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Showing most liked content on 11/07/2023 in Posts

  1. 11 likes
    this is the only thread that trends as 'hot' and when you go in, there's nothing actually happening lol
  2. 11 likes
    Cool little momento someone sent me - on this day, she stopped into Sweny’s Pharmacy and left a note in their guestbook that reads “They said to say yes - But I did - and I don’t like how it turned out. Best of luck to those who live in the moment. Love, Elizabeth Woolridge Grant”
  3. 10 likes
    Perhaps reading too much into it, but I wonder if she adopted a personal philosophy to always say “yes” to see what would happen in life even if she felt that she she would have rather said no. I took notice that when she met fans after her show in Wichita 2019, she literally said the word “yes” to everyone. When fans would ask “can we take a selfie” or “can you sign my vinyl” or “can I take a polaroid of you” etc, she always would respond with a smile and a simple “yes” I remember noticing that then and thinking it was interesting how that’s how she would respond. It was very sweet. However, maybe in other things in life, she’s also always responded with “yes” even when she didn’t want to. Perhaps that reason also ties into why she decided to sign her message with her given name rather than LDR. The message also reminds me a bit of her poem LA Who Am I to Love You - “I left my city for San Francisco and I'm writing from the Golden Gate Bridge, but it's not going as I planned. I took a free ride off a billionaire and brought my typewriter and promised myself that I would stay, but it’s just not going the way that I thought“ Either way, I would love another poetry book. I always love reading her thoughts about life, whether about her own or about life at large x
  4. 8 likes
    i am cackling i think it's safe to assume any rights she has to anything she has ever recorded or produced are forfeit. i'm guessing she managed to actually negotiate her way out of her contract? capitol probably just decided it wasn't worth the hassle anymore. the timing of this coming immediately after her ntmt 10 year anniversary silence and ig stories about the industry's incoming crackdown on re-recordings is very interesting to me, this has probably been in the works for a while. maybe the recent shows have been to cover legal fees leak pretty dull to celebrate!
  5. 7 likes
    This is absolutely not how it works. She would have to negotiate the rights specifically when attempting to be released from her contract. Labels retain rights to all music produced under their auspices as a part of almost all recording contracts. There's a significant chance she is leaving with almost none of the music produced in the last ten years.
  6. 7 likes
  7. 7 likes
  8. 6 likes
    Honestly I feel like it's very bad for her and for us. We won't hear about her and the tracks she worked on will forever be vaulted. She's 100% too lazy to try and book shows or interviews herself. I don't know if Capitol was still doing basic advertizing for her, but I imagine they did because she doesn't seem like the type to care about that. Like, if she was still late to sing even though it's her passion, I don't see her picking up her phone ever again to attend another MET gala. I can't imagine another major label signing her after her Capitol days. Even if she's in the right, Capitol will probably end her reputation among their peers. Indie labels have little to no money and we know she wants better budgets. So...? I hope I'm wrong but I'm pretty pessimistic about her situation and Masochism existence for now.
  9. 6 likes
    So now if all the music she recorded since NTMT can't be released officially and they're vaulted via Capitol, This means that she has to record new material & release them independently (or) via a new label? Which would take another 3+ years. Yeah it's over She's not doing that. rihtired.
  10. 6 likes
    she’s not listed as an artist on capitol’s website anymore… Night Time, My Time (Sky’s Version) is alive and breathing
  11. 6 likes
    A little more context as to why she may have chosen to write that - while at Sweny’s, she viewed a James Joyce reading of Ulysses. The last line of the book features a repetition of the word “yes” and perhaps the constant saying of “yes” resonated with her, inspiring her message x
  12. 5 likes
    2024's going to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb
  13. 5 likes
    Just leak the fkng music already like it’s beyond over. If she was dropped she will fight for “her” music and “hard work” for the next 10 years and try fundraising the money for her masters. It’s OVER OVER.
  14. 5 likes
    she hasn’t done that since Red TV and I wanna know WHY. Why was Red TV the only album to get a true “audiophile” pressing, to the extent that it plays at 45rpm?!?
  15. 5 likes
    “They said to say yes- but I did- and I don’t like how it turned out” girl wtf does this mean no unreleased album?
  16. 5 likes
    The Grants, Tunnel, Sweet, Candy Necklace, Kintsugi and Fingertips all still give me goosebumps every time I listen it's CRAZYYY how she did that
  17. 4 likes
    Y’all need to give it up y’all ain’t EVER getting anything from her except maybe some gay will leak pretty dull eventually. That’s it. Move on w ur lives
  18. 4 likes
    we were so back but now we are so over again
  19. 4 likes
    Her website is still online when you visit it over http, http://www.skyferreira.com – only the SSL certificate is incorrectly setup.
  20. 4 likes
    https://www.skyferreira.com/ her webpage is down too
  21. 4 likes
    they better lock those mp3s up
  22. 4 likes
    Pretty dull and I will log out 5 ever.
  23. 4 likes
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  25. 4 likes
    her signing her full name got me in my feels for some reason
  26. 4 likes
    Please can Lana put the piano down for ldr10 sry but I miss uv-nfr sound
  27. 4 likes
  28. 4 likes
    I found out that Cigarettes After Sex band commented "🖤" under her latest Instagram post! I need a collab!
  29. 4 likes
    but if she was invited for the 2023 alabama rodeo fair with its renowned hot dog eating contest she'd be there by tomorrow
  30. 3 likes
    Huuun, ok. I stand corrected! I have no idea how labels really work, so thanks for the info. I would've argued that she probably let that to management then, but I'm not sure I understand: if she complained she had to do stuff her label was supposed to do, but said stuff isn't the label's but management's... Does it mean she doesn't have a (real) manager? Or does she have as much clue as me about what labels are supposed to do? We'll never know the truth behind Sky and Capitol's beef, but just from that, it seems there's a misunderstanding or a lack of knowledge on Sky's part? If labels don't do that shit and she doesn't have management, it's normal they are asking HER to do that, right? So she can't really accuse her labels of not doing... what they're not supposed to do? Not saying she's a liar but I'd find that wild she knows as much as me considering she's been in the business for years. I do remember she said that (having to do stuff she didn't think was her job) but frankly, I'm past believing her. Sky's never been the most reliable source. Also, I'm not forgetting (ironically) that Don't Forget video she shelved herself. Girlie thinks promo isn't her job but she fires the editor to do his work? Just to never release that shit? I get not liking the editor's vision but... just do the fucking work you gave to yourself then?? This is part of the many inconsistencies that makes me believe in the perfectionnist-excuse-actual-lazy-ass explanation. I'd love to believe her but she's the reason I have trust issues. Sorry for the long rant but I'm genuinely so confused about all of that. And tired. I only want Pretty Dull to finally move on from her and that hell of a thread.
  31. 3 likes
  32. 3 likes
    The note above hers is from a fan named Abdi who signed it as Abdi Del Rey a month after Lana signed her note. His IG is abdaddy x
  33. 3 likes
    Happy birthday BWET (9 years how) always loved this album
  34. 3 likes
  35. 3 likes
    when it turns out to be just a website bug oh yall would be so over
  36. 3 likes
  37. 3 likes
    I see what you mean... but my brain always associates it w the (fake) Karma album, so I find it kinda cool!
  38. 3 likes
    i *love* the orange pressing- would sell a kidney for that! tbh, i really don't mind the color she presses in it- as long as it's not a picture disc
  39. 3 likes
    Maybe? I don’t quite remember but it would look crazy as a 1080p video with a portion of it being painfully LQ Unless her team went back and rerendered it cause I’m sure the actual footage is archived in HD
  40. 3 likes
    papercut is one of her worst songs we truly dodged a bullet there but yes eraser is very good and deserved a spot
  41. 3 likes
    Kill Kill has a perfect arrangement but could do so much with different production, so I'd love that. I Talk To Jesus doesn't yet have a perfect arrangement or production, and is one of my favourite songs ever. A produced Cry Kill Die would be magical. Pink Champagne is perfect but needs to be properly mastered. Never Let Me Go properly produced and mastered would be great.
  42. 3 likes
  43. 3 likes
  44. 3 likes
    Tbh I wish she just pulled a track from her vault because I was kinda expecting her to do that anyways
  45. 3 likes
  46. 3 likes
    It's produced by Tame Impala and Danny L Harle according to Genius it's gonna be so good yall
  47. 3 likes
  48. 3 likes
    Yep. Don’t get me wrong, he’s capable of the occasional banger that really NAILS Lana’s sound (Peppers, A&W, FIILY, TG, DBJAG etc) but for the most part his stuff is getting boring. I think it’s a Lana issue though, she’s leaning more towards stripped back / piano stuff which is hard to make it sound really lovely and lush. i would actually do anything for her to work with Auerbach again. I really do not have any hope left in me anymore that she could ever make another album with such a cohesive, beautiful, all around gorgeous sound, lyricism, production, vocals- everything. But that’s the dream
  49. 3 likes
    petition for ldr10 to be titled Surf Noir and have songs like: 1. Taco Truck 2. Blue Jeans surf version 3. Kill Kill 4. Wayamaya 5. West Coast 6. Fuck It I love you 7. Venice Bitch 8. Ending of Peppers the Noir can come from zodiac too basically a combo of lizzy grant and norman with a dash of ultraviolence…would love this so much
  50. 3 likes
    I disagree with statement. Tomorrow Never Came Ridin' Lust for Life Prisoner Hollywood Bowl Snow on the Beach Let the Light in Groupie Love Summer Bummer Candy Necklace Maybe you don't like any of these, but there's an album worth of good music in there.
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