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Showing most liked content on 03/31/2024 in all areas

  1. 31 likes
    I have a feeling this book is going to be VERY expensive and EXTREMELY limited😭
  2. 28 likes
    Neil Krug's story! Photo book announcement next week https://www.instagram.com/stories/neilkrug/3336032771197238926?igsh=MWl5amw4dnR0NHZ5ZA==
  3. 25 likes
    People you can't believe how important this is, we might actually get Honeymoon photoshoot outtakes this is THE merch, most important one!!!
  4. 21 likes
    Lana is absolutely a croquette. Her style is very much aligned with being a fried ball of potatoes and filling like vegetables. I have never seen her eat a croquette, but I have reason to believe, with several facts and evidence that I have been meticulously collecting over the past half decade, that she would eat one or had one at some point.
  5. 16 likes
    Lose the Grammys ✅ Go blonde ✅ Release a cover ✅ (Summertime / Country Roads) Question for the Culture [pending] 👉 Country album release
  6. 15 likes
    Unpopular opinion, but I actually think she's adopted the "coquette" aesthetic more now than she did during BTD/UV. I think the Skims shoot, her 2024 Grammy's look, and some of her more recent aesthetics are more coquette than anything we got from the Wes Anderson-like BTD era and the Cali Cool UV era.
  7. 15 likes
    Don’t care how much it is I need this for my coffee table
  8. 15 likes
    only real bitches got it the first time
  9. 15 likes
    I have never understood why people don't like the blonde hair I mean she looks good with dark hair too but yeah
  10. 14 likes
    not until very recently when she started to play into the aesthetic, i honestly never understood why people associate her with that aesthetic because she never matched that style, in fact, throughout her career, her aesthetic often changed, born to die felt very americana and opulent, while honeymoon felt slightly tropical, floral, perhaps inspired by europe, lust for life felt more futuristic and hippie, COTCC was clearly inspired by the south and the midwest, you get the picture it especially annoys me how they bring lizzy grant into it since she had such a strong aesthetic which was so unique and nothing really like the coquette aesthetic, it was also very 2000s and not in the modern-day interpretation of the 2000s, like genuine 2000s which people have quite the inaccurate view of, like, how do people see photos of her hanging around in peak 2000s fashion and damaged, bleached hair by trailers and consider it coquette? and i'm not saying her photoshoots aren't nice or artistic or beautiful because they most certainly are and i just hate how misinterpreted and misrepresented that time of her career is it doesn't help that some of the coquette people are the very annoying and gross whisper app pinterest type
  11. 14 likes
    Lana is absolutely not coquette. The whole "Lana is coquette" thing is just a huge mislabeling of her unique aesthetic
  12. 14 likes
    Girlies I have the password Now we only have to wait for them to change something
  13. 12 likes
    how about we stop feeling the need to make new styles/aesthetics and trying to pigeonhole ourselves and other people into them and just exist as unique individuals who like and feel inspired by their own things coquette cottagecore twilightcore barbiecore e-girl soft girl coconut girl fairycore goblincore balletcore shutthefuckupandgetajobcore
  14. 11 likes
    if this turns out to be really expensive i won’t be mad, he deserves the recognition
  15. 11 likes
    Calling my accountant immediately cancel my retirement fund I have more important purchases!!!
  16. 11 likes
    I will fight everyone to the death if it is a limited release - even though I have little knowledge of what photos Neil took
  17. 10 likes
    The fact that Lana wasn’t coquette until ocean came out in 2023 tells me all I need to know. She wasn’t coquette until it was popular, and now it’s her brand. It makes no sense to me tbh
  18. 10 likes
    Depression is cancelled maybe that’s why the website needs a code right now…..
  19. 9 likes
    and it completely dismisses what her art stands for
  20. 9 likes
    back then he liked a post of mine begging him to give us more of the honeymoon photoshoot so i still have hope there will be some outtakes
  21. 9 likes
    I'm expecting someone to scan the new pictures and upload them in hq Manifesting Honeymoon outtakes
  22. 9 likes
  23. 9 likes
    In my mind the book can’t be THAT expensive coz Sofia Coppola’s archive was hugggeeeee and that was £55. Neil’s book can’t be more than that surely
  24. 9 likes
    Yeah it's most likely to be that way. Neil has done many projects throughout his career + considering there is a page of UV there with description, I honestly won't be surprised if Lana has like 10 pages only.
  25. 9 likes
    ahh yess!! i need to stop spending my money but this book is a need!!
  26. 9 likes
    I genuinely can’t stand this new generation of TikTok Lana fans that literally lie about the most random shit and then all of the comments just believe it with no question. The amount of posts like this I’ve seen ranging from fan accounts (who became fans in 2020+) making up stuff like collabs, song titles, what outtakes are from what album, and now… when pap shots are from…. actual brainrot. And yes, all 900+ of those comments are believing it, with maybe only a handful correcting them.
  27. 8 likes
    We only missing new poetry book announcement/release
  28. 8 likes
    I think it's going to be mainly Lana and his landscape style pictures. He said that he was saving her outtakes for the book back in September (?) so we'll probably get a lot of Lana pictures regardless of theme (the released ones + the outtakes). I wonder if he'll add other artists (like Weyes last album) or not considering he worked with Lana for like 5 or 6 different albums and each one has various photoshoots. He could fill a whole book just with Lana and his own solo work of course.
  29. 8 likes
    It’d be stupid of him to not add photos aside from Lana in the book, he’s so talented and has some really great ones. I’d love to own this but I’ll most likely pass because I don’t think I’ll afford it… and even if I do, I’d rather save that money on a trip to see my brother later this year.
  30. 8 likes
  31. 8 likes
    Imagine if her hair is red again Either early 2016 red or late 2011 ginger aaaaaaa
  32. 8 likes
    So… I have this new job in Portugal’s only totally public media channel and I specially work in one of the channel’s sub-channel that exclusively transmits content and projects directly tied with scenic arts: concerts, operas, etc etc. This summer our channel finally got the rights to have backstage access and be able to produce interviews and original formats and concepts in Primavera Sound… where Lana is performing 😭 not only do I have full backstage access but I also will be able to talk with her/perhaps do a little interview of sorts!!! I still can’t process this and I need y’all help to prepare good questions so I don’t repeat whatever that girl from the Blue Banisters IG live did when she had permission from Lana to ask anything and she asked if she said “whore” in Pretty When You Cry
  33. 8 likes
    Blonde Lana = Lizzy Grant, that post-AOTY loss in 2020, pandemic, recording insta stories while driving recklessly, Chemtrails creation, QFTC… whenever she gets blonde, herstory is made
  34. 7 likes
    Let’s see what it means to be coquette, a definition, if there is one. According to Merriam-Webster, coquette is a noun (person, place, thing, idea), described as “a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men”. Wikipedia (a wonderful source, I know!) informs us that coquette as an aesthetic has been “characterized as both a way to relive and express creativity through childhood fantasies, and a way to ‘fully escape into...femininity without feeling guilty about it,’ while ultimately being "self-aware and playful”. Wiki also notes that it’s a way for strong women to give in to their feminine side, feel delicate and innocent, and not feel like being an empowered woman makes them more masculine. And, of course, I have to look up what Aesthetics Wiki has to say about coquettes. This page is the first to mention that girls and young women who saw themselves as nymphets eventually evolved into coquettes, because the association with Nabokov’s novel Lolita lead to various websites/social media pages to ban accounts and posts with the word “nymph”. Aesthetics Wiki describes coquette as a “hyper-feminine aesthetic that incorporate elements of youth and teenage girlhood”, and points out that it’s not focused on sexuality in the same way/at all as the nymphet aesthetic. Now, let’s see how much of Lana we can fit into the coquette aesthetic. Lana has a well-known song called Lolita, and I think we can all agree that 1949 took inspiration from the book as well. I can’t think of any of her songs, except for maybe Get drunk and one or two break-up songs, where she does not seem to have at least a little affection towards her romantic partner. She does, however, know that she’s smarter than them, that she sees them through, and is aware that she can and might move on from them, as in Norman Fucking Rockwell, for example. But I do think she still feels something for the guy in that song. However, I guess she does line up with Merriam-Webster’s definition in the lyrics of A&W, because she doesn’t seem genuinely interested in any of the men she mentions in the song, and seem to even be aware that she can easily get another “Jimmy” even if she acts crazy to him. I think Lana enjoys being feminine, as we’ve seen for many years, even before her big breakthrough. Long nails, big hair, flirty lashes, beautiful dresses. I don’t know if she uses that to “escape” into her femininity as Wikipedia describes it though, I think she simply is a glamorous person. She seem interested in womanhood though and embracing her femininity and empowerment, remember her reading Women Who Run with the Wolves? She reminisces her childhood, teenage and young adult years in several of her songs, like Gramma, This is what makes us girls, White Dress etc, so she does incorporate images of youth into her music, and seem to have been for a while, too, perhaps even more in recent years. Lana has always been feminine but I’d say she’s been truly hyper feminine during Born to die and Ocean Blvd eras, with her old Hollywood styled hair and bedroom pictures. When it comes to things associated to the aesthetic, from what I’ve seen online, like the color pink and white, frills, lace, bows… I don’t know, Lana isn’t a stranger to bows or vintage lace, but I haven’t really seen her pick pink or frills when she dresses for herself. I think her classic white dresses for live performances were intentional picks. I think she might like the aesthetic though, with the bow merch, bows printed on merch, plastic cherry cake jewelry boxes etc. So is Lana coquette? Slightly, maybe, there seem to be some elements aligning, but I don’t see her dressing as one or necessarily living by the… can I call them rules? I don’t really like that she’s associated with the aesthetic, I feel like so much of her music and who she is just is ignored, but I guess I can see why she is associated with it. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
  35. 7 likes
    There's "coquette" (a fake and gay psyop), and then there's Pabst blue ribbon sparkler trailer miss America jump rope heaven palm tree brite lights Nevada gas station sequins carry me off the stage purple wig for my mermaid video
  36. 7 likes
    Personally what bothers me about people who call her coquette are the ones who reduce her into an aesthetic. while she has created her own style, idc if she is or isn’t coquette, she’s more than just an aesthetic
  37. 7 likes
    These images absolutely can fit into the "coquette" definition: Albeit with her own unique twist - but the lace, bows, hyperfeminity can be squarely classified as "coquette"
  38. 7 likes
    ik yall twinkies will sell it out in seconds. let me put some money aside rn
  39. 7 likes
    I’m a huge collector of photo books and they can get extremely expensive sometimes. I’m guessing this is going to be a larger collection of his past work so I’m expecting anywhere from $50-200
  40. 7 likes
  41. 7 likes
    Blonde Lana always hits different. She looks amazing.
  42. 6 likes
    I feel like ppl are just triggered bc they want to be haters of cute little things, and they hate "locals" relating to Lana in some form. It's Easter, let the deepness and darkness go a bit and have some fun with a pretty little aesthetics Lana isn’t “above” the coquette aesthetic
  43. 6 likes
    so exciting, finally! i doubt it will be too limited, lana is a hugely popular artist and it would serve him well to sell as many copies as possible. price wise i'm guessing between 75-120, which is typical for hardcover artist monographs.
  44. 6 likes
    i’m assuming over 100 at least, since it’s an outtakes book and not a refined collection i expect it to be long. i just got sofia coppola archive a few months ago which was 65 though and pretty hefty, so i’ve no idea on how the pricing for this stuff goes
  45. 6 likes
  46. 6 likes
  47. 6 likes
  48. 6 likes
    This is everything to me To all of us!! 💕 Thank goodness I just paid off my credit card
  49. 6 likes
    YESSS IM SO HAPPYYYY Looking at the pic it seems hardcover with a green sage cover, do we know if it's going to be only Lana pics or others projects too? (which I'm fine with either, cause i love so much his style)
  50. 6 likes
    my mental health was so bad in 2023 I only recently returned to most of the internet perched for lasso, babes
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