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Showing most liked content on 11/19/2023 in Posts

  1. 19 likes
    Any concert on a day that surpasses 40 degrees should be cancelled tbh, the fact that it was FIFTY degrees and went ahead is incredibly reckless & shows a complete disregard from *ALL* parties for the health and safety of the concertgoers. Even in a venue where there is air conditioning etc, as soon as you put thousands of people in a mosh pit crammed together it raises the temperature in the mosh by a considerable amount. and to whoever it was who said “ummm ackshually I heard there WAS water!!!!” get out of here with that victim blaming bs. Even if there WAS water, YOU tell me how someone is supposed to turn around and wade through hundreds and hundreds of rows of tightly packed people to get outside of the pit and go get water ? It’s literally almost impossible, especially if you’re near the front of the pit. NO concert should be occurring in such intense heat. Period.
  2. 12 likes
    Why did this thread turn gross ew. Ana’s death was 100% preventable and unnecessary. If an organizer is going to force a show to be carried out in high heat and humidity, it is there responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone, including performers, staff, and attendees. There are rumors that Taylor and her team attempted to postpone the show, but were threatened with hefty lawsuits by the organizer (and why it took so long to postpone Saturday’s show). If this is true, I hope the organizers are sued.
  3. 12 likes
    What a tragic situation.. may Ana rest in peace. This is really saddening to me as a frequent concert goer. I’ve even passed out at a concert before due to heat exhaustion/dehydration in the pit. Ever since then, I always make sure to have water with me when I attend a concert. I‘ll call beforehand to ask if venues permit attendees to bring in a sealed water bottle, but if they don’t, I’ll sneak one in. I’ve snuck in mini water bottles in my purse, full size water bottles wrapped in a jacket, and I’ve even snuck in Capri Sun pouches in my bra lol. There’s only been one time I’ve had my contraband water confiscated because I didn’t conceal it very well, but I was pleading with them to let me take it in anyway because I get really dehydrated, so as a compromise the guard told me he’d personally bring me a water once I got inside & he actually did. I take hydration very seriously. This is something that could’ve definitely been prevented, and I hope venues rethink their water policy after this. Though in this situation the weather in the area was extreme, no matter what it still gets so hot inside general admission venues with the crowd all pressed together. I feel like in every general admission concert I’ve attended, I’ve seen multiple people pass out due to dehydration. At both the Kali Uchis & LDR Alabama concerts I attended this year, people were fainting before the show even began. Even if venues sell water inside, it’s usually very overpriced & general admission attendees may not want to give up their spot. I feel that all venues should allow attendees to bring in a sealed bottle of water. I really hope serious change sparks because of this x
  4. 11 likes
    I saw online people saying it was as hot as 62 Celsius in there, and that the grass was covered with a metallic flooring ? What the fuck. And they had flames and shit pumping out for effects… like this sounds like taylor did a show in the pits of hell, I cannot fathom how much that crowd must’ve suffered. Really fucking horrible.
  5. 9 likes
    You are … wrong on both of these counts. “Compared to the west” should not be a quantifier when it comes to determining what a developed nation is. Brazil is the most developed country in South America. Trying to compare it to “the west” (Brazil is the West, btw lol) as an undeveloped nation makes u come off as uneducated or insensitive or whatever. People die from heat related events in the US often enough for it to be an issue. Doesn’t matter if it’s at a music festival or not, but it is absolutely “something that would happen here”
  6. 9 likes
    anyways yes she’s a billionaire and yes, she is most definitely a businesswoman, but a greedy cash grab? and in context, you’re talking about these eras tour shows being a “cash grab”. i don’t even care if you like taylor but that’s actually insane to call shows that are 3 hours long with huge production a cash grab. also, of course she has a conscience??that’s why she’s cancelled shows (that people fly from all over the world to see, btw). for the safety of her fans and everyone else on stage. that’s why she was throwing water to people while performing. and honestly read the room when talking about people dying and getting sick because of the heat and bringing up that jet thing again. she rents out that jet anyways, so putting all the blame on her is just incorrect.
  7. 9 likes
    she deleted everything MARINA because Marina & The Diamonds is coming back baby i wish
  8. 9 likes
    so what could y’all have been yapping about 174 pages??
  9. 9 likes
    Taylor reacted correctly with her letter, I don't think she's to blame for the tragedy
  10. 8 likes
    2 years ago 10 people died at a travis scott concert that was held in your country, please and the main reason was the same one: greedy big companies so let's fucking not
  11. 7 likes
    I'm kinda really anxious about her new music because...while the visuals for Ancient were fun and cool, I wasn't feeling the political topics and the same old oompah-oompah sounds she has been doing for million years and considering the current political climate then I don't really know what to expect. I wasn't a really big fan of her poems too. Maybe she's taking a break from social media like she did before L+F era too, but maybe a less dramatic one?
  12. 7 likes
    Yeah they need to make decisions based on charts like this. 35 degrees and 70% humidity will feel like 50 degrees. Then with the crowd (more heat), lack of water, just an absolute disaster. I hope everyone in hospital is okay, and so awful that one person did pass away.
  13. 6 likes
    even she was struggling, there are videos of her hyperventilating and her body Red due to the heat
  14. 6 likes
    omg this year is the most she's ever interacted with aka right? using lizzy videos on concert, posting the myspace photos and liking this video also sound checking for k pt 2
  15. 6 likes
    Lana liked Gramma Version 6 video on Instagram posted by a fanpage. Let's get delusional again https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzzP6J3tZby/?igshid=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ== Just found out that it's @southbeachswing's video! Congratulations!
  16. 6 likes
    look at the top left corner of the cover of DYKTTATUOB and ya’ll will have your answer period!
  17. 6 likes
    it’s so annoying because y’all DAMN WELL KNOW that btd, paradise, uv, hm, lfl, nfr, cocc, bb, and dykttatuob are her official albums. clearly this is what is counted when it’s said that lana has 9 albums. violet is not considered part of her discography no matter what lana says, it’s not even on spotify. aka is literally fucking unreleased. why are we playing dumb…. edit: by discography i mean if we’re talking official musical albums. think about it, no one rlly includes violet in their album rankings, because it’s a spoken word album not music.
  18. 6 likes
  19. 5 likes
    It’s cute but A&W is career defining and deserved it. Also she should’ve submitted LTLI for Grammy Pop Duo instead of CN imo
  20. 5 likes
    well, in that case, venues should be providing water for free, i'm sure they make plenty of money from the concert tickets, merch sales, etc. i think they should be able to provide a basic necessity, water, for no charge, especially if it can be life or death on hot days
  21. 5 likes
    if she sung anything more “political” i would hope it’s something she connects to herself in the same vein as girls, sex yeah!, or can’t pin me down in the sense that i feel she’s a better writer when it comes to self reflection and her own personal experiences to something political/societal than when she’s trying to make a broader statement on a subject with some current world topics thrown in
  22. 5 likes
    Fly high Ana Also someone said "why is she posting her statements in 1989 aesthetic have some respect", dude it's literally her handwriting how about YOU have some respect and not make the situation about damn handwriting when someone has DIED. This is incredibly upsetting, rip Ana. And i hope everyone else recovers quickly. Also why were they not allowed water to begin with? Everyone knows you should have water as an essential to concerts and festivals etc etc. Oh ur totally right
  23. 5 likes
    fans are trying to get a law to obligate organization of events (musical, cultural, etc) to offer water to the crowd, even a federal deputy is supporting this. i do feel this will make a change - and ii really hope T4F gets sued. a girl died and they put thousands other in danger this cannot pass by
  24. 5 likes
    Wow this is horrible. Could this result in a lawsuit? I can’t imagine being outside in that temperature let alone surrounded by thousands of other’s body heat and no water??? It’s unbelievable that only one person died. Praying for her family and the people in the hospital
  25. 5 likes
    finally someone said it! the government of rio is being very reckless and irresponsible to allow any events of the sort to happen under such intense heat. i saw people saying that the airflow of the stadium was also being partially blocked that night, some said it was to prevent filming from the outside. whoever was responsible for this decision should be arrested, no regard whatsoever for the audience wellbeing.
  26. 5 likes
    I get what some of you are saying by this, and postponing was 100% right. HOWEVER, it should’ve been done way sooner. I’m sure people were waiting under the sun all day, and now that they’re inside, the announcement comes.
  27. 4 likes
    as someone who lives in rio for over 10 years now I can easily say that we've been having the WORST heat wave EVER this past week. I've endured pretty hellish summers over here, but I don't remember suffering SO MUCH as we did the past couple of days. yesterday was the hottest day of the year, like it was doing around 42°C/107,6°F and they still wanted the concert to happen, they made thousands of people wait at the stadium until the very last minute to postpone it, which is just outrageous. I almost fainted yesterday bc I unfortunately had to leave the house to run errands and had to be at a place that had no AC. people had to give me a chair and cold water so I could bring myself together and fight against my body fainting, I can't imagine being at a hot ass stadium surrounded by thousands of people with no access to cold water, so another tragedy could've easily happened. changes are being made now but unfortunately someone had to die so these changes could be made, which is just revolting and a slap in the face. climate change is VERY real and things are only gonna get worse from now on. no event should be held at extreme temperatures and water should be treated as the BASIC HUMAN RIGHT that it is, charging for water in such conditions should be a crime. rest in paradise, ana 🌹 such a young beautiful girl with her whole life ahead. I can't imagine what her family is going through right now, but I hope they'll have strength to sue T4F's ass, what they did to their daughter and the rest of the fans was criminal as for today, we woke up with a heavy rain and the temperatures are MUCH better. it's 3pm now and it's doing around 27°C/80,6°F outside, a huge relief.
  28. 4 likes
    This is good, should have done it sooner before more people got in the venue but atleast it’s happening now. Artists and managements need to be more thorough with their tours in regards to local venues- no full transparency= no concert. TRAVIS should have been the end of this with major artists.
  29. 4 likes
    everything is so wrong with this one. no sleep + no food + no water + heat + anxiety
  30. 4 likes
    violet is not even an album she's just silly like that 😭 it's an audiobook at best!
  31. 4 likes
    okay so now that there’s a UV-era photo officially attached to this song, can they update the single cover on streaming orrrrr!
  32. 3 likes
    This and the Seoul Halloween crowd crush make me really, really scared to be in crowds. It’s just not worth it :/ it feels like it’s just getting worse and more and more companies seem to just care about profit over safety
  33. 3 likes
    New album is a solid 9 can’t believe she produced and wrote this all herself, such talent.
  34. 3 likes
  35. 3 likes
    i already shared my feelings in the ts thread but i feel there's something being largely left out of this narrative: it is easy for us to sit back and judge the aftermath. it is easy to pick apart the situation once we have all of the details. i absolutely feel that accountability needs to be taken on all sides, but please stop acting like it was anyone's intentions for a person to die. artists have to jump through hoops to postpone or cancel a show, especially when in stadiums. there are contracts to be taken into consideration. the stadium and taylor's team probably thought it would be a tough day that they'd just have to power through, and we see now that was not the case. i am still shocked about the loss of ana, and i hope this ensures new measures will be taken to protect fans at concerts in the future (FREE WATER!!!!!) and of course temperature regulations. i'm not trying to make excuses, just including perspective on why some decisions weren't made in time.
  36. 3 likes
  37. 3 likes
  38. 3 likes
    Whether or not people want jack antanoff on this album again, the annual scare for a country album, and complaints about piano ballads
  39. 3 likes
    we are not delusional, we are realists
  40. 3 likes
    I just know that the album will sound exactly like the last 3 did
  41. 3 likes
    spoken word album with accompanying poetry book incoming! (this is a joke and I hope it stays that way)
  42. 3 likes
    the way we will literally never escape from the discography numbering discourse omfg free us
  43. 3 likes
    youd be screaming 'you know you like little girls' at the top of your lungs if jack produced it
  44. 3 likes
    This is really sad. This girl was at the happiest moment of her life. The news are quite chaotic over here. Brazil is experiencing high temperatures this last week and is insane that the organization of the show (T4F) did not prepared for this. Lots of people passing out from heat and thirst
  45. 3 likes
    this shit is so scary to me, I immediately thought of Lana's show this year where some kind of fucked up domino effect happened in the pit. Thing's get crazy in there. I hope Taylor and the fan's who witnessed and were impacted are okay, heart-breaking news
  46. 3 likes
  47. 3 likes
    She must find it amusing fans have archived this and regularly post about it. When it was just nothing to her really.
  48. 2 likes
    same thing in Italy, every concert I’ve been to they would always give free water to the front rows and even sprayed us with water when it was too hot + in larger venues/festivals there are always sellers passing by in the crowd with water/beer (it’s overpriced but at least you can drink) what’s more shocking to me is that if I understood right they even closed the air vents so people could not watch from outside??? This is just inhumane
  49. 2 likes
  50. 2 likes
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