sense. stream numbers are just numbers at the end of the day, but it's a shame some of her best music gets overlooked
  5. 6 likes
    what lana songs give you halloween vibes? what lana songs do you listen to more at halloween? what’s in your rotation today for me: - season of the witch - salvatore - maha maha - once upon a dream - gods & monsters
  6. 6 likes
    according to Jack there's more footage from nfr, chemtrails and tunnel https://www.instagram.com/p/DBzK_2BRGj0/?igsh=azdxZ3J0dW9jY204
  7. 6 likes
    I am stunned at how cool and effortless Lana looks. That red top and her sunglasses. Impossible at this point in her career to top herself and yet she has. We love you Lana, we really do.
  8. 6 likes
    This was really sweet to watch. It’s nice to see her with her loved ones and get a glimpse of the tour life. It’s not like this is a new revelation at all, but she’s just so humble and uplifting of all the people around her.
  9. 6 likes
    Finally got the chance to watch it, I absolutely loved it so much! when people were talking yesterday about wanting a tour documentary I thought one, it sounded far fetched and two, it wouldn’t be very exciting, but I’m so glad I was wrong on both counts! Between this and the Vouge interview we got yesterday, this feels like the most ‘real’ she’s ever seemed. Very open and candid and it feels like we got a glimpse into her and not the manufactured star
  10. 5 likes
    365 funny girl jokin that should we have a little kii should we have a little laugh
  11. 5 likes
    mermaid motel (demo) gives me halloween vibes, since i heard it for the first time around halloween of 2017
  12. 5 likes
    It would be just an error in the camera's clock. There were no shows in early 2022.
  13. 5 likes
  14. 5 likes
    THIS WAS SO CUTE and can i just say, lana is fucking hilarious. i love how humble and effortlessly cool she is, she calls herself a “hot mess” but she is always so cool and herself. also, how cute is the jeremy cameo when her head is on his lap in the park!! i love her so much, this was super super intimate and i so badly want this to keep coming, like i wouldn’t mind if we got just a regular lana “day in the life” from time to time. she is arguably the most interesting and cool celeb there is, i’m so captivated by her presence even in the mundane as showcased in this tour diary. chuck is amazing and WE LOVE YOU CHUCK, so glad that she shared this little slice of life in lana world. i’m enamoured by her and i could keep going forever but tl:dr i’m obsessed and i need more
  15. 4 likes
  16. 4 likes
    also weirdly don’t let me be misunderstood, idk why, the instrumental seems very church at halloween vibes
  17. 4 likes
    i guess no one got the joke, we had soooo many almost identical demo’s of Blame It On Your Love that leaked on a weekly basis
  18. 4 likes
    ive watched it twice now and when my husband gets home im going to make him watch it too i love Lana so much, her mannerisms and the way she speaks is so intriguing and Rob is such a sweetheart, i think ill buy his album Lost at Sea
  19. 4 likes
  20. 4 likes
    I feel like i could have watched 6 hours of this content. I hope she does more of these when she starts promoting the next album.
  21. 4 likes
    ,,...but you know what ! This is just the beginning". Chuck
  22. 4 likes
    I’m home. I’ve watched it. Got teary eyed when she entered the stage. This is the most intimate footage we’ve ever gotten, I never ever thought we’d get something even remote to this, I feel so blessed.
  23. 4 likes
    Pantene said the surprise is music related so we have something else to look forward to, as well
  24. 4 likes
    All I have ever wanted is something exactly like this. I finally get to receive
  25. 4 likes
    Lana commenting on her lateness like it's nothing is sending me. This is the level of unbotheredness I aspire to.
  26. 4 likes
    if she’s really about to scrap the country idea and nikki lane and turn it into sumn more lana-esque, southern gothic and dark then I’m definitely willing to wait
  27. 3 likes
    On another note right now on TMZ Harvey Levin is dressed up as Jeremy. I ❤️ Lana t-shirt and holding an alligator.
  28. 3 likes
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  30. 3 likes
    Rolling through the hills on DRUGS
  31. 3 likes
    wanna go real lol when i'm jokin that
  32. 3 likes
    THE BEGINNING? https://www.instagram.com/p/DBwuIUkzX5-/?img_index=3
  33. 3 likes
  34. 3 likes
  35. 3 likes
    I would post this to no context Lanaboards if I'd know how to upload pictures in here
  36. 3 likes
    Brite Lites gives me halloween vibes for some reason Oh and Dark but just a game
  37. 3 likes
    I thought that Wild Horses was Watercolor Eyes demo meant for Blue Banisters
  38. 3 likes
    it would be good for whom??? this is crazy
  39. 3 likes
    // I could talk all day about Cobra or Pretty Dull omg
  40. 3 likes
    I also would take Wildside or Wild Horses since we haven't heard them but overall I want new material
  41. 3 likes
  42. 3 likes
    In Afraid of the Dark she sings like she's a scared sad child and I mean that in the best way possible. It actually scares me to feel that song.
  43. 3 likes
    wish they did this with all the footage chuck & charlie took at the NFR tour😔 in Wichita, Charlie legit was outside with the camera asking us questions
  44. 3 likes
  45. 3 likes
    the random ass 4:3 proportion distortion for the "intimate" feel chuck grant what the f are you doing with your 2024 filming equipment
  46. 3 likes
    Her poor mua and hair stylist seemed stressed She was probably late because she was just sitting there sipping Red Bull and playing on her phone for 4 hours
  47. 3 likes
  48. 3 likes
    lana reminds me of her 2011-12 self on some of these screenshots and somewhat in the way that she behaves on the vlog very 2011 (blonde side part) Her glare reminds me of the glare on an italian interview this one in particular reminds me of sonar fest not btd era but this do reminds me of her early 2014 makeup which i dearly loved bc she looks like snow white with the heavy lipstick+light makeup
  49. 3 likes
    Imagine if she opened with oui oui baguette mountains would have moved the earth would shake zodiac hq would be leaked
  50. 3 likes
    it’s best if we collectively accept that she married this man with her free will. Acceptance is an important step in healing and this fanbase seriously needs one.
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