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  1. 15 likes
    on this three year anniversary i will speak my truth. breaking up slowly is not a bad song
  2. 9 likes
    Looooooove when a remix reimagines a song and doesn't just add a verse in. The VD Addison remix is so infectious it's so effortless and catchy. Need an entire remix album actually...
  3. 8 likes
    happy bday to my current fav lana record and pisces QUEEN, luv u 4ever white dress has never stopped giving me chills since the day it came out
  4. 8 likes
  5. 8 likes
    I really think this album would've been better received if the cover art was different.
  6. 8 likes
    I think some people will assume she's just following a trend, but they won't make a big deal about it. I think most people with brains will realize that she kinda pre-dated the "trend" with CoCC and BB in the same year.
  7. 7 likes
    Thinking about the production on Babygirl today… the way it glistens wow
  8. 7 likes
    keep forgetting that not all who wander is a nfr outtake and that’s still just so weird to me
  9. 7 likes
    OMG HELP IT'S COTCC'S 3RD BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I still remember that day, there wasn't a more refreshing feeling that listening to Yosemite for the first time. A true nature adventure album!!!
  10. 6 likes
    For those interested about the early years of her career, we FINALLY got the Gramercy Theatre performance in full! So happy to have another full video of Gold Diggin' Love:
  11. 6 likes
    babygirl is that shimmery summer lounging by the beach bop!
  12. 6 likes
    happy bday chemtrails ur truly the gift that keeps on giving tulsa jesus freak was my absolute favourite on this album for like a year when it was released, then it was title track for a while, had a big moment with dark til just a game and dance till we die, but lately it’s been yosemite all day every day
  13. 6 likes
    my ass KNEW she was gonna post it today I had her insta open and refreshing when it posted neway COVER SLAYS
  14. 5 likes
    That and releasing Let Me Love You Like A Woman as a single killed a lot of the momentum. it’s still one of my fav albums
  15. 5 likes
    happy birthday to the album that gave birth to one of the prettiest melodies in a song… WASHING MY HAIR DOING THE LAUNDRY
  16. 5 likes
    How do we all feel about her going country now that it's being considered a current trend, per se? Does it affect how you feel about Lasso [working title]? Billboard ran an article bout it if anyone missed it https://www.billboard.com/lists/pop-goes-country-crossover-singers/ More to the point, I wonder if it affects how she feels about it. She doesn't generally follow trends, musically, she is more the trend setter, but with Beyonce and others releasing country albums before her, she can't claim that. I wonder if it matters to her. Does it matter to you? Maybe I'm just talking nonsense cos allergy medications
  17. 5 likes
    There are A LOT of "insider" accounts on X and none of them is spilling about Lana... at most they've said we are going to get another The Weeknd X Lana... I need them to spill about LASSO, It doesn't matter if they are lying I need something, a crumb
  18. 5 likes
    Five years in the making…?
  19. 4 likes
  20. 4 likes
  21. 4 likes
    ugh this album is just so calm idk how to explain, and the cover matches the vibe of the songs so perfectly! it’s a shame it got so much hate! happy bday cotcc! yosemite, tjf & wah are top 3 in the album btw
  22. 4 likes
    well Addison go talk about your debut then!!!
  23. 4 likes
    Beyoncé's album cover is just wow... Lana better take notes
  24. 4 likes
    i'm happy she asked lanas opinion for the visuals this era
  25. 4 likes
    I don't think so. She's said herself the industry was going country, so she was well aware of this trend when she announced the album. As per the general public, maybe they'll be tired of the sound when the record comes out, but it's not like Lana needs them either lol
  26. 4 likes
    It doesn’t matter to me, in fact the artists going country prior are actually putting my mind at ease a bit at what country can be.. because I was really concerned about what sound we could get people will likely say she’s following trend but I know she’s not so it doesn’t matter to me what others think.. she gets dragged over something every album cycle anyway!
  27. 4 likes
  28. 4 likes
    THREE YEARS White dress,Tulsa Jesus Freak and cotcc are some of her best songs
  29. 4 likes
    I don’t think it’s necessarily bad per se, but it’s a little more basic than the demo. Idk, there’s something sooo calming about the first Death, it’s somehow a ballad but manages to get u into the spiritual feel and I think it would work great as an opener or a closer. Also I think the uptempo repetitive chorus and rock instrumental doesn’t match the theme of the song. It goes on for a little too long and it gets boring after the second verse, while the demo keeps my interest for longer and puts me in the mood for a fairy like storytelling but that’s just my opinion
  30. 4 likes
  31. 4 likes
  32. 4 likes
    365 being the “EH-EH-X C X” of this album OHHHHHH BITCH
  33. 4 likes
  34. 3 likes
    I genuinely wonder if that is a possibility lmao😭
  35. 3 likes
  36. 3 likes
    Oomf is listening to Charli's discography for the first time ever and they're at the VV/N1A/Pop2 era I would give anything to hear these songs for the first time again
  37. 3 likes
  38. 3 likes
  39. 3 likes
    they are not friends, they appear together at public events because it’s mutually beneficial to both. they’re colleagues and friendly towards each other. in an album that’s very much about reclaiming a genre from white culture and shining a light on obscure/more unknown artists from the country scene, having a taylor swift feature would be tone deaf and a waste of space lol.
  40. 3 likes
    spilled tbh bc it’s not like I didn’t already love this album but ever since I got the alt vinyl with Lana and the wolf on the cover I love it even more
  41. 3 likes
    Oh I fear Lana is losing that cunty country album battle and BADLY This cover eats sooooo hard, I’m so excited to see who the collabs are
  42. 3 likes
    How does it feel to be the prettiest girl in COUNTRY MUSIC
  43. 3 likes
    Nobody gonna sue you for making a kunaki honey. And it’s sky Ferreira we’re talking about here. Would capitol even bay an eye? NO. So why should you!!!! I’m waiting for pretty dull leak before I press my own Masoschism and will legal trouble only becomes a factor when you’re mass producing or making multiple copies in order to sell them. For your personal collection is different.
  44. 3 likes
  45. 3 likes
    I need reoccurring tags all across the record!!!! I wanna dance with Charli’s angels I wanna dance with Charli’s angels I wanna dance with Charli’s angels
  46. 3 likes
    I feel like the closing track will be something like Dance till we die (aka the best song on Cocc)
  47. 3 likes
    lytan followed by henry come on makes so much sense to me (based off what exactly? not much) when lasso is the last track bc it’s all about the stages of leaving a relationship and then being drawn back into the cycle then what
  48. 3 likes
    Botox XCX/BotoXCX confirmed
  49. 3 likes
    She has to be lying right??? Like Naur Sawree means yes????
  50. 3 likes
    her submitting her own blind item to deuxmoi i cannot
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