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Showing most liked content on 11/02/2023 in all areas

  1. 15 likes
    Earlier tonight, Lana Del Rey attended Jen Stith's daughter Lux's 1st birthday party in Los Angeles, California.
  2. 14 likes
    I did not expect to get so emotional. What a beautiful end to their journey together. Bravo, Paul and Ringo. Rest easy, John and George.
  3. 9 likes
    I love finding unreleased songs that feel like the spiritual successors of Lana's released tracks (or vice versa). These are the A-Side and B-Side duos that I always associate with one another: Body Electric / Serene Queen Ride / Angels Forever, Forever Angels Salvatore / Backfire Ultraviolence / Cult Leader There are definitely more that I can't think of right now, but I'd love to hear everyone else thoughts on it
  4. 9 likes
    For anyone who doesn’t know, they attempted to make this song for the Anthology release in the mid-90s. Stemming from an old demo tape from John, at the time, they were unable to isolate John’s voice under the piano, so it was scrapped. After the recent Get Back documentary, which led to new AI technology, they were able to go back and isolate John’s track. The clarity of his voice is really astonishing from the rip. This is a well rounded track and honestly sounds far better than the other two releases from the Anthology series. A very fitting end to the Beatles catalog. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that it was just released today. How many bands can say that they made music together for over 60 years?
  5. 7 likes
    i hate when celebrities undermine their own wealth. idek especially in times like this in America where the wealth gap is rising horrendously it just feels like a cop out-“i have to pay my bills too!” well yes of course, but you have so much more wealth to your name than many other Americans today, a HUGE house (thats going for sale so maybe a downsize) and an established name. it’s not like we’re supporting a small business. she can make more money if she tries hard enough- but Portals will probably not make that happen. P.S who the hell wants that alien creature perfume bottle fr.
  6. 6 likes
    Yep. She constantly goes beyond her means and pushes for the most from her label. That attitude often gets labeled as "determined" and "artistic", but it's really just unrealistic at this point. It's not like Atlantic doesn't back her with millions of dollars for all of her projects, pay for all the videos she insists on making, and go along with her demanding behavior. So she's got plenty of funding- she just doesn't know how to use it. It's ruining her chances at the success she should've had. I really hope in the future she learns to commit to quality over quantity instead of cutting up her ideas to cram into a budget just because she can't compromise. If $6.5M wasn't enough to make K-12 work, I don't even know what she expects out of Portals.
  7. 6 likes
    she turned out to be so different from who she appeared to be back in the day and it's so sad. she got too pretentious about her art, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but girllllllll, you're doing everything wrong! just make your albums, have a normal rollout like every other pop girl and move on. enough with the expensive films, horrendous perfume bottles, overpriced cheap jewerly, nfts... wtf girl. make GOOD music and goooo.
  8. 6 likes
    I started sobbing when I heard this. What an unbelievably beautiful end to their story/legacy, of one of the most iconic and groundbreaking bands in music history. I've always felt that their music was speaking directly to me but this one in particular perfectly described a friendship/relationship that's been heavily interwoven into my life for years now, and along with considering this as the final end to something that has brought me so much joy, this song absolutely broke me. I don't like AI very much, but I am so grateful we are capable of harnessing it in a way that will allow us to unearth and polish beautiful pieces of musicianship like this. I love the Beatles and I love this song <3
  9. 6 likes
    She was only on screen for about 1 second in total but I could clearly see that's 2015 Lana again
  10. 6 likes
  11. 5 likes
    *ahem* It's finally good enough to go live https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1to4ZPK7_FRxtLgvDg3mD5YMSTAOMAFyAXquIjYwz-u8/edit?usp=sharing Formatting remains to be finished but enjoy y'all! Y'all should also have commenting access to help contribute if you'd like!
  12. 5 likes
    teddy bear by melanie has been on repeat for me. omg Cry Baby (Deluxe) has me on something like its hitting so hard rn
  13. 5 likes
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    Not her selling her house, it's beautiful and fits her aesthetic but like girlie..... Maybe it is time to put the stand cards away like the siren said
  16. 4 likes
    Love how we r just moving on from that....okay!
  17. 4 likes
    Melanie should make more songs like this, it's still one of my favourites Her voice just sounds heavenly here especially on the bridge
  18. 4 likes
    all my lovers die (jorge elbrecht mix 234) when
  19. 4 likes
    night time my time (sky's version) incoming
  20. 4 likes
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  22. 4 likes
    There's theories about Gaza being in the way for creating a new canal for trading that the US, France and UK would greatly benefit from. Wouldn't be surprised if that was true, and the whole thing was orchestrated.
  23. 4 likes
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  25. 4 likes
    any new music dropping in the next 4 years is fantasy land befr 😭😭😭 there is NO EP.
  26. 4 likes
    I think what allowed this was Lana pushing into new territory with her lyrics. Something so bold, upfront and even scary could never settle at the level of previous work Jack had done with her. It demanded something deeper and more powerful.
  27. 4 likes
    when people were coming for her saying this was not environmentally friendly and she said the smoke was all cgi and the car used organic paint
  28. 4 likes
    Maybe she should put less effort into being all artsy fartsy and spend more time learning how to manage her finances and investing her money properly. It’s like you can tell she doesn’t know how to market herself anymore. She’s way to stubborn and over ambitious; yet, it’s gotten her nowhere sadly.
  29. 4 likes
    Because Of You / Sad Girl Dragonslayer / Nectar Of The Gods Wayamaya / Wait For Life You & Me / Body Electric
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  32. 4 likes
    I was listening to Stargirl last night and whewwww… if she ever brought out an album with that kind of sound she would literally have the entire world in a chokehold… the vocal effects it’s just superb. No country twang nikki lane shit please!
  33. 3 likes
    Heart to Break is the song i hear the gp gays singing the most. But her most “famous” song is also her feature song Unholy
  34. 3 likes
    what is it with people and this narrative that the vault songs are new? she’s one of the most prolific songwriters of all time. even Lana has hundreds of songs per album we never know/knew about. people always have a clue about what the vault songs are, and this time these songs were known to insiders like eclipse. these songs are definitely tweaked and changed because she can but to think she didn’t have these songs already written as demos or sketches is so weird and a constant “gotcha” that everyone tries to have every album for some reason
  35. 3 likes
    PLEASEEE not art with substance 😭 Just make a pop song girl
  36. 3 likes
    feel very homosexual coming out of the parking lot to "I'm so flawless like my diamonds"
  37. 3 likes
    that was cruel Honeymoon vs Buddy's Rendezvous
  38. 3 likes
    Urban outfitters released a cute vinyl for her EP. It has the shot of her laying half out of the laundry machine as the cover art, and it’s pressed on neon pink vinyl! Ships January and limited to 2000 copies!
  39. 3 likes
    None really come to mind right now, but I love when she says things in early songs that she uses in later songs. For example, she said "Chateau Marmont" in Elvis, and that was used in ottr
  40. 3 likes
    Gods & Monsters and Freak (demo) are sonically quite similar, so I would call them sisters. Honestly Freak (demo) and Serene Queen were kinda the new Gods & Monsters and Body Electric, we deserved but I still prefer the official Freak over the demo
  41. 3 likes
    I've said this before, but Butterflies, Pt. 2 / Cult Leader / Ultraviolence are like triplet songs lyrically with all that dark cult imagery Butterflies, Pt. 2 doesn't really fit sonically since it predates both of the others and is synth-pop masterpiece, but all those songs are really good I think
  42. 3 likes
  43. 3 likes
    i thought her little grandma hoarder apartment/townhouse was so cute, and she seemed really happy there
  44. 3 likes
    It's absolutely heartbreaking and there's fuck all we can do to help It makes me so angry and sad I wrote a letter to my local federal member who happens to be a key member of the Australian govt and I just got this stupid reply about how we're sending $15m worth of aid or some shit (which we can't even get across the border anyway). Clown town
  45. 3 likes
    there’s hardly any tbh the most strongest for me are • Serial Killer/National Anthem • Life Is Still Beautiful/Bel Air • Your Girl/Pretty When You Cry • Crazy for You/Honeymoon (not really a sister track to Honeymoon, more like underdeveloped concept from which Honeymoon was born) • Yosemite/Tomorrow Never Came
  46. 3 likes
    Still can't believe people are doubting the reported death tolls. Every person besides those unidentified or missing is NAMED. There's a list of all of the names published of people who have been killed, with their ages as well. They can count the number of families that have been entirely wiped out. I dare you to scroll through this entire list and tell yourself that you're fine with this many deaths because it is "unintentional". https://www.aljazeera.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/تقرير-نهائي-باسماء-الشهداء-2.pdf That's what I was trying to embed before from instagram- the list narrowed down to only children (under 18). https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy8k3RSgo4D/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== A lot more deaths in the 3-4 days since this was published too.
  47. 3 likes
    Freak / Cult Leader. Not as strongly as Ultraviolence, but it's like Cult Leader took one side and became Ultraviolence (dark), and the other side became Freak (light).
  48. 3 likes
    Heavy Hitter/Go Go Dancer/Hit and Run/Be My Daddy all feel like prototypes of Off to the Races, like that song condensed all of them into one singular song lol
  49. 3 likes
    Wow, BYE lol. She may not literally make millions at once, but she is/was a millionaire, and if she's going into debt that's probably her fault for not making better decisions after Cry Baby(K-12 was a $6M failure) and spending so much money on weird shit. All the clothes, vacations, accessories worth thousands of dollars that she's bought over the past few years cannot have all been gifted to her, and she just made over 18K from her fans on Depop alone. She's not fucking broke. She seems to whine a lot about money though, even when Cry Baby boosted her onto the top charts and made millions when she was just a teenager. I had a lot of respect for her but this era has tanked that entirely.
  50. 3 likes
    oh i'm sorry but i have had enough of the pink monster thing
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