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Showing most liked content on 01/08/2024 in all areas

  1. 19 likes
    A few minutes ago, Lana posted a short super-zoomed in clip from her interview she did with MySpace at the Chateau Marmont in December 2011 to her story. The bit she posted is at the 2 minute mark after she sang a bit of Million Dollar Man. She’s so cute -
  2. 15 likes
    One of her 2023 interviews, she said that she can’t believe she’s finally excited for her career after 10 years of her not caring, this would probably explain why she also did all of these photoshoots, interviews, collabs, new website, instagram posts, random singles, and concerts, in just one year. She really seems excited and we love to see it
  3. 13 likes
    seeing that this thread is hot for nothing
  4. 11 likes
    where are the girlies campaigning for the psychedelic trip hop surf rock depression druggie slutty summer bops ? We need more of that and less of yeehaw country ‘murica pls
  5. 11 likes
    I mean is it any wonder she cares, the backlash she got from the music industry at the beginning of career clearly still weighs on her mind as she kept talking about it in last year’s interviews - even if the conversation around her has already shifted I can imagine how finally winning a Grammy could bring that final bit of closure, regardless of whether or not she thinks they’re a true measure of artistic merit at the present time.
  6. 10 likes
  7. 10 likes
    When I say I want Americana I mean I want like 60s Beach Boys drinking sodas on the beach Americana, not yee yee riding on my tractor in my cowboy hat Americana.
  8. 8 likes
    Because it is considered a very prestigious award in the music sphere. Even if to audiences (and even lots of artists) it’s seen as a scam, it’s still something that gives a lot of critical validation to an artist and Lana has made it clear she is excited about it by the posts she made about her nominations and the fact she is campaigning for it.
  9. 7 likes
  10. 6 likes
    all i'm saying is she can celebrate her coachella headline by giving us aka rerelease, b-sides and rarities album with like 200 songs and maybe debut a new song
  11. 6 likes
  12. 5 likes
  13. 5 likes
    Ok this is insane. She is not only climbing up the H of the Hollywood sign and at Coachella leaning on your shoulder, but she is also somehow young and in love AND her peaches are ruined???!
  14. 4 likes
  15. 4 likes
    I want to see her repurpose the line “Hawaiian tea” on the next album
  16. 4 likes
    whenever someone has any ideas and wants to contribute to them someone else's always gonna act like:
  17. 4 likes
    If she released an unreleased album full of outtakes from every era i would never complain about anything ever again, she could release an album of her singing in gibberish with only an otamatone as the instrument and i would buy all the vinyl variants
  18. 4 likes
  19. 4 likes
    Can’t stand features- keep them to one offs please
  20. 4 likes
  21. 4 likes
    her story makes me believe we‘re getting new music soonish but im probably delusional
  22. 4 likes
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  24. 4 likes
    Grammys may suck but we know Lana really wants one and it’s important to her which is why we care
  25. 3 likes
  26. 3 likes
    thinkin about lonely hearts club and how great she is!
  27. 3 likes
    I fucking LOVE that song. It was my anthem when I was 14 good old days
  28. 3 likes
    I agree but in this case it wasn’t her management that was the problem, she was slagging off the song off during its press tour it really deserved to have a moment but she sabotaged it. ——— also I’m really loving how this era she’s not overpromising/teasing lyrics etc, especially with her track record of teasing lyrics/visuals and then scrapping them. it is tedious to wait but at least I don’t feel like I’m being strung along like 2017/2018.
  29. 3 likes
    I’m manifesting with you, 2024 the year I just wanna get high and no cry
  30. 3 likes
  31. 3 likes
    The start of the MV she’s going to drop acid with father John misty and then the rest of the MV is just them both riding the tractor and laughing
  32. 3 likes
    its called being delusional! And I’m going to CONTINUE to be delusional bc ONE OF US has to do the legwork / manifesting for this perfect concept for an album since the rest of y’all hoes are being Stockholm syndrome’d into wanting a yeehaw album!
  33. 3 likes
  34. 3 likes
    I mean fantasizing about Lana's new album is part of the fun of pre-release threads lol nothing bad about it, let us dream
  35. 3 likes
    Didn’t she literally confirm a Robyn collab for the album
  36. 3 likes
    I like it when Charli is the feature. Not the other way around.
  37. 3 likes
    She has mentioned, though, that she "wishes her album has gone as viral as those Waffle pics" Maybe she's just a bit disappointed with the reception from the fans/album sales?
  38. 3 likes
    that song won a grammy, let that sink in
  39. 3 likes
    That would also be a slay! But anything that isn’t psychedelic surf rock trip hop druggie depressing summer slutty anthems is going to be a loss for the culture!
  40. 3 likes
    Born to Die/Honeymoon/NFR (iconic string intros) Ride/Angels Forever/Get Free
  41. 3 likes
    Inspired by Crazy Husband Thief Mine. 1. Every Man Gets His Wish, 1949, Hawaiian Tropic 2. Crazy For You, Come With Me, If I Die Young 3. The Next Best American Record, California, Venice Bitch 4. Old Money, Honeymoon, Heroin
  42. 3 likes
    Google AdSense seeing your comment on a Taylor Swift thread and pushing more Taylor stuff onto your algorithms
  43. 3 likes
    just dropping in to also say the grants just sounds so magnificent, like being submerged in sun, or floating underwater at just the right depth
  44. 3 likes
  45. 3 likes
    Lana related memes are kinda cringe and the jokes get quickly old This one is the best meme tho, my favorite ->
  46. 2 likes
    Rant: After being a fan of hers for YEARS and hearing the music she was working on around the time of being cancelled and following Trouble, she clearly had a "character" to her brand. She's always been about "fake it til you make it" and living lavish when in reality it isn't true. Spoiled, rich, drug user, etc. Did people really think she was THAT delusional to be upset over a guy wearing a suit "copying" her husband? No - she was committed to her character as a "wannabe" rich woman who lives an expensive life, and being a sassy unbothered bitch came along with the bit as well. It was clear fucking satire of her to say "you are dressed exactly like my husband" OBVIOUSLY she knows her husband is not the only man who wears suits, nor was he some huge superstar. She clearly knew that. There's the gag. Why did people take it so seriously? It was harsh, yes, (if you have no sense of humor) but they told her to be. It is a show created by Simon Cowell for god sakes. Think of a WWE heel wrestler - they exaggerate the character to be a bad guy for the hate and reactions. That's all she was doing. We know she doesn't live (most of) the expensive life in her music or how she portrays herself, but she did in her artistic vision. In her mind they were like a Bonnie and Clyde couple delusional of reality and only caring about themselves, their cars, alcohol and drugs. She was ACTING. It backfired, and no one can let it go, but she will always be famous to me. End rant.
  47. 2 likes
    i understand why, but i hate artists who delete their shit like every 2 weeks one of my favs, kelsy karter, does this and it's SO annoying. like girl, i'm just trying to archive shit !!
  48. 2 likes
    Late night thoughts: Just thinking about what it could been if she was on the Priscilla soundtrack, I want to hear you guys opinions. What song would you choose for the movie? A new song would been better? Or an unreleased song. Personally for me I have mixed opinions on this topic. Because I definitely wanted her on the movie soundtrack but I’m having trouble imagining what song would be perfect for it Lanas decision Moving into Lana’s decision im not really sure the reasoning of her declining to make a song for the movie but im surprised she did decline when I watched the Sofia Coppola interview of her saying it was scheduled conflict I was just surprised that was her answer knowing Elvis and Priscillas look was one of her main looks when she was coming up back in 2012. note There’s probably already a discussion about this but I haven’t logged on here in such a long time just wanted to hear more Lana fans outlooks. jimbeam x
  49. 2 likes
    Gaga has the best fake AI songs for real. I have been using this one also
  50. 2 likes
    I voted even though I barely ever post now and I didn't recognise some people, I also missed all the drama, leaks, collabs and everything
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