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Showing most liked content on 01/06/2024 in all areas

  1. 13 likes
  2. 8 likes
    This piece of paper must have studied way more than the scrolls from the Old Testament or the Rosetta Stone at this point
  3. 7 likes
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  5. 7 likes
    I wrote this post 6 years ago lol but also the Born To Die modifications in various moments in the song In 2014 I got called out by an anon on Tumblr that I'm taking space away in the LDR hashtag primarly used for long distance relationships
  6. 6 likes
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    GAYLORS FOUND DEAD IN A DITCHHHHHH SUCK IT BITCHES https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/06/business/taylor-swift-new-york-times/index.html
  10. 6 likes
    Is what I would say if this was 1750BC……. But we are in the future love!
  11. 6 likes
    Some of the people who worked on the song did say it's from 2012, though it's possible they misremembered.
  12. 6 likes
  13. 6 likes
    People are taking this case to the extemes and the internet is doing what it does best in being complete animals and have a lack of any humanity. The things I’ve seen regarding her or her husband is sickening and its a cultural phenomenon now so it’s suddenly cool and a meme to say horrible shit. I’m just happy she’s happy, she deserves it.
  14. 6 likes
    Interesting to hear they diagnosed her mother with Munchausen by Proxy and Unreleased Sydrome.
  15. 6 likes
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    When she said "I also have a secret account on LanaBoards... I'm so excited because I think one day someone will leak the Brooklyn Baby demo"
  17. 5 likes
    yes they’ve been dating for more than 4 years now!! She also mentioned before that she likes Lana Exactly my thoughts… considering how successful Lana got in these past years working with Drew and Zack I’ve always wondered why they didn’t “help” Alexandra to find a new label and new manager, but I’m sure it’s her who wants to do everything on her own now and is tired of being associated to other artists all the time
  18. 5 likes
    omg I just saw this screenshot of Alexandra congratulating Drew Erickson and Lana for their grammy noms, apparently Drew and her have been dating for a while! she probably also knows Lana thru him... imagine the collapse if there was a Lana collab on her new album .
  19. 5 likes
    omg I never thought the day would come where she explicitly addressed it like this.. good for her
  20. 5 likes
    That's iconic how every nominee in the Peace Keeper category are mods
  21. 5 likes
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    Lust for life demo 1 Pink Champagne Tnbar and then I don’t know if I like it better, but I always wish Freak’s demo was finished and released as a radio edit, a la west coast getting a radio edit with completely different production
  23. 5 likes
    one thing about Lana is that she's always making music. Non-stop. It's not just a job or a hobby where she has "business days" she lives to write and she writes to live, and she said herself: "I am nota captain I am not a pilot I write I write" - Sportcruiser
  24. 5 likes
    most of btd songs, especially national anthem but apart from that also lust for life and pink champagne angels forever demo and i talk to jesus alternate final are good alternatives
  25. 5 likes
  26. 5 likes
    I was not expecting her to say that National Anthem demo is better than the final o.0
  27. 5 likes
    When you get actually personally offended at mean comments aimed towards her Also when someone is talking about a long distance relationship and they say “LDR” and you just think.. “Lana??”
  28. 4 likes
    the way nobody was talking about the leak and she does it herself... just dumb
  29. 4 likes
    Omg I didn't know that she and Drew are dating, how cute!
  30. 4 likes
    so true it would be great in that sense too! but on second thought I fear she'd never go for it... I get the feeling she's really hesitant about her music being compared to / her success being tied to other people after the whole Alex Turner debacle
  31. 4 likes
    i doubt it but hopefully he’s working on the album or something. Exciting to think it’ll probably once again be sonically very different from her last two albums- and she NEVER disappoints. but yes a lana collab would be iconic! Not to mention it’s just what she needs to be catapulted into the spotlight a bit, given that she already has a marvellous discography and is so criminally underrated
  32. 4 likes
    both HM and LFL demos are incredible, so there's a high chance these are too!
  33. 4 likes
    i think carcase said art deco demo sounds very different from the final ....
  34. 4 likes
    anyways giggling at CNN getting on their high horse and bashing NYT in that article as if they weren’t posting gaylor bait last year… I have the receipts
  35. 4 likes
    Whether the titles are what they seem or not, there’s no guarantee they were ever recorded, or are in circulation. Sure, the paper is cool but I don’t think it correlates to much of anything at all.
  36. 4 likes
    Can someone just end this madness and confirm the few remaining titles? 💀💀💀 @Lindsay Lohan @fl0r1dakil0s @111 @BlackoutZone
  37. 4 likes
    Is there any possibility of these pics existing in higher quality, maybe from the photographer? The way even a tiny quality increase would cause SHOCKWAVES
  38. 4 likes
    https://x.com/spotifylana/status/1743618633002033605?s=46&t=9DAe1og0lBbLa_v4qZjMpA 40th most steamed artist of all time I can’t imagine what her numbers would be if she released her unreleased collection. She seriously needs to drop that ASAP: it would be as iconic and popular as BTD, she wouldn’t even have to promote anything (Say Yes to Heaven is already in her top 20 most streamed songs and she acknowledged it once?).
  39. 4 likes
  40. 4 likes
    It’s completely crazy to think that she has so many projects lined-up that could be out pretty much anytime Interscope can’t keep up with her
  41. 4 likes
    Elvis vs JFK wanted to use that perfect moment to reference Lana's songs
  42. 4 likes
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  44. 4 likes
    I don't know what possessed me to want to write that but I did. #Unhinged2024
  45. 4 likes
  46. 4 likes
    pink champagne obviously lust for life demo 1 million dollar man demo i also prefer c-note over the final version i absolutely love mermaid motel, but the demo is just incredible
  47. 4 likes
    when she announces her roommate's name was lust for life and how they'd talk about their french husband's flaccid body then what
  48. 4 likes
    Given her experience navigating complex hierarchy and barter systems in prison, I would say that if she were to ever enter her insider era, she'd be the ultimate
  49. 3 likes
    it should really have been me who was nominated for peace keeper <3 even though all I do is fan the flames & talk my shit
  50. 3 likes
    2 truths and a lie: 1. I had family at the January 6 insurrection 2. I was once nearly in a plane crash 3. My English teacher would let a friend and I use her car to drive to McDonald's almost every day during school
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