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  1. 13 likes
  2. 12 likes
    I do know that lana wanted to release California, Yosemite, BAR, Silverlake, Gucci and a few others a few months after LFL being released. I guess she met Jack and gave up.
  3. 11 likes
    Fuck shit are we actually going to talk about beyoncé now in this thread? Look i love beyoncé and her music but let's just stop making this thread into a competition and bloodbath. We haven't even heard lasso yet. And the jack antonoff yada yada's again
  4. 10 likes
    Idk how people can even complain about this being too country. It’s bombastic, Americana, folk, and at times even wiTChY. It’s everything I want from a pop star going “country”
  5. 10 likes
    This fanbase is cuckoo, still talking about Scammys after two fiascos.
  6. 10 likes
    Beyoncé’s album made me so much more excited for lasso. Love cowboy carter, and I’m super hype to hear Lana’s take on country. I still think we’ll get LDRX info around/after Coachella
  7. 9 likes
  8. 9 likes
    Ok but Cowboy Carter actually got me more excited for Lasso Seeing Beyonce's take on country got me interested to see how Lana will take on the genre I also highly agree on what Embach said. We should stop making it into a competition and stop pinning 2 talented, successful women against each other
  9. 9 likes
    watching the set and oh my god that person who keeps putting the flash in ag’s and charli’s face is so annoying
  10. 9 likes
    Expecting this album to win AOTY at the grammys in the first place after she lost every single one of her noms for NFR and Ocean Blvd is wild. Like, it's just not gonna happen. Beyoncé is not her competition
  11. 8 likes
    And if I said A.G. had the weakest set of the night???
  12. 8 likes
    Been listening on repeat since it dropped. This album's amazing. I like some country music but I'm not a huuuge country fan so I really wasn't expecting to like this album as much as I do. I was also so pleasantly surprised with the rock elements on this album and how much variation it has. Picking my fav songs is hard but the ones that come to mind right now are Ameriican Requiem (what an intro) Aliigator Tears (the melody's so smooth), Daughter (the production, the lyrics, the storytelling, the opera part??? hello?), Ya Ya (she was insane for this) and Bodyguard. The Miley and Post Malone collabs were so unexpected (especially the Miley collab, seeing her name on a Beyoncé album is wild) but both songs are sooo good. Levii's Jeans kinda reminds me of Beautiful by Mariah and Miguel, in the best way possible. Overall, I really love this album. I can't really compare it to Renaissance since it's so different, but that's def a good thing. She's showing her versatility with this 3 act project.
  13. 8 likes
    cowboy carter already featured a lot of soft rock sounds so i believe act III will be an even more comfortable spot for her, specially considering her past experimentations within the rock genre
  14. 8 likes
    i wanna dance to ME is so fucking iconic, yes diva
  15. 8 likes
    Country is a very encompassing genre. There are subgenres within it. I don’t think Lana’s approach will be anything like Beyoncé’s: the former will most likely follow the Tammy Wynette/Loretta Lynn/Patsy Cline/Crystal Gayle country route while Beyoncé opted for something different.
  16. 7 likes
    You just know SOPHIE would have so much fun producing / remixing / being around this record. Miss her daily!
  17. 7 likes
    Really moved by Ameriican Requiem, My Rose, Daughter, Aliigator Tears, Ya Ya, and II Hands II Heaven. Beyoncé and country are two facets of the music world that I don’t really dive into, but this was fun and impactful. It was a little too long and I probably won’t listen to the whole thing again for some time, the aforementioned songs are amazing. Even though it will be a different project/vibe, this has me excited for Lasso!
  18. 7 likes
    It makes no sense to compare Lana and Beyoncé when they are completely different artists. Shut up and just enjoy the music.
  19. 6 likes
  20. 6 likes
    Whenever I open this thread w/o anything happening in it the nectar of the gods intro plays in my mind
  21. 6 likes
    The longer I wait without any news aside from country roads and Henry come awn snippet, the more worried I become that the album will be just silent with Lana and a guitar and a choir. Although I know I have no reason to worry for that.
  22. 6 likes
    Judging by the snippet, I don't think Henry is anything like a 'banger', just an above average Lana song that sets the mood for the album. I think it will be more like her last singles, like Suburban House, Hollywood Bowl or maybe White Dress. Nothing chart-worthy, but still worth listening to.
  23. 6 likes
    Overall loved the album, the country radio show format was super cute and contributed a lot to the atmosphere and the vibe. This album surprisingly clicked more than Renaissance for me and I will absolutely be streaming it repeatedly. These tracks stood out for me: American Requiem Blackbird (metronome irritates me tho 👀) 16 Carriages Protector Bodyguard Texas Hold Em (didn’t like the single but enjoyed it more in context) Daughter Spaghetti Most Wanted Levi’s Jeans Flamenco Ya Ya (mostly great but hate the yayayayaya chorus it’s too Bang Bang by Jessie J and I absolutely hate that song 🙄) Hands Heaven Sweet Honey Buckin Amen Toss up between Daughter and Spaghetti for my top track but overall super well done Beyoncé I’m so impressed
  24. 6 likes
    the studio in Sydney was Studios 301 and she recorded Burning Desire there. Idk what the other 2 songs were https://studios301.com/releases/burning-desire/
  25. 6 likes
  26. 6 likes
    when i visit lana's homepage and find a teaser for boom like that
  27. 5 likes
    Someone in a discord server I’m in has received theirs already! Here’s the first look of the Zip Up Hoodie with the Bow print sleeves and the Bow hair clip:
  28. 5 likes
    The track people are calling Spiraling is IN.SANEEEE….
  29. 5 likes
    On my second listen and Beyoncé was right about this not being a country album. I really liked how she blended multiple genres and made it work for the most part. I don’t really like the covers though especially the changes she made to Jolene and the album goes on for too long. However it is still a great album with a lot of standout tracks.
  30. 5 likes
    I don’t think roses bloom for you was ever considered for the tracklist. @Lindsay Lohan probably knows way better than I regarding LFL era.
  31. 5 likes
    I love this album…as a longtime Beyonce fan it is so gratifying to hear her continue to put out interesting music, push herself artistically, and continue to deliver killer vocal performances…an icon’s icon. Bass in Bodyguard sending me straight to heaven every time!!! And wish A Rose were full length it’s soooo good
  32. 5 likes
    she committed to the country aesthetic giving us tumbleweeds and dust
  33. 5 likes
    I think it’s pure speculation since Renaissance. If the acts truly are Beyoncé’s attempt to “reclaim” black music genres (another speculation), I think that makes sense. Maybe it’d feel a bit cosplay-y and performative but I think she can pull it off, people criticized her for doing dancehall and embracing queerness in Renaissance but I think she pulled everything off perfectly.
  34. 5 likes
    There’s a review somewhere that reflects my feelings better than I can: “ There’s no question that Cowboy Carter is a landmark record. Arguably, an inevitable one. But once the dust of its audacity settles, it misses the mark of a classic”. I think it lacks some trimming and I’m still iffy on some of its politics and angles, namely the Jolene lyric changes to a version that’s thematically so pick-me and women blaming, but overall it’s a fun experience. It’s just not interesting enough to bear repeated listens, to me at least. It’s not a coincidence that my favorite tracks are the ones that experiment with genre bending and clashing (Sweet Honey Buckin’, Spaghetti, Tyrant) while everytime Beyoncé dabbles with traditional country, it feels often phony. Already looking forward for Act III and all of its rock n’roll extravaganza, which I feel is better suited for a billionaire musician as opposed to a genre so rooted in rural and working class (and yes, black!) culture - something that Beyoncé can’t quite emulate without bordering on temporary cosplay.
  35. 5 likes
    Not to hate on him (truly appreciate some of his work), but Grammys arent any proof of his qualities as a producer. I'd say every non-Jack-produced Lana album has better production than the ones he's done, and none of them got any Grammy recognition either.
  36. 5 likes
    Loved Cowboy Carter and I’m more sure than ever I’m gonna love Lasso
  37. 5 likes
    Indeed! 💯!!! Sadly for her, she’ll be inevitably compared to Beyoncé for her album, she needs a big song as the lead.
  38. 5 likes
    Not unpopular at all! Ain't nobody want a quiet understated track as the first single. And to anyone who does - just look at how "well" Blue Banisters (the song) did. You're welcome. We need Ride level of oomph, or West Coast. OR, if it's gonna be a ballad, we need Taylor doing backup vocals. Facts.
  39. 5 likes
    Spiraling sounds so fucking incredible oh my fucking GOD. Sorry but easyfun ate them other boys up
  40. 5 likes
    such a fun, hard hitting set! was half drunk and vibing from my bedroom and had a blast. brat is gonna be HUGE (for us)
  41. 5 likes
    you cant rly make this argument when jack has just won producer of the year at the grammys and has produced folklore and nfr, which are both praised for their insanely good productions
  42. 5 likes
    can spotify introduce lossless quality of songs finally?
  43. 5 likes
  44. 4 likes
    Yeah, AG wasn't even bad, everyone else was just THAT good. Easyfun murked the hell out of those decks it was soo crazy!!!
  45. 4 likes
    Unconfirmed the apple party girl / it’s like Spring breakers i think about it all the time closer kiss kiss goodbye girl$ Make you mine Confirmed Mean Girls Spiralling Glrl Von Dutch So I
  46. 4 likes
    Her Poosay just couldn’t help herself
  47. 4 likes
    Bey0nce has nothing to contribute besides vocals. And when I say vocals, I mean literally just the voice. Not even the singing melody because most of the time she’s just karaokeing to someone else’s pre-made demo. “the best producers/songwriters in the industry” yeah, because she NEEDS it. She HAS to work with a whole village of people. The undermining of L4na’s contribution is crazy. Regardless of who’s L4na is working with, it’s still going to come out sounding the exact same because she’s fully in charged of her art: aesthetics/music/sound. You all seem to forget J4ck’s own music is actually very upbeat and poppy. His work with L4na is nothing of the sort. Ocean Blvd sounds nothing like Bleacher’s music. Also, please listen to “Henry, Come On”. And now listen to Lvkr L4ird’s music. Lvke is very much a radio friendly producer (even more so than J4ck). He loves radio and make country music suited for radio. He makes radio hits. I listen to a few podcasts about him. They can not stop talking about hits, charts, and radio. He also said he wants to make a good song first. But listening to him talk about the process of his music, it’s clear that the frame work and the main goal of his songwriting is still very much what sounds good on the radio. Very likely, UMG pushed L4na to work with Lvkr La!rd to make more upbeat radio hits. And “Henry, Come On” is the result which once again is not radio friendly at all. She turned a hit making bop producer to make another slow song. It’s giving Hip-Hop producer M!ke De4n’s Wildflower Wildfire teas.
  48. 4 likes
    Oh the Miley collab is absolutely gorg…..such a wholesome moment I love it
  49. 4 likes
    im loving this... currently on Levii's Jeans and I love the record so far my only thing is this 27 songs is way too long (in my opinion) but at the same time if lana did a 27 song/interludes album id be super shook; so im happy for the Beehive also like how Post Malone made the lil lyrical reference to Renaissance ... really is a major trio album of work she's putting out im amazed opening track, Ameriican Requiem, has been my favorite so far YA-YA is my new favorite.... wtf so so good, the melding of genres and surf vibe, and the lyrical content ... genius
  50. 4 likes
    why are we concerned about another artist's album and what it could hypothetically mean for the grammy's or whatever she has over 50 million listeners on spotify, and is arguably more famous than ever before in her career... she'll be fine
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