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Showing most liked content on 01/04/2024 in Posts

  1. 28 likes
    Submitted my votes! It was so difficult to choose, I had to think for minutes in each category thinking who should get my vote But I was somehow able to vote and sent my votes! Good luck everyone! First of all, congratulations to everyone who got a nominations, rooting for the potential sweepers - @Mer, @Veinsineon and @Surf Noir - you all deserve to win and sweep, love you so much!!!! Again, I'm very thankful for the 8 nominations and people who nominated me and are voting for me because this means a lot to me and that was definitely something I didn't expect! Thank you for your kindness and warm welcome! I do hope that I WON'T be the sweeper because I know that I don't deserve that... I'm doing some endorsement for some of the sweethearts in LanaBoards! So I'd be very pleased and grateful if you vote for them in any of the categories! PLEASE VOTE FOR THESE DARLINGS! @Surf Noir, @Mer, @Veinsineon, @Elle, @ivory almond, @honeymooncd, @The Sun Also Rises, @Black to Blue, @hotshot2am, @stupidapartmentcomplex, @fishtails, @That Venice Bitch, @ultrabanisters, @NikoGo, @PARADIXO, @lizzyology, @prettywhenimhigh, @HeadBitch, @Psychedelic Pussy, @taco truck, @mssainttropez, @111, @one time beauty queen, @watercolor eyes, @The Siren, @SoftwareUpgrade, @Lanaparadiserey, @mindofyouwithmeTHANKU1moretime and many more who are in the categories!!! They all deserve it!!! Also sorry if I had forgotten someone, because my head gets overwhelmed sometimes. Also shoutout to these legends of LanaBoards, who deserved to be nominated this year too! @Ocean Boulevard, @Ultra Violet, @Deadly Nightshade, @IanadeIrey, @GeminiLanaFan, @nowhereInParticular, @Beautiful Loser, @Venice Peach and many more!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! Best wishes and lots of love!!!!! • @Embach •
  2. 19 likes
    happy birthday to my favorite album of all-time and the greatest album that was ever recorded <3 i will forever and always love and cherish AKA with all of my heart, AKA is just simply perfect to me in so many ways, i will probably never hear another album that i could possibly connect to the way i do with AKA, and i'm totally okay with that because i would never want to love any album more than i love AKA <3 i connect with AKA and the lizzy grant days in so many ways, i couldn't even go into it because i would be here all day if i did! i will love that period of time of her career and the wonderful music from it forever <3
  3. 11 likes
    Sometimes I’m afraid that tagging certain ~problematic~ members for the nominations will summon them back
  4. 11 likes
    I was also re-reading everything and you and @fl0r1dakil0s being the best commentors while the whole thing goes down is fucking sending me
  5. 11 likes
    2 songs pulling +500k streams ohh oceangod blvd https://twitter.com/SpotifyLana/status/1742961143688126480?t=ao07GAxP6lOYCQjchbkZVg&s=19
  6. 11 likes
    Bookmark this girlies - especially those who wait until the last minute to vote and don’t know who to vote for Pinky’s got you like Mary Tyler Moore had Oprah in 1997 A gorl ain’t got time to run thru each category but lemme cover the ones closest to my heart: And there you have it Pinky’s picks for this year God bless!!!
  7. 11 likes
    I woke up and I'm shocked, 8 NOMINATIONS!??!?! I definitely did not deserve that many nominations, I'm so shocked what the hell. Thank you so much for your support, I'm speechless. Thank you so much for your warm welcome, I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. 10 likes
    I was just re-reading the Candy Rae and Quincy incident and I realized I sort of instigated the whole mess by asking the person she was talking about to come forward Most Problematic Member award when
  9. 10 likes
  10. 10 likes
    14 years of this masterpiece I wish she'd show more love to this album "Oh say can you see" and "gramma" changed my brain chemistry
  11. 9 likes
    When candy raye name was inspired by the candyman.. just say it 5 times in the mirror to summon her
  12. 9 likes
    Just want to post the link to where this convo was moved to, in case people want a deliciously scrumptious read:
  13. 9 likes
    Me being nominated even tho i havent been active for a year rent free
  14. 9 likes
    the embach sweep well deserved tho!! congrats to all that got nominated!
  15. 8 likes
    If she ever came back I would not be mentally ready for Candy x Quincy 2 The RE-UP…
  16. 8 likes
    I wish we got some of the AKA outtakes for its birthday, such as Bounce, High, Reflec, Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven, Coconut and Key Lime Pie
  17. 8 likes
  18. 8 likes
    I'm late to realizing my own nomination but omg my first ever nom on LB I"ve been a lurker since the LfL era and it feels so good to be recognized by the iconic members of LanaboardsI do not take this lightly If crowned, I promise to strive for world peace and iconic new usernames throughout the year
  19. 8 likes
    "Did you know a singer can still be looking like a sidepiece at thirty-three?" Lana Del Rey February 14, 2023
  20. 8 likes
    i just need another you know, in this town, an artist really needs alot of space when they’re trying to create something special... level album trailer serve
  21. 8 likes
    Congratulations @Mer @Embach @Veinsineon @Surf Noir @mssainttropezand of course @Elle for your many nominations! You guys are some of my favorite users here
  22. 7 likes
    Happy birthday AKA, you may never have become the whole world's girl, but you're certainly ours One day, maybe I can articulate everything this album means to me, but wow... hearing AKA for the first time felt like coming home, and it's been that and so much more to me over the years. A comfort (a book of hymns?), an escape (my personal motel party!!), and the closest I'll probably ever hear to my own heart and mind being poured out into an album. For someone who grew up in that "dark trailer park life," and dreamt then and now of a bigger, more beautiful existence waiting somewhere out there, AKA says it all. Wild child, starry-eyed junkie, Coney Island Madonna, sick chanteuse and philosopher femme fatale... Lizzy Grant, ur everything
  23. 7 likes
    LTLI and Margaret are both trending on tiktok https://www.billboard.com/charts/tiktok-billboard-top-50/
  24. 7 likes
    lol that white woman line takes real big dick energy to actually sing, i cant imagine any other singer could have sung it and get away with it except Lana I mean, she survived the QFTC era, who is doing it like her? NO ONE. It's camp. Real camp.
  25. 7 likes
    apparently voting closes today in just over five hours at 6pm PT... the moment of truth is near even if it'll be another month before we know
  26. 7 likes
  27. 7 likes
    Sksjdks wait why did no one tell me about this until now the “g” in annoying is also cut off... It’s giving graphic design is my passion xx
  28. 7 likes
    At this point, I only want to know what this damn album will be about so I can stay on topic is it the unreleased collection? Is it an album of brand new songs? The covers?
  29. 7 likes
    candyraye vs. quincy JUST HASSSS to win drama of the year... you just had to be there we were witnessing lanaboards history in that moment
  30. 7 likes
    We need the soundtrack to be released. The people need a Blue Velvet, Young And Beautiful, Once Upon A Dream track
  31. 7 likes
    wait i wish i could vote for multiple people this is kind of hard
  32. 7 likes
    awh thank you embach you undeniably deserve to sweep. thank you for being so sweet
  33. 7 likes
  34. 7 likes
  35. 7 likes
  36. 7 likes
    Thinking about the transition between Judah Smith Interlude → Candy Necklace → Jon Batiste Interlude... I see her vision now, she is a genius. The production is amazing.
  37. 7 likes
    thank you all so much for the nomination this is my first ever omg I'm so honored people thought of me and were entertained by my fanfiction so getting the award would be such an inspiration to keep bringing nobel prize for literature-worthy writings to LB. thank you i submitted my votes, best of luck to everyone !!
  38. 7 likes
    I JUST #VOTED sad i didnt get nomimated for best new member thoanyway hoping for @Embach to win VOTE FOR MY UNPROBLEMAIC FAV QUEENS IN ALL THE CATEGORIES THEY ARE NOMINATED FOR @Strangelove @Veinsineon
  39. 7 likes
  40. 7 likes
    Congratulations everyone for all the nominations!! And thank you all so much for nominating me TWICE! I haven't been on LanaBoards for long and haven't made nearly as much impact as some legendary New Members ( @Embach, looking at you, I'm predicting a clean sweep ), so it means a lot to even be nominated for anything! Anyway I may put up another campaign post later for Best New Member and Big Eyes Award for Best Artist because I have to fight for the things I hold dear (winning an award at the Lipsters), to forget the things I fear (losing at the Lipsters), but until then please vote for me
  41. 7 likes
    i want this album to be about a woman who has 10 children but her husband left her for a man and now she has to take care of them while having 3 jobs while she lives in japan but her parents are from india so she can’t go back so now she is stuck on her own in a small town. it would such a lovely album concept
  42. 7 likes
    I wanna be surprised. I want an album trailer, but surprised-like
  43. 6 likes
    Can’t believe candy raye delivered the drama and isn’t even here to acknowledge the nomination
  44. 6 likes
    Oh thank you. It’s funny how tiktok is like a parallel and powerful world which I certainly don’t belong to
  45. 6 likes
  46. 6 likes
  47. 6 likes
    i had really weird dream today. Lana was the one who release My Love Mine All Mine not Mitski. it was released with mv. there were colourful town, many wooden houses looking kinda like trailers with many outdoor spaces like cafe, casino, spa, shopping mall park, street foods, ice cream house etc. half people in video were drag queens and everyone's vintage outfits were mix of pastel BTD-style clothes with Lana's Gucci campaign, beige country breezy style and English royal fashion in red/violet/green/blue colours. accesories had futuristic vibe and there was two kinds of make up: bright, retro-futuristic or strong 50s. Lana was sitting in a cafe in caramel blonde wig and many scenes were shown where people have fun and having joy from life. there was scene where dark skinned drag queen with platinum bob wig, heartshapped sunglasses and sheer latex leggins was twerking in jacuzzi (literally bare ass was shown). if it was going to be vision to fulfill i'm here for mix of LFL and BTD with AKA and COCC
  48. 6 likes
    Happy 14th to one of the best my favorite albums. Time to spin that record and whip out my aka purse xx My AKA purse ↓
  49. 6 likes
    Happy 14 Years to one of her best albums she should release it on streaming today with some b sides so she could finally release it how she wants
  50. 6 likes
    why be a zodiac killer when you can be a zodiac leaker
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