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Showing most liked content on 03/30/2024 in all areas

  1. 24 likes
    It’s gonna be like that time in 2016 again omfg
  2. 24 likes
    oh i knew i had to wake up early today
  3. 20 likes
    I know most fans don’t love blonde Lana, but I personally LOVE blonde Lana, it fits her so well (which makes sense because it’s her natural color) the album cover was probably shot months ago so I feel like she’ll still have dark hair for Lasso, but I hope she keeps it for Coachella. I’m still hurt by when she dyed her hair that super pretty blonde color, and then dyed it back to dark like 2 weeks later
  4. 18 likes
    Sis said "Let me revive that 2010 24-year-old ambitious bitch from HeadBitch's profile pic". Nicole Nodland, I need a shoot - NOWWWW!!!
  5. 16 likes
    That flop site didn’t even update the music page to put Country Roads in the ‘new music’ section, I highly doubt it means anything. YES, when her official lanadelrey.com site closes that’s suspicious, but they probably didn’t pay the bill or something and that’s why this is password locked pls prove me wrong lana
  6. 15 likes
  7. 14 likes
    the ash-blond/ash brown 2011 Video Games era YALL I AM BREATHLESS IS THIS FOR A MUSIC VIDEO / PHOTOSHOOT/ FESTIVAL LOOK?
  8. 14 likes
    blonde hair, hate train, country music oh its 2020 chemtrails era again
  9. 13 likes
    I for once hope she doesn't have any visuals yet cause I want a full blonde Lana era Chemtrails was close tho
  10. 13 likes
    She is literally the most beautiful woman alive. Can’t believe I’m living at the same time period that she is. We are so lucky you guys
  11. 12 likes
  12. 12 likes
    she will hit coachella stage with that blonde almost red hair from her early career and everyone will be nostalgic and she will be the most famous woman you know on the ipad
  13. 12 likes
    Lizzy grant revival mother looks amazing
  14. 11 likes
    Blonde on the Coachella stage oh lord
  15. 11 likes
  16. 10 likes
    Easyfun altered my brain chemistry with his 365 party girl opener
  17. 10 likes
    Good morning, “SparkleJumpRopeQueen” was a 6 month sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.
  18. 10 likes
  19. 10 likes
    Omfg. It’s giving late 2011 / early 2012 - that reddish blonde shade she had.
  20. 10 likes
    I have a feeling Lana's album will be compared to Beyoncé's album and that's gonna annoy the fuck out of me once it's out. Just bc they're both doing country
  21. 9 likes
    And my blonde hair long You like my pin-up bodice and the solace That comes with the midnight air And my icy stare She’s looking so good and fresh!
  22. 9 likes
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  25. 9 likes
    Just a few months ago I was saying how much I missed blonde Lana... I'm just so happy, she's the most gorgeous woman ever!
  26. 9 likes
    New era has officially begun omfg
  27. 8 likes
    I had a dream I was buying Lasso... The cover was black and white again, but the background was purely white (or very light gray) she looked stunning and the font was red
  28. 8 likes
    Oh see I love little droplets. It keeps the fans fed and doesn’t put pressure on her to follow up with anything big big! The droplets keep it interesting in between album cycles. Plus SYTH was high requested so that’s one less song fans have to ask for and I love country roads so I’d rather get it in droplet from than not get it at all. I do think a festival song would be cute but I think if shes gonna release anything it’ll be the first Lasso single, it’s almost 5 months from the album and that’s usually when she releases the first song (LMYLAW October- COTCC March) (BB/WW/TB May - BB October) idk it feels like first single time is approaching
  29. 8 likes
    it’s not a mistake, and her website being password-protected isn’t necessarily a teaser, but a great indicator. every time her website’s gone password-protected SINCE NFR ERA, we’ve gotten an album announcement (that can be a stretch here tho since it’s only april). PLUS, sparklejumprope has never been password-protected before and the website is already up to date
  30. 8 likes
    UM????? why aren’t we freaking out about this… this is usually an indicator that something’s coming music-wise
  31. 8 likes
    she’s dyed her hair cause she will be the blonde bombshell bond girl on the new 007 movie
  32. 8 likes
    Her hairstylist hinting something special and Lana revealing her blonde hair days later oooo
  33. 8 likes
    She looks more and more like her younger self as the year goes on Gorg as always <3
  34. 8 likes
    I literally thought this morning how lana seems to dye her hair every 4 year… 2012 2016 2020 and now 2024
  35. 8 likes
    if this is getting to yall how did you survive the year long NFR drought, september 5th chemtrails, rock candy sweet, basically anything from the last 5 years she didnt even "announce" this yet by lana standards
  36. 8 likes
    You just know SOPHIE would have so much fun producing / remixing / being around this record. Miss her daily!
  37. 7 likes
    I’ve been lowkey wishing for an auburn hair comeback from here so I am HERE for this
  38. 7 likes
    oh my god how is her hair healthy WOW
  39. 6 likes
    Everything, I get too much anxiety that people won’t like my song choice and I will take it deeply personally if they don’t love it lol
  40. 6 likes
    fun fact: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who's said to play the next Bond, follows her on instagram
  41. 6 likes
    She knows that she’s gonna have to release these Boiler Room edits now, right?
  42. 6 likes
    omg that “back to you” snippet sounds cute as hellllll
  43. 6 likes
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  45. 6 likes
  46. 6 likes
    Yes, I'm ready for blonde Lana too. I wonder if the new blonde hair is indeed signifying a new era.
  47. 6 likes
    ok im definitely not a blonde Lana person but damn she’s straight from 2016 here and I cannot not be here for it
  48. 6 likes
    as much of an insane experience the Boiler Room is, I feel like that if Charli premiered even more songs from the album she would give away a bit too much. we already have many of them and even tho most of them are remixes or edits hearing even more of the isn't quite necessary. tbh I think/hope that the songs she played on Party Girl are going to be the singles of the album wondering about what the Italy song will be recently also Spiralling is so good wtf, and from what I can make out the lyrics are fire as well
  49. 6 likes
    Boiler Room is so fucking crazy. The replays of Spring Breakers I have is INSANE
  50. 6 likes
    is the sparkle jump rope queen page password protected for anyone else?? https://sparklejumpropequeen.os.fan/
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