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Showing most liked content on 09/27/2024 in all areas

  1. 74 likes
    Earlier today, Lana Del Rey celebrated her wedding as she married Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, Louisiana. More photos:
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    Whiplash af I'm fucking SCREAMING the way the fanbase only found out about all of this in the last 24 hours
  7. 30 likes
    Wow... what a cute lil backyard wedding. Perfect for her. Congratulations, my dearest Lana! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness
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    Walk straight, keep your head up Barrie James I'm walking with you Jack Donoghue We won't forget you Francesco Carrozzini Walk straight, keep your head up
  10. 26 likes
    This doesn’t have to be binary, you can be happy for her AND still be wary of the guy’s politcal views. It’s not all black and white all the time
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    If you make an account on a LANA DEL REY FAN SITE you are already exhibiting parasocial behavior. We need to ban this word from here.
  14. 24 likes
    Congratulations To Lana & Jeremy! Shes so Beautiful EDIT: To Jeremy, You better not even Think about hurting her. I, And some crazy people I know Will inflict some serious UltraFuckingViolence.
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    to go from “is he just her security??” last month to a wedding license rumour then 12 hours later we’re getting wedding pics😭
  17. 23 likes
    Yooo wtf? So quick..! Damn… finally she got the life she seemed to want all her life… the life shes been talking abt all her music career… congrats
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    Say whatever about deuxmoi, I know they are just a gossip train- BUT- 2 different people sharing similar stories….. Lana has every right to set boundaries with fans and can of course say no to a picture if she wishes! I have no problem with that. but this is giving “sorry my boyfriend doesn’t let me do that” and it’s CONCERNING. I love her. I’m happy for her. Did Jeremy just share pro Trump videos 10 days ago? Yup. Did he make his TikTok likes private because he liked a bunch of videos of random women dancing around in bikinis or lingerie? I’m sure that’s why he did, after he realized fans were able to see these videos. Does Lana know? I have no idea. But I do know when that cop cheated on her she was pissed for a loooooong time. Maybe she’s okay with him liking thirst traps. But. If she doesn’t know… she deserves to know. That’s all I’m saying. It’s completely okay for us to be HAPPY for her and still be concerned with who she just married. I personally do not want her to end up being heartbroken- she has been through enough. But I already don’t like the way this guy is controlling her when it comes to the fans. That’s up to her and her ONLY in my opinion. again, before anyone comes for me…. I love her and wish her eternal happiness but his actions are cause for some concern.
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    i just hope she's absolutely brimming with love, happiness and excitement, and will be treated right, that's all i really care about in any of this
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    I hate that shes married to a trump supporter, but I fear her getting married in a swamp to an alligator tour guide at the peak of her career is kinda too iconic of a pop culture moment for me to be mad at her…
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    the real winners in this are jeremy’s children imagine you wake up one day and your dad tells you lana del rey will be your step mom
  27. 20 likes
    https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2024/sep/27/maggie-smith-the-magisterial-star-of-harry-potter-and-downton-had-the-courage-and-talent-do-absolutely-everything I am GUTTED. She was such a phenomenal actress. But I'm comforted by the fact that she was able to live such a full and rich life. May she rest easy. Thank you for all the wonderful childhood memories.
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    The age old tale of a successful female artist marrying a piece of trash man that’s way below her league
  30. 20 likes
    also i do find it extremely bothersome that he was caught liking thrist-traps on tiktok very recently i know it sounds terrible to say, but that almost bothers me more than him supporting trump, maybe just because it's just so common for men to act like little sex-pests, and for the most part, they get excused for it like how women are told to expect their boyfriends/husbands to watch porn, despite the fact that they already have beautiful girlfriends and wives... also the porn industry is vile but perhaps i'm getting off-track it just bothers me IDK
  31. 20 likes
    Some of the comments here make me uncomfortable, maybe it’s because I’m a woman, I don’t know. They sound so insensitive. I wouldn’t like it if people discussed my sex life or guess whether I’m pregnant or not. Assuming that she will retire because she’s married sounds like some old-fashioned thought that she’ll become a 50’s tradwife and give up her career. If she decides to write personal lyrics again like we’ve heard in her most recent albums, this chapter in her life will undoubtedly affect her music. But I think it’s wrong to assume she’ll quit music forever, even if she decides to move from LA.
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    I wish I could be happy for her but I'm just so disappointed she decided to marry someone so bigoted I'm really hoping she signed a prenup but also, unless Lana somehow is able to protect her business and keep it solely as her own, them getting married means that any money she makes as "Lana Del Rey" is also his money. There's no way to support Lana without also supporting him I do wonder how their relationship will affect her career in terms of sound, what she writes about, the people she works with, etc.
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    I mean it doesn't mean SHE is but the evidence that her husband is, is mounting and it's difficult to ignore You're only as good as the people you associate with and "husband" is a pretty close association Is she entitled to marry whomever she wants? Yes. Are people entitled to comment and have opinions on it? Also yes. Does she have to give a fuck about our opinions? No. There's nothing parasocial about thinking her choice of husband is bad or whatever, and saying that. It's normal to have an opinion. If you're lying on your bedroom floor crying about it, that's another matter
  36. 19 likes
    Wishing for the demise or her relationship when she's not even been married for 24 hours is weird, no matter what we think of the guy. Let her be happy with her ''problematic'' man, damn.
  37. 19 likes
    my boyfriend sent me one of these photos without context and it was one of the first things i saw when i woke up - when i tell you i had to put my phone down for 20 minutes and readjust because i was convinced i was still half asleep and i dreamt it……. this is so surreal……..
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    I’m too exhausted for this this was NOT the day Lana I literally can’t process this it feels like it’s not real
  40. 19 likes
    HONESTLY wouldn't be shocked if she trotted out a toddler in LA tomorrow and was like "oh yeah he was born last February " NOTHING would shock me at this point I can't believe she got married in an actual swamp that is so iconic
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    I bet this thread will still be alive for two months and it will transform into Lana Del Rey and Jeremy Dufrene Relationship Discussion Thread
  45. 18 likes
    Lol just read a comment on Facebook “God help him. She practices witchcraft and is a liberal feminist.”
  46. 18 likes
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    the way this forum is genuinely incapable of NOT talking about unreleased songs in any ocassion needs to be studied, i fear strangelove had made some points with the unreleased syndrome, when is the harvard study happening
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    I’m so happy for her I love love and she’s wanted this for a very long time, and I hope it’s everything she wants and more! At the end of the day singing is just her job and I’m glad she’s getting what she wants in her personal life
  50. 18 likes
    As a Sweet stan i want to cry right now cuz now she doesnt have to wonder anymore “do you want children? do you wanna marry me?” She found a man who's just all in
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