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  1. 14 likes
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    When she said "I also have a secret account on LanaBoards... I'm so excited because I think one day someone will leak the Brooklyn Baby demo"
  5. 11 likes
    I was not expecting her to say that National Anthem demo is better than the final o.0
  6. 11 likes
    She's not gonna go off if she doesn't win omg give her more credit. She would very gracefully lose, and would never show any emotion or really speak about it (and yet ppl would still edit her to make her look like she was crying)
  7. 10 likes
    i need ldr10 to have the dreaminess of honeymoon and lfl outtakes
  8. 10 likes
    it's so silly that this thread is already at 207 pages even tho we barely have any info to discuss
  9. 9 likes
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    I just want her to win just because I know it will make her really happy. Other than that,I think Grammys have no meaning or credibility anymore.
  11. 9 likes
    We are not putting that energy out there. We’re speaking life into the situation she deserves to win and she will
  12. 9 likes
    i think we need to stop talking and make ldr10 pinterest moodboards instead
  13. 9 likes
  14. 8 likes
    pink champagne obviously lust for life demo 1 million dollar man demo i also prefer c-note over the final version i absolutely love mermaid motel, but the demo is just incredible
  15. 8 likes
    Thank you guys for my two nominations!!! I'm so happy to be one of the 5 people nominated for Veteran Member @Embach congratulations
  16. 8 likes
    After posting in this thread just before I went to bed I had a stupid dream about Lana at the Grammys lmfao… so here’s some free entertainment for y’all: - The first award (that Lana was nominated for) to be announced was Best Alternative Album and Lana won. When her name was read she stood up with a knowing smile on her face and looked back at someone in the crowd. She was wearing a pink dress in an Asian style with flowers embroidered on it in metallic thread (think the dresses from In The Mood For Love). It was kind of fugly tbh but still cute. Then as she walked up the steps Lana took a handful of paper stars (but a bit bigger, like origami) (from where? idk it’s a dream) and threw them all onto the stage.She stood at the podium for a second, then without saying anything she started doing some weird movements like a modern dance routine, did a cartwheel (uhuh), and then picked up a random paper from the floor. The camera zoomed into the paper stars and we could see each one had a number, the one she picked was #104. She took it to the podium unfolded it and read it, and all it said was something like “#104. Thank you. But I’m not #68 so you’ll never know.” Then she left all the paper stars on the stage and walked off. - Thanks for coming to my TED Talk sjsjjsjs
  17. 8 likes
    I feel like we need a funniest member category. Only having one winner would be so hard, but I can think of a few users who would be in the running, lol x
  18. 8 likes
    She brought out what is EASILY the most interesting and high quality album of the year. It would be so fucked up if she didn’t go home with at least 2 Grammies including for AOTY.
  19. 8 likes
    As someone who is a huge Taylor fan, she shouldn’t win AOTY. She already has so many Grammy’s, and sweeps every time. While I love Midnights, it doesn’t compare to the cinematography and depth of DYKTATUOB. I also am a huge fan of boygenius, the record is amazing, however, Lana has been around for over a decade and her work hasn’t been acknowledged by the Grammy’s. As for Olivia Rodrigo, she has an amazing voice but I don’t like her music. My little sister loves GUTS, so I know every song but again compared to Lana there’s just no competition. Anyways, manifesting for an LDR sweep <3
  20. 7 likes
    Given her experience navigating complex hierarchy and barter systems in prison, I would say that if she were to ever enter her insider era, she'd be the ultimate
  21. 7 likes
    omg when she said that she heard Zodiac and it was the screamo emotional anthem that got her through her prison sentence……. leak it gypsy!!!!
  22. 7 likes
    I absolutely love the instrumental for Summertime Sadness, and that’s why I’m not really worried about Lana going “country” because AKA, Born to Die and Honeymoon both had a lot of western elements even if they weren’t country albums. It’s something Lana has always loved and incorporated into her music.
  23. 7 likes
    i've been thinking about this a lot lately. i can perfectly envision her winning album of the year and walking up on stage while the "don't forget me" part of ocean blvd plays. chills as for the possibility of taylor taking home aoty, i can't say i wouldn't be disappointed. i really like midnights (and am one of the biggest taylor fans on here), but i don't find myself revisiting it nearly as much as i do ocean. i just know this grammy night is going to be one for the books.
  24. 7 likes
    SOTY being about the song writing can play very much in Lana's favor, then I remember NFR song was also nominated and bad guy won, I like the song (bad guy) but the lyrics are mediocre. Either way A&W will take SOTY.
  25. 7 likes
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    "Kintsugi" is definitely winning "Best Dance/Electronic Recording". "Sweet" has the "Best Metal Performance" on the bag. Mark my words.
  27. 6 likes
    Which Lana songs do you prefer the demo(s) or alternative versions of? For me I obviously love the C-Note demo of Hundred Dollar Bill
  28. 6 likes
    c'mon pink champagne for leak of the year!!! submitted my votes best of luck to all the LB angels, can't wait to see y'all on the red carpet
  29. 6 likes
    According to Eclipse, the soundtrack should be out on VDay, so the full track list should be announced before. edit: the first three episodes of the series will be out on Feb 14, with a new episode weekly after that. No idea when Lana’s song will be in the series. It depends how they’ll release the songs : new songs with each episode or a full soundtrack before or at the series’ finale…
  30. 6 likes
    The way that I will literally do this, this is such a great idea. I already have some for the rest of Lana’s albums here <3
  31. 6 likes
    I think she's getting 4/5. She deserves AOTY too but there's a lot of competition in that category The alt awards are basically set and CN has Jon + great song + not that strong competition A&W was insanely praised by critics and SOTY is all about the songwriting so I can see her taking that one too.
  32. 6 likes
    i'm always wait for a rock album or for a lizzy grant inspired album or for a lfl like album
  33. 6 likes
    waiting for @Brightsun and @Kintsugi to come back when she announces the album on February 2nd with the lead single and photoshoot release
  34. 6 likes
    I really thought grandfather would be a HIT, but it turned out to be the song with the least amount of listeners even though it’s one of the album’s highlights same thing happened with HM’s swan song, NFR’s the greatest, cotcc’s DBJAG, and BB’s thunder, I feel like no one’s ever talking about them, even though they’re top 3
  35. 5 likes
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    i really don’t see us getting anything until mid summer at the earliest tbh
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    I’m putting it here now she’s going to win 3 Grammys Since she got nominated I’ve been envisioning her holding 3 on the red carpet afterwards. I want her to win more but that’s my prediction
  41. 5 likes
    midnights is not AOTY material, I liked the album but it doesn't deserve it.
  42. 5 likes
  43. 5 likes
    Didn't wanna be nominated ANYWAY Jk gl everyone Vote for @Lindsay Lohan worst taste I've never known anyone to have such horrendous taste Thinks LMLYLAW is her best song wtf
  44. 5 likes
    we 100% need a funniest member category next year, there's plenty of users who need to be recognized for their funny, crazy, and witty posts
  45. 5 likes
    this puta doing the bare minimal during the voting period is making me so nervous
  46. 5 likes
    What a weird but fucking brilliant album. The cohesion of the production, lyricism, and aesthetics. A visionare
  47. 5 likes
    I’m kinda surprised A&W wasn’t as big of a trend on tiktok. I could easily see people loving the second half on there
  48. 5 likes
    now that its gonna be 10 years since sucker she needs to start performing doing it live... just for me
  49. 5 likes
  50. 5 likes
    I hope she also wins the categories she is not nominated for. I’m expecting at least 7 Grammys
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