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Showing most liked content on 09/30/2024 in all areas

  1. 31 likes
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    Yesterday, Lana Del Rey and her husband Jeremy Dufrene dined at a restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana. After their meal, Lana stopped to meet some fans who worked at the restaurant. More photos:
  3. 18 likes
    looking like a swamp queen with her $400 thrift shop wedding dress miss people's princess will divorce the alligator swamp shrek in 9 months and move out with Clementine to write another magnum opus motherhood alboom, her ray of light is coming
  4. 17 likes
    The thing is some of you are insulting towards her and that's really WEIRD bc those disgusting ideas/beliefs come from her man, not her. I know that sucks bc she married an asshole like him, but you guys need to stop calling her a "stupid b*tch" and stuff, it's giving misogyny. You can express disappointment but you can't be disrepectful towards her. If this hurts you to the point that you can't help but calling her names, get out of this thread, you have nothing to do here.
  5. 17 likes
    I just don't understand this woman sometimes. She's always been so outspoken against Trump and then randomly a few years ago started hanging around the country bumpkins from the midwest, which was pretty tame as they were certainly more "metropolitan" in terms of their political sensibilities (Nikki, even Sean and Clay) but definitely concerning as that culture can be so politically conservative...but this is just bizarre IMO. How could you MARRY someone with political views that are so morally depraved and different from your own??? I get that we don't know the guy at all or what he does or does not support in terms of Trump's policies, but he still outspokenly supports him (that's not up for interpretation or argument) which speaks volumes. What changed for her to think this is okay??? Like yeah her marriage is none of our business and we should be "happy for her" but it's still incredibly disheartening to see your favorite celebrity who has no past of such vile behavior marry a guy who supports that racist misogynistic fascist. She really let her fans down with this one.
  6. 15 likes
    all of my beaded alligators have congregated and are ready to share their thoughts the orange and red alligator is very disappointed that she has decided to marry him, stating that he finds his support for donald trump and his facebook posts and tiktok likes to be abhorrent, he is very afraid that she will also start to support trump, and will perform one of her songs at his inauguration should he win the election... god bless america - and all of the beautiful alligators in it the red and white alligator believes that everyone is being very overdramatic, oversensitive, and overly-involved, stating that everyone needs to shut the fuck up and just enjoy the music, he was completely overjoyed when he found out that his favorite musician finally found love and got married, and has been playing cinnamon girl, video games, bel air, yayo, yosemite, and sweet on repeat ever since it was revealed that they got married the orange and blue alligator wants to know ALL the tea, he wants the HQ wedding photos, he wants to know who attended, the recipe for the wedding cake, and if any of the dailymail rumors have any truth to them, going out of his way to let me know that he completely understands and sympathizes with her not wanting to keep the old crystals and their energy around the blue and green alligator is only interested in all about ethel and refuses to comment on the wedding
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    I think QFTC and its backlash did more damage than we think. We know Lana’s online and even though she tries to act like she’s above all the criticism we know it gets to her. She’s a hypersensitive person, and if you read between the lines of her output post-QFTC you can tell she felt exiled from the culture. Iirc she said in QFTC her biggest critics were liberal women, so imagine trying for years to be understood by them only to be harshly critiqued time and time again (see Ann Powers’ NPR piece on NFR!, but also critics sabotaging her chances at award recognition, Kim Gordon telling her to k*** herself, etc.). I don’t think it’s a coincidence she left LA for the South and embraced a… let’s say southern mindset! Like you all say, she’s a white woman with very little to lose, why wouldn’t she embrace a world that is less critical and more accepting of the themes she discusses in her music? I totally get why some of you are upset though. But I disconnected from Lana the person post-mesh mask. I knew things were headed down a weird path after that.
  10. 13 likes
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    a few thoughts: whats so crazy about her wanting her things gone from the house? I wouldn't want my bfs ex’s stuff laying around our place. would you? second, i have a few people in my family that have made very questionable relationship decisions. does that mean i have decided to cut them off? no. third, the reason you’re all so upset by this is because you’re far too attached to a famous person. if this is making you irrationally angry or upset, log off and go take a walk outside. if you turned your phone off, this woman would barely exist to you. also, it seems that the ex’s own biological daughter didn’t want anything to do with her. AND the ex literally left her daughter to live in texas bc her relationship with jeremy wasn’t working out. she doesn’t seem like a good person anyway.
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    When September 2024 really means 2024 BCE and Lasso has always been out as the primordial cvntry album that was the fave of the Elamites and all the dynasties of Ur
  14. 12 likes
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    I feel that Lana is about to get cancelled again. But I don't care because nothing can break the bond between me and her art
  16. 12 likes
    It's sort of funny this whole situation (and everything involving celebs), because i'm sure most of you if not all could get immensely judged for decisions you've made in your lives too especially concerning relationships
  17. 12 likes
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    Being registered as independent doesn’t mean shit though. I am registered as independent and I’m a lib (edit: liberal not a libertarian crazy) it is actually smart bc you can vote in whichever primaries you want
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    I know at least 3 people with this song... leaking is imminent. I don't want it to leak but the timeline where it's leaked and Ethel hears it seems kinda like an event idk......
  21. 11 likes
    Funny seeing people bully new artists in the same way Lana was bullied at the start of her career You guys are the ones hanging out on a fan forum for an artist who doesn’t know you exist and Ethel is one of the most promising up and coming artists right now…but her updating her Wiki page is “loser behavior”…ok
  22. 11 likes
    i was in the middle of my final dissertation/thesis and would severely neglect it for the boards.. lana do SOMETHING i need it back
  23. 11 likes
    Pitchfork named "A&W" the best song of 2020s https://pitchfork.com/features/lists-and-guides/the-100-best-songs-of-the-2020s-so-far/
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    Good evening. "Lasso" was a 7 month sociological study conducted by Dufrene University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.
  27. 10 likes
    i'm sorry but sometimes you mods do WAY too much like @Coloringbooks explained... we found out that there was a supposed ethel cain diss-track... so it shouldn't come as a surprise that people would discuss ethel cain and any possible gossip/speculation surrounding her, ESPECIALLY when the stuff that they brought up had to do with her distancing herself from lana, i don't see why the posts needed to be moved, but i know moving posts when they really don't need to be is very commonplace here, so...
  28. 10 likes
    Lana you have 10 hours and 47 minutes Brasília time
  29. 10 likes
    The irony of saying this to then go on and unleash a litany of misogynistic terminology. For far too long gay men have used their relationship with women as an excuse to coin terms like bitch and Hoe for literally no reason. Because you don’t mean it in a violent or necessarily hateful context does not make the perpetuation of such terms any more acceptable. The fact that most of these gay men then say they love women, and spend half their day on the internet commenting on them makes it all the more concerning. You’re not exclusive in this conversation, I have trans friends too, aside from the general transphobic slurs you’re complaining about, they’re also called a bitch, skank, whore etc on top of everything else they’re subject to. My trans friends can’t win. Attacked by words calling them “not a woman”, and then attacked by words designed to dehumanise women. They literally can’t win, and this mindset that is somehow ok to use these words under the guise of flamboyance is helping to project misogyny unto lgbt individuals and they’re biggest ally’s alike. so how’s about taking a step down from your ivory tower, having a good glimpse at the hypocrisy staring back at from your reflection and stop normalising hate speech in all its forms against people, just because you disagree with their life choices. Or is equality -in its truest sense applicable to all and every demographic imaginable - not actually all that important to you?
  30. 10 likes
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    That's a fun thing to say in this context. How are you certain she won't also disappoint you ?
  32. 10 likes
    SO LISTEN… just read the dailymail controversial article and i am not surprised at all by the crystals things, her inviting his kids over to LA… but one thing is making me believe this is all fake. i want it to be fake because u wanna tell me lana is a homewrecker? the same girl who thrashed sean larkin in a chemtrails live performance extra lines one year ago about him „getting married when they were still together”? and now she did something even worse? is she a completely different person than we all thought she is?
  33. 10 likes
    Overexaggerated... It is an Ethel Cain diss track but honestly it's not even close to the level So Legit was Also so much discussion over a relationship that will last a year max
  34. 9 likes
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    I need an actual pre-release era like tunnel blvd one cus that was everythingshe needs to get up and actually start the lasso era which would have me back on lanaboards for 16 hours a day cus that was the life
  36. 9 likes
    You're wayyyy too involved into this... Nobody forced you or your friends to "invest time and spend money and energy on her" (?). Like I'm telling you this for your own good... And no, I don't use "buzz words" out of context, blaming/insulting a woman bc of her man isn't very feminist-friendly. Anyways, you're upset, we can tell, you've been ranting non-stop since this week-end, so there's no point in talking with you. You just want everybody here to feel the same as you do, you just want to be comforted in the decision you are making. I'll keep saying that calling her names looks bad and isn't constructive.
  37. 9 likes
    I feel like the homewrecker accusation is something she would not let slide if it weren't true If nothing is said then I will really wonder tbh It's really hard to give her the benefit of the doubt when the rest of it sounds exactly like her
  38. 9 likes
  39. 9 likes
    I’ve already decided I’m done defending her and have accepted her as my problematic queen so personally I would like to hear All About Ethel
  40. 9 likes
    So anyway Someone leak All About Ethel in retaliation for her marrying grotty swamp man please She deserves
  41. 8 likes
    without speaking too much out of turn and without commenting too much on a personal life i know nothing about, i see a sort of sense of urgency with lana. she may feel that she wants to settle down, marry, have children, etc, as quickly as possible to beat societys (slightly misogynistic) 'biological clock', and thinks that jeremy is the answer to that. whilst we don’t know the ins and outs of how long they have been seeing eachother, it really does seem like an ill thought out marriage in my eyes. then again, i am happy lana is happy, and wish them the best. the suitability of the man, however, is another issue, and i share the sentiments of many other users on here
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    “you’re a family man, but…there’s always a but” i think lana believes that jeremy is a family man - he’s got two daughters, seems down to earth. i doubt she knows about his tiktok/facebook activity. smh. i wonder if she cares at this point, i mean after that one guy got engaged to another woman while they were together, i bet she no longer has a fairytale idea of love.
  45. 8 likes
    FYI there are entire PR agencies devoted to tweaking WikiPedia pages. For a couple hundred bucks, almost every brand/public figure you know can control what is written on WikiPedia. This is hardly a crime.
  46. 8 likes
    It's not about being dense, but if that's the case, Ethel should have provided a citation for the supposed acclaim rather than removing the actual cited interview because she didn't like the publication comparing her to Lana or failing to call her album "one of the best of the year". That's not how Wikipedia works, and I have to agree with @dexter it comes across as embarrassing (and even a little narcissistic). I'm being literal, you're supposed to add a citation when creating a claim like that on Wikipedia - The editor already clocked her. Ethel claimed to have been "Correcting vandalism" by removing Lana's name from her article and inserting self-praise... Like, is it really that serious? I wonder if something happened between them behind the scenes, inspiring the creation of this "All About Ethel" song. Or maybe Lana just caught wind of Ethel disliking her? IDK.
  47. 8 likes
    I think you’re taking some big leaps here. That’s most likely an old registration for one. She’s lived in California for more than a decade now. Saying an independent voter is not a progressive person is jumping to conclusions.
  48. 8 likes
    so we have you, a user with a Newbie member role and less than 100 posts and a very well known user who is also known to be an insider/reveal info and songs that are pretty much always confirmed to be true afterwards... i wonder who's right
  49. 8 likes
    A diss track about Ethel Cain leaking while people are discussing her husband’s transphobic post would be the worst timing.
  50. 8 likes
    Well she full out calls out her name in the song so AKDIGJDFS Astonishing she even made that considering everything she does is bound to leak... unless that was the point Yes
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