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Showing most liked content on 09/21/2020 in Posts

  1. 9 likes
    in 2010 she was giving trailer park prostitute, now she's giving trailer park MADAME. i love a glow up.
  2. 8 likes
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  5. 7 likes
    the style of eyeliner she has on where it’s only on her bottom lash line then wings out looks so good on her she should do it more often
  6. 6 likes
    Maybe this belongs to the unpolular opinion thread but since it's kind of an answer to your question here I go: No matter how much the tickets cost, it's too much for what she has been delivering (or rather not delivering) in the past 2 years. So regarding that I'd say they're too expensive for what you get at the moment. Of course that decision is completely up to you though. I'd readily pay for a show as they were from BTD to Honeymoon but everything that came after that was just not worth it to me.
  7. 6 likes
    what foot fetish site is she making bank from
  8. 5 likes
    I’ve listen to Hope million times today. Its so haunting and personal. I always forget that it’s on NFR cause it seems like a “winter” song to me since it was released in January. I get why Jack said it’s one his favorites.
  9. 5 likes
    i mean, have you ever been in the charli thread for more than 15 seconds?? back when most of the fan favorite songs were unleaked people would literally just talk about that and nothing else! it may be annoying but it's not the end of the world. at least we know there's people who still care for her since this thread it's always so dead. and btw ignoring a post on an internet forum isn't that hard... lol leak wdbcf (and every other song)
  10. 5 likes
    Here's the video of Lana singing 'I Can See Cleary Now' on her Instagram story. I always associate this song with that Claritin commercial lol x
  11. 5 likes
    Maybe I'm the only one but I'm totally in love with this classic American bimbo/Cher Horowitz-esque character she's been serving this era
  12. 5 likes
    If Lana never outgrew her pop phase she really could’ve had Lady Gaga on the ropes in 2011
  13. 5 likes
    The blonde looks so pretty now that it’s more finished
  14. 5 likes
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    I don't know if anybody needs this, but I made an EP with her performance at the iHeartRadio festival. Here you go! https://mega.nz/folder/lmw3UK5R#ZKt3-ewMk04SChGGCYQ7UQ
  18. 4 likes
    K-12 wasn’t good so I’m not particularly excited for its leftovers if they’re even poorer quality than that. Hope her next album is more similar to Crybaby
  19. 4 likes
    Can she give us a fucking release date for this EP already
  20. 4 likes
  21. 4 likes
    Link to a masterpost of l*aked Milene Cyrington songs? After that Heart of Glass performance I decided I have to stan.
  22. 4 likes
    the little sax in venice's so comforting. still remember the early morning rise n shine quality strings of the title track. this album's a time capsule. and we know how Lana's music's gonna age real well, but I think this one's gonna be an easy favorite for the listeners in the future.
  23. 4 likes
  24. 4 likes
    She looks so beautiful The blonde is amazing !!!
  25. 4 likes
    she looks SOOOO beautiful i love my flannel queen.
  26. 4 likes
  27. 4 likes
    She literally looks like 2010 Lana wtf she's too pretty
  28. 4 likes
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    Some people jump from one relationship to the next, others prefer a gap in between. We all have our ways to cope, so as long as it's healthy it's none of our business.
  30. 3 likes
    That iHeart Radio performance is sooo good. Heart of Glass and Who Owns My Heart >>>
  31. 3 likes
    Agree!! Hope is very haunting, feels so personal and intimate Love to listen to Hope on night walks in the winter it fits the atmosphere so well!!
  32. 3 likes
    remember when i was actually excited for her sophomore album to come out.... a reckless time anyways, did she fucking finally released the extra EP/complement for K-12? its been months
  33. 3 likes
    OMG Queen is coming back with a new single sooner than we thought
  34. 3 likes
    Cus she dated a racist beauty thief
  35. 3 likes
    I’m really not a fan of her house/drag-queen-style music (and by that I mean those typical drag queen type songs where it’s just a heavy beat and a masculine voice talk-singing)
  36. 3 likes
    This is from an acting up/singing competition for celebs that is broadcast here in Italy and it's actually the second time a pic from this show has been used by accident
  37. 3 likes
  38. 3 likes
    She did that all the time from 2012-14 and it was her best look ever, I'm glad she rediscovered it
  39. 3 likes
    I can't even get mad because she looks so good
  40. 3 likes
  41. 3 likes
    Those “Notice me, Tarantino.” vibes, though.
  42. 3 likes
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  44. 3 likes
    new interview says that her next album is coming soon!! the way she's dropping music so fast has me excited
  45. 3 likes
  46. 3 likes
    i'm gonna need you to explain why you have that many camila CD's...
  47. 3 likes
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  49. 3 likes
    Happy Birthday to the best song of the album aka Venice Bitch Love this song so much Even though it's almost 10 minutes it doesn't feel like 10 minutes ..for me it's still feels to short and that's when you know that the song is fucking good !! Some moments feel like crashing waves and I love that Still remember when I listened Venice Bitch last year at the sea with my feet in the water....it was one of the best & most beautiful moments in my life and it was somehow magical
  50. 3 likes
    She's seriously needs to go back to "and the diamonds" or just add her real last name. "Marina" alone is so blah.
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