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Showing most liked content on 01/07/2024 in all areas

  1. 28 likes
  2. 11 likes
    shes kinda giving "Im kinda horny"
  3. 11 likes
    only four weeks until the Grammys, I think she's already very excited and the song just goes with it
  4. 11 likes
  5. 10 likes
    Girl, she filmed a whole video thanking the Grammys for nominating her, she’s definitely going
  6. 10 likes
    Why did this make me emotional I’m so excited for her I’m manifesting everyday she wins
  7. 10 likes
  8. 10 likes
    Don't shoot the messenger but after her latest IG posts with the antique mirror, bows in her hair, flower knows palette, angel decals, flower and pink tinsel garlands, etc. I actually think Lana might lean more heavily into the whole "coquette" aesthetic for the next album, maybe just with a more western/country-ish flair to it. The more I think about it the more I think I'd kind of love if she went for this sort of ultra feminine/coquette girl with flowers and ribbons in her hair meets southern/backwoods trailer park kind of vibe. Edit: This is sort of what I'm envisioning:
  9. 9 likes
  10. 9 likes
  11. 8 likes
    Let's stop with the ozempic shit tweets, last time it didn't end well 💀
  12. 8 likes
    Is this a time-machine and we're back in October 2017!?!??! So Lust For Life era (and also Hope Is A Dangerous Thing single cover art selfie) She's fucking glowing, she looks absolutely gorgeous, her hair is also stunning, she's just beautiful!!!!!!! I remember her following him in her old official Insta!
  13. 8 likes
    oh the face card NEVER EVER declines
  14. 7 likes
    Grammys may suck but we know Lana really wants one and it’s important to her which is why we care
  15. 7 likes
    Ok this is insane. She is not only climbing up the H of the Hollywood sign and at Coachella leaning on your shoulder, but she is also somehow young and in love AND her peaches are ruined???!
  16. 7 likes
    She’d be fucking stupid not to….being nominated for 5, would she really be that disrespectful? In honesty she should be performing.
  17. 7 likes
    Mannn i wish I could take such effortlessly beautiful selfies
  18. 7 likes
    all eyes are on her at the Grammys, but it's also a very good song
  19. 7 likes
  20. 7 likes
    if she’s going country/americana, i need her to at least give dolly parton country with huge tits and big hair
  21. 7 likes
    Let me put my clown dress on and expect an album announcement in her 5th Grammy acceptance speech
  22. 6 likes
    I’m picturing her look, her reaction after calling out her name and saying the 62618 worded album name with a snippet playing for the crowd, and finally her speech
  23. 6 likes
    I was thinking she looks so 2017-2018 era in those photos LOL! It’s that fresh face look + middle part
  24. 6 likes
    I have already said it in the other thread today, but I love seeing the entire world behind those eyes.
  25. 6 likes
  26. 6 likes
    She looks so cute but I was laughing so hard at the fact that she’s listening to Bo Burnham
  27. 6 likes
    Obsessed with her latest video and *can't tell me shit* selfie
  28. 6 likes
    Where? Are you implying liking Dolly Parton's hyper feminine style is misogynistic somehow? Dolly is a feminist icon.
  29. 6 likes
    i figured it out Full Tracklist: 1. Old Money (?) - Based on the other photo and the fact that Old Money made it to UV's final tracklist, it is likely that she kept it on this draft as well 2. Money Power Glory 3. Guns N Roses (?) 4. Black Beauty 5. Lake Placid 6. Melancholia 7. Earthquakes 8. Summertime 9. Dragonslayer 10. Trans Am 11. Queen Of Hearts (?) - last track looks like it has "of" in the middle, and QoH was recorded feb 2nd, and this photo was taken in January so it could've been considered/first written here
  30. 6 likes
    please no remixes of this song just keep it perfect how it already is but actually though, this song leaves me speechless all the time. she paints such vivid imagery. it’s almost like she did skinny dip in my mind, is that the whole point?
  31. 5 likes
    this literally FLOORED me. she really does get more and more beautiful like what the fuck!! It’s giving BTD x UV with a huge AKA trailer park glam SERVE?!
  32. 5 likes
    I feel like it depends the direction she goes for either of them. Either one I think she could do really well.
  33. 5 likes
  34. 5 likes
    we still haven't seen that outfit from manuel couture... she's coming
  35. 5 likes
  36. 5 likes
  37. 5 likes
    Had a dream last night that Lana did an interview and said she went to Colorado and decided to make LDR 10 a pop record instead of Americana
  38. 5 likes
    Lana Del Rey x Bo Burnham x Phoebe Bridgers collab confirmed
  39. 5 likes
  40. 5 likes
    It's kind of funny that both of those singles were recorded years ago lol. TMHCR in 2021 and SYTH in 2013. Part of me thinks that Lana's management basically forced/pressured her to release SYTH, because she never acknowledges it in any way. I think the closest she's come is adding that video of the old lady doing a cover to her IG story. I feel like she released it very begrudgingly or under duress because of how popular it was getting on TikTok. My bet is that her label basically told her that at that point all of them were losing money by her not giving it an official release.
  41. 4 likes
    that category is so dumb anyway, barbie made the most money, of course it was going to win?? the eras tour did well but it was obviously not going to win against all those blockbusters.
  42. 4 likes
    the host (i think?) made a joke about the golden globes not needing to show taylor on screen like the NFL does because they have more to show, and she was not impressed. it wasn't really that bad of a joke, but i found it funny that they were trying to point out that they didn't need her to use her for publicity, when they were doing just that. he also supposedly made some bad jokes about the barbie movie that i haven't seen yet
  43. 4 likes
    The Tayvoodoo is going to get him
  44. 4 likes
    These hosts are terrible and I get Taylor only has 1 nomination but why is she all the way up the back she is THE person of the year and that bald man at the start said Oppenheimer and barbie would be competing not even acknowledging Taylor who’s a close competitor
  45. 4 likes
    She just posted a story listening to Bo Burnham.
  46. 4 likes
    Bo Burnham makes me sick sorry Lana
  47. 4 likes
    She's so beautiful that it hurts
  48. 4 likes
    dying at the idea of her switching between a marilyn and dolly wig between songs
  49. 4 likes
    Maybe not during the Grammy but watch her be all over the place if she wins and post about it in the next day
  50. 3 likes
    She's there and wearing green
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