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Showing most liked content on 06/29/2024 in all areas

  1. 21 likes
    Calm down, some of us will think the song is a bop and perfect for summer, and others will be disappointed and wait for something else. It’s always been like this. People have different opinions.
  2. 20 likes
  3. 19 likes
  4. 19 likes
    ofc she will credit him if he really is involved, she credited him on interlude the trio and mike on ocean blvd
  5. 17 likes
    Tough slander before the song is out Weren't y'all happy that she's doing this kind of sound again and didn't you say before how such a bop it is?
  6. 14 likes
    Jesus Clay needs to get laid and move on. I might be able to help with that.
  7. 13 likes
  8. 11 likes
    mind you we don’t even have the damn song yet calm deown
  9. 10 likes
  10. 10 likes
    The song is available for pre-save in streaming services!
  11. 10 likes
    I feel bad for the people hating on this song like y’all aren’t gonna have a fun sexy farm country aka-47 golden grill golden Chaps lipster summer and that saddens me…
  12. 10 likes
    This has probably been talked about a bunch but can Clay get a hobby? A job, perhaps? Nobody cares that you had any involvement with Tough
  13. 10 likes
    We're having a whole new song less than in a week and we're still talking about leaks, nothing against it but it's just so funny how leak-obsessed we are
  14. 10 likes
    i love that this thread title finally has a release date. our hungry gaping assholes are about to get fed girlies
  15. 10 likes
    The way this isn’t Lana’s song or Quavo’s song, it’s Clay’s song I can’t
  16. 9 likes
    have you even listened to the song like… you can clearly understand quavo’s parts and tough is not at all a rap song. there isn’t even a beat, just drums and guitar. mer, your comment sounds insensitive ngl
  17. 9 likes
    that’s like 3 years in Charli XCX time
  18. 8 likes
  19. 8 likes
  20. 8 likes
    I kinda feel bad for him tbh (and for all of her BF in general since the cop): she wrote songs about the cop for what? Three albums now for sure while she was with Clay… Lana and Clay shot some promo footage for the BB title track, in her LMLYLAW live performances, we can see they had a Christmas ornament of their names together… and yet they ended up their relationship in a weird / limbo state apparently… True, he seems to be grasping at anything to get attention to his own career, but at least they seem on somewhat good terms so she can use what they wrote together for future releases, unlike what had happened with Barrie
  21. 8 likes
    I know that clay is annoying but the way he’s getting dragged on insta? Kinda crazy
  22. 8 likes
    no one really knows... I think he's scared they won't give him a credit so that's why he's talking about it everywhere he can
  23. 8 likes
    My European ass saw the post and was like “7th March?? Wtf are they on about”
  24. 7 likes
    Apple is in such a good position on the album. I love that song so much
  25. 7 likes
    Lol guys I was just playing around! I’m very thankful for the Unfixable etc leak. Can’t wait for Tough personally. It feels like it will be a throwback to old Lana but fresh at the same time.
  26. 7 likes
  27. 7 likes
    Honestly he’s been pretty vague about his involvement, might as well have just been Lana getting this idea at 2AM in his bedroom and making a voice note for the chorus His comment does however make it seem like this song is mostly her idea/work rather than Quavo’s, at least originally
  28. 7 likes
    I think we’d be getting another song from them along the way for Lana’s next project they seem to be very connected in terms of communication, similar to Jon Batiste and it would be the same song exchange type of situation as with Candy Necklace for Ocean and Life Lesson for Radio
  29. 7 likes
    My guess is it's a Ridin situation where Lana's verse/the bridge were pre written possibly in cotcc or blue banisters times with Clayton and then reused and she and quavo wrote the chorus together
  30. 7 likes
    He is so ... Please, he's acting like he wrote and produced the whole song.
  31. 6 likes
    Hi everyone, I'm very excited about the song so I made a single cover, thanks
  32. 6 likes
  33. 6 likes
    All I’m gonna say is that it would be rude and unprofessional for Lana to not credit Clayton even is he’s her ex-boyfriend.
  34. 6 likes
    I'm so bored I need more Brat content, I need some MVs!!!
  35. 6 likes
    I am lowkey not mad about Lasso being allegedly scrapped I wanted an album this year (it may still happen) but I don't mind waiting more if that means a new non-country sound I'm sorry I love all three teased songs but if the album sounds like the new intro I can wait a whole year. I NEED those cinematic drums back. Trap beats and yeehaaw guitars can go
  36. 6 likes
    I don't think it will be a chart hit (and to be honest I have really never cared about charts) but I hope I'm proven wrong. Has Quavo's songs charted? Because I don't think that it will be bigger than Say Yes To Heaven or Love or High By The Beach. Idk, the promo has been weird. But has Quavo charted solo, like without Migos?
  37. 6 likes
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  40. 5 likes
    it could also become a number one hit I think they have nothing to lose if it's not a lasso song
  41. 5 likes
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  43. 5 likes
    i'm really excited for this ,also i've been wondering what kind of promo are they preparing for this song ,because this is possible hit song in a really long time if beign honest. I know Lana is not really interested with promoting material but it would be nice to hear Lana on radio alongside SS
  44. 5 likes
  45. 5 likes
    I feel like this instance might be different. The Migos people on X seem excited and Lana is arguably the biggest and most exposed she’s ever been at the time of this release so this could do well. It’s a crying shame this wasn’t ready and released just before Coachella for the push. It’ll probably do better than SYTH purely because most people were over it by the time it got released, 9 years after the leak.
  46. 5 likes
    I'm honestly shocked at how much better I find 365 to be than its remix now... some may call it growth... others will say I switched like a fag... but like fr tho the PARTYGIRL version is great with the sample but idk its more repetitive and the album version is just so transcendental with its constant evolution and more lyrics like both are incredible A1 tho i feel so blessed to have even heard the PARTYGIRL version
  47. 5 likes
    ok i think quavo said in the caption that it's 4th of july but on the polaroid picture it says 07/03/24 because it will be actually released on third of july but AT MIDNIGHT. so when it's midnight its already fourth of july so i think it'll be released at 4th of july local time
  48. 5 likes
    I don’t like Clayton cause he always seemed like he was kind of using him and Lana’s breakup as a way to get attention and he had an annoying social media presence in general
  49. 5 likes
  50. 4 likes
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